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1,500km Babur II under Development, also SL Babur progress.

Are they launched from missile silos or torpedo tubes?

they hv vertical launchers....
What would be the longest range cruise missile in active service in the world? When you answer that .. you will answer this thread as well..
tomahawak 2500km

AGM-86g ALCM 2400km

AGM-129 ACM 3700+km

Kh-55 (missile family) 3000+km

RK-55 3000km

DH-10 4000km

What would be the longest range cruise missile in active service in the world? When you answer that .. you will answer this thread as well..
tomahawak 2500km

AGM-86g ALCM 2400km

AGM-129 ACM 3700+km

Kh-55 (missile family) 3000+km

RK-55 3000km

DH-10 4000km
But brother, are you referring to some new rumor/news you have heard around or are just praying/hoping?
No official word yet,but looks plausible as the range can be improved by better engine and better fuel...
It might sound disappointing to some members but as per my own experience with this forum and other green forum ...85% things turn out to be mere rumors ....No offense to any of the senior respected people but most of the things they reveal are either taken from some blog/news that may not be seen by many people or is either their own patriotism that makes them to exaggerate things....only 15% of them are true ...i hope so it is among those 15%

There are two things

1- If the military doesnot want to reveal anything to general public there is no way someone can come out and talk about the thing on a public platform or else he is going to face the bad consequences of that and no one in his right sense will love a defence forum over his respect, credibility, job, salary and benefits

2- If the military wants to reveal something they simply do through media ...no need to involve a single person to randomly visit some defence forums and inform the fanboys

Its similar to what happened with jf-17 block-2 hoax ,everyone talked about it like crazy ...everyone was talking about the upgrades and production date with so much assurety but nothing much happened...so we should be careful about it...
It might sound disappointing to some members but as per my own experience with this forum and other green forum ...85% things turn out to be mere rumors ....No offense to any of the senior respected people but most of the things they reveal are either taken from some blog/news that may not be seen by many people or are either their own patriotism that makes them to exaggerate things....only 15% of them are true ...i hope so it is among those 15%

There are two things

1- If the military doesnot want to reveal anything general public there is no way someone can come out and talk about the thing or else he is going to face the bad consequences of that and no one in his right sense will love a defence forum over his respect, credibility, job, salary and benefits

2- If the military wants to reveal something they simply do through media ...no need to involve a single person to randomly visit some defence forums and inform the fanboys

Its similar to what hppened with jf-17 block-2 hoax ,everyone talked about it like crazy ...everyone was talking about the upgrades and production date with so much assurety but nothing much happened...so we should be careful about it...
Two things..
Possibility and requirement..
Sometimes possibility is there but requirement isn't...
I cannot comment on JF-17,i will leave it to somebody else..
But About Babur the possibility of using two simple things..using a better engine and better fuel..Both available off the shelf at very affordable cost...
These two improvements can significantly increase missile's range..
Is there a need at this moment in time to do that? We wont know.
But can this be done? Definitely yes.

About Armed forces no reveling their tweaks and improvements..The neighbors are rich and well supported from around the world..Intimidating them unnecessarily by shouting it out on media wont do good to us.
Then there is the matter of terrorism and international opposition to Pakistan's weapons programs..
PAF showed off the exact numbers and capabilities of their AWACS and they came under attack..Its logical that they are now very cautious in releasing any details about what weapons they have and where...
Two things..
Possibility and requirement..
Sometimes possibility is there but requirement isn't...
I cannot comment on JF-17,i will leave it to somebody else..
But About Babur the possibility of using two simple things..using a better engine and better fuel..Both available off the shelf at very affordable cost...
These two improvements can significantly increase missile's range..
Is there a need at this moment in time to do that? We wont know.
But can this be done? Definitely yes.

About Armed forces no reveling their tweaks and improvements..The neighbors are rich and well supported from around the world..Intimidating them unnecessarily by shouting it out on media wont do good to us.
Then there is the matter of terrorism and international opposition to Pakistan's weapons programs..
PAF showed off the exact numbers and capabilities of their AWACS and they came under attack..Its logical that they are now very cautious in releasing any details about what weapons they have and where...

Possibility of such thing can't be ruled out agreed, coz any rational person can know that if we can make such range of missiles we can also improve them ...but the point is assuming the development and specs is one thing but talking about that some one knows about the exact specs, range or revealing time is another.... yes we have the capability but the questions are ...
Is this on our preference list
Are there any better alternatives
are there enough funds
what will be the time span

these all are the things that can raise question marks , for sometime we heard that there will be air-launched version of babur but then we saw RAAD coming out as it was chosen as a better alternative to what was anticipated...so things can get murky
Pakistan certainly has the capability upgrade its missiles. But about the submarine part I am not sure. Pakistan certainly lacks the ability to conduct research in submarine launching. Just my opinion as an engineer.
Pakistan certainly has the capability upgrade its missiles. But about the submarine part I am not sure. Pakistan certainly lacks the ability to conduct research in submarine launching. Just my opinion as an engineer.

As an engineer what made you assume so...is there a specific theory that can make an engineer know what other engineers with more experience, working at higher levels and for national interests cant achieve
As an engineer what made you assume so...is there a specific theory that can make an engineer know what other engineers with more experience, working at higher levels and for national interests cant achieve

Ther is no theory. I am only making an assumption that Pak can't do it. Reason is that in last 5 yrs I have not seen any breakthrough brand new missile from Pak. India has gone ahead with agni 4, agni5, k15, shaurya, nirbhay, pad, aad, pdv. While Pakistan is still launching and testing the same missiles again and again.
Ther is no theory. I am only making an assumption that Pak can't do it. Reason is that in last 5 yrs I have not seen any breakthrough brand new missile from Pak. India has gone ahead with agni 4, agni5, k15, shaurya, nirbhay, pad, aad, pdv. While Pakistan is still launching and testing the same missiles again and again.
Apples and oranges my friend.
Differen doctrines and diferent requirements.
India sees herself as super power and builds all the fire power possible.
Pakistan maintains minimum defence and minimum nuclear deterrant.

Augosta-Khalid class submarines were built in Karachi and is a great acheivement for Pakistan.
Babur cruise missile can be fired through standard torpedo tubes,while none of indian missiles can be fired from any existing indian subs.
Arihant will be the first sub capable of launching land attack missiles,while in theory Pakistan already has such capability. India does mot have,even in theory as there is no existing missile in indian arsenal that can be fired from an existing indian sub.

We dont know,it is possible that an Augosta-khalid sub may already be out there with Babur misdiles,but same cannot be said about india.
Apples and oranges my friend.
Differen doctrines and diferent requirements.
India sees herself as super power and builds all the fire power possible.
Pakistan maintains minimum defence and minimum nuclear deterrant.

Augosta-Khalid class submarines were built in Karachi and is a great acheivement for Pakistan.
Babur cruise missile can be fired through standard torpedo tubes,while none of indian missiles can be fired from any existing indian subs.
Arihant will be the first sub capable of launching land attack missiles,while in theory Pakistan already has such capability. India does mot have,even in theory as there is no existing missile in indian arsenal that can be fired from an existing indian sub.

We dont know,it is possible that an Augosta-khalid sub may already be out there with Babur misdiles,but same cannot be said about india.

Yeah you are right about that. Arihanth is the first one to have that capability. But you know whats good. We built it from scratch and there are 4-5 arihants more under cons at secret locations. Hulls of the subs are being built by L&T at its secreat factory and nuclear reactor is being built somewhere else.

TBH India is not worried at all even if Pakistan can launch missiles from its Agosta subs because we know how things will be 5 yrs from now. More over govt in 2008 had already approved 12 billion more for next class of arihanth subs. So we are looking here at 10 boomers in Indian ocean by 2025.

india is no superpower but poorpower. But with a growing economy and 1.3 billion we can't afford not to dream about being a superpower one day. Because we know one day the responsibility to run a big of the world is bound to come to us. That is why we are investing in strategic techs like ABM, nuclear propulsion, avionics, electronics manufacturing, fast breeder reactors, thorium reactors, PWR reactors and much more. Pakistan was ahead of India in 2000-2005 in missiles. Now it has been left far behind. If Pakistan doesn't start serious investments it will be left decades behind in other fields too.
Yeah you are right about that. Arihanth is the first one to have that capability. But you know whats good. We built it from scratch and there are 4-5 arihants more under cons at secret locations. Hulls of the subs are being built by L&T at its secreat factory and nuclear reactor is being built somewhere else.

TBH India is not worried at all even if Pakistan can launch missiles from its Agosta subs because we know how things will be 5 yrs from now. More over govt in 2008 had already approved 12 billion more for next class of arihanth subs. So we are looking here at 10 boomers in Indian ocean by 2025.

india is no superpower but poorpower. But with a growing economy and 1.3 billion we can't afford not to dream about being a superpower one day. Because we know one day the responsibility to run a big of the world is bound to come to us. That is why we are investing in strategic techs like ABM, nuclear propulsion, avionics, electronics manufacturing, fast breeder reactors, thorium reactors, PWR reactors and much more. Pakistan was ahead of India in 2000-2005 in missiles. Now it has been left far behind. If Pakistan doesn't start serious investments it will be left decades behind in other fields too.

The difference between India and Pakistan is that Pakistan only has to counteract India.
While india has to counteract Pakistan and china,or wants to tackle both,and therefore so much need of fire power.
Such fire power isnt needed for Pakistan....

About Arihant,the reactor is the bottleneckand wont be ready anytime soon.
Reason of complication...Indian doctorine of 'indigenous'...which isnt always good and seriously delayed Arihant...
well agosta90b from start was procured keeping babur in mind(development of babur started in 1995).in first test it was revealed that it will be launched from marine vessels as well

there you go why KSA pulled off from Agosta90b deal

Saudi Arabia and Malaysia expressed interest in Pakistani-built French Agosta 90-B submarines

Saudi Arabia on other hand has almost finalized the deal . The main problem with the issue is that French and Pakistani engineers have changed Agosta into a platform that can launch nuclear strikes. This irked American Defense Department which was quick to use its ties with Pakistan on this issue. However Pakistan has assured United States that it will sell perfectly safe submarines to Saudi Arabia

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/naval-...d-buy-pakistani-submarines.html#ixzz2FKtCTVXT

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