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The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

Philippine lost scarborough because the supposed to be friend (USA) coudnt protect them, USA is afraid of China.
Philippines right now its back on the wall , no choice but to sleep with the enemy, if we cannot beat CHINA why not join them .

Blame US on losing scarborough? Although i can agree that the US is soft on China. Duterte is teaching us to hate what he hates. and im sad your one of them.
Why are you throwing a tantrum? This is what Western liberal democracy is all about - the right to choose one's own path. With 90+ % approval rating, he seems to be doing what his people want. I wish him every success.

tantrum? Freedom to pursue ones own path doesnt mean freedom from consequences, thats the same in any democracy. This shows that all the claims that the Philippines was a US puppet were so much BS, but we should still respond in the best way to protect our interests.

In my view, that's cutting our losses with the Philippines, ending the now utterly one sided MDT, and if the Philippines starts being actively hostile against other US interests and the US led global order, to look into cutting them out of the western business world and among other things limiting remittances.

I think we've shown extreme patience with Duterte and his words because they were not backed by action. But there is action being taken now, so we should cut them off and save ourselves additional pain. I don't expect this to happen before the elections are over, but As Hillary acclimates to the office, I think she won't be weak enough to stand idle in the face of tangible actions, not just words.

Trump would obviously take the most brute force approach, he can't stand insults. Filipinos better hope he isn't elected.
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Hmm I think he also revealed his ideology being leftist, favoring China/Russia over US.
The US should accommodate that 'more action'. Weapons purchase from China does not mean the Filipinos like China.

China do not need the Philippines' compliance to further secure the SCS. A weakened Philippines will do just fine and it already that weakened. So if the US begins our withdrawal from the Philippines, as the country's economic conditions deteriorate, the Filipinos will turn against Duterte. Once Duterte is ousted, and only after bloodshed because people like him, re Venezuela, once they have a taste of power, they will do everything they can to keep it, the US can return with the typical 'I told you so.'

Im skeptical to say the least. I think he has built himself a personality cult at this point, I'd be amazed if he actually left office at what was supposed to be the end of his term. If things get worse for the Philippines, even without the US doing anything, he will simply lash out at the US and become more popular for it. That said I don't have a view on the inside. All I see is Duterte and his support despite these moves, and work off of that.

I thought that Filipinos wanted to be friendly with the US, but I'm not so sure now. Tangible action has backed their insults now, there isn't much more to do but to cut it off when we are in the best position to be able to, otherwise it will be cut off for us when we aren't prepared.

He didn't ask for it, he was referencing the efforts of past administrations to get modern weaponry that never went anywhere. For example, there was an attempt in the late 90s to acquire fighters from Israel that got blocked by US congress (because of American technology in the fighters) because the US Gov't wanted to sell them embargoed Pakistani F-16s instead. Then that also didn't work out and the Philippines was left with its worn-out F-5As (not even Es) until they had to be grounded in 2003.

I'm pro-US and a naturalized American, but I could see (and dread) a realignment from a mile way. It's disappointing to say the least.

This has got to be the worst thing to see for Filipino-Americans, I wish you guys didn't have to go through this.

But we can't do anything about it, its coming one sidedly from Duterte, and he has the public support for it, all we can do is respond to best protect American interests.

You talk horse, dude, it's the USA needs the Philippines, for the wot pivot purpose. Duterte is smart, he knows clearly at the time what the America seek to beg from his country.
Nah, the Philippines isn't critical to US power projection, though it does make it easier. We operated for a decade without bases in the Philippines, and we have overseas logistics down to an art.

We'd like to have the Philippines on board, but if they are turning away themselves there's not much we can do. Its clear Duterte isn't actually looking to be neutral. I suppose he views the economic benefits to outweigh what will be the territorial losses, but the territory change will be permanent, the economic benefits temporary.

Why he thinks its a sound tradeoff is beyond me, but now that tangible action has been taken, I'm convinced that Duterte is serious, so again we can only respond in a way that best protects our interests.

Less talk, more action?

You're quoting a national leader- not a small time politician. If he had the guts to flip the bird at the EU and the US on TV, as well as sanctioning the deaths of thousands of drug offenders/pushers- u think he would not stick to his words?



And guess what? I just found out this myself:


罗德里戈•迪泰特简介 菲律宾总统竞选人:祖父是中国人 无意与中国开战(图)

= Grandfather is a Chinese(Duterte's)



'he stressed that his own grandfather was a mainland Chinese(likely a Chinese immigrant to the PH, like the rest of the Chinese diaspora) and do not wish to get involved in a war with China. That's because his relatives in Fujian(province) do not want war(with Duterte).'

This makes Duterte a part-Overseas Chinese himself.

No wonder he's pro-China

No, you are correct, he has taken tangible action now, so he is serious. We should respond in a way befitting how serious it is. Its only a matter of time before the MDT ends, we should end it on the best terms for us.
The subservient and apologetic politicians of Pakistan can learn something from this guy.
Bir sir problem is usa don't want to give them democracy as they don't have oil or enough gold or they aren't fighting against world banks like Qaddafi try to did and second most they are neighbour of China and they know they will make Philippines another Vietnam for Americans :enjoy:
The fall of US? Aint gonna happen dude. We will continue living in blissful ignorance with Mcdonalds, booze and steak here in the US. I dont know about you but that doesnt sound "The fall of American civilization" as you put it.

Guys hold on to your panties, we will not and will never abandon the Philippines. As a matter of fact we never left!!! Even after they kicked us out in Subic and Clark. It is after all our 52nd state then Cuba and so on and so forth...

@gambit , @anon45 have you bought your six pack yet? "The fall of American civilization" is about to happen!!!


I will be happy when Pakistan tells US and Obama to go to hell. That country has supported mullahs and terrorists constantly especially when it suits them, like in Afghanistan at the time of the Soviets. US has a history of supporting the vitriolic mullahs like Zia Ul Haq. The fall of American civilization will be the most brilliant and spectacular thing possible.


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...he will simply lash out at the US and become more popular for it.
That was how Venezuela began her decline.

This is no longer the Cold War where you can play one superpower against the other and see whose 'boatload of cash' is larger. Neither Russia nor China can trumpet their presence under any ideological banner. If the Cold War is still on, Venezuela would have been ripe for the political taking. In real estate, it is 'location, location, location'. To be better, it would have to be Mexico. Instead, despite being in the US backyard, Venezuela was abandoned.

We do not need the Philippines and the reason we do not need the Philippines is because China do not need the Philippines.

The reason why China do not need the Philippines is because the Philippines offers no advantages to gain anything against the US. Beyond the Philippines is a vast stretch of ocean that ends at America's door. Why should China focus on that when so much wealth is crisscrossing a body of water right under China's gaze ?

We do not need the Philippines is because the US is powerful enough to contain China -- via the US Navy -- if we wanted to.

I say let the Philippines go. China is not going to move in. China is not going to give the Philippines anything for nothing.

For example...

China formally resumed diplomatic relations with the tiny West African nation of Gambia on March 17 after 21 years. The two nations cut ties in 1995 when Gambia became one of a handful of African countries to formally recognize Beijing’s rival, Taiwan. Gambia tried to reverse course in 2013 by renouncing its recognition of Taiwan. But China, as part of a tacit agreement reached with Taiwan in 2008 to refrain from poaching each other’s allies, refused to reciprocate — leaving Gambia in limbo. The diplomatic truce between Taipei and Beijing now appears to be broken, highlighting nascent tension between China and Taiwan’s new, potentially uncooperative ruling party.
Any country that want to do business with China must submit to China's demands regarding Taiwan. So if China is going to make the Philippines a vassal state, there will be conditions that Duterte must bow to.

But again, are the gains in getting the Philippines outweighs the burdens of keeping that vassal state in line ? For now and the next decade, there are no gains, tangible or otherwise. Intangible gains are the most difficult to achieve and sustains, especially if you have to deal with charismatic figures and their associated cults. If China learned anything from US foreign relations, it is to keep at a distance any charismatic leaders. Look at NKR. The Philippines is no threat to China the way a US-controlled Korean peninsula can be.

The best is China gain control of the SCS. The worst is -- the status quo where China can use the SCS for profit and under American protection at that.

So why should China 'need' the Philippines ?
The situation is beyond desperation for the US. Unless they will wreak havoc on the Philippines, making another failed state à la Libya, Iraq or Afghanistan, there is not much they can do. But what use is a Philippines in complete chaos for the US? It would only be a PR desaster for the whole world to see that even the US sycophants in the EU can hardly sell to the gullible populace.

Oh, the US shills in this forum, they, too, are in a desperate situation knowing they are perceived as clowns in the forum but yet they still have to write their drivels or become jobless. :lol:
The situation is beyond desperation for the US. Unless they will wreak havoc on the Philippines, making another failed state à la Libya, Iraq or Afghanistan, there is not much they can do. But what use is a Philippines in complete chaos for the US? It would only be a PR desaster for the whole world to see that even the US sycophants in the EU can hardly sell to the gullible populace.

Oh, the US shills in this forum, they, too, are in a desperate situation knowing they are perceived as clowns in the forum but yet they still have to write their drivels or become jobless. :lol:
Non white US flaggers are more desperate than their own masters....:rofl:
Pinoys might be pushing the US to share more free hamburgers, or being kicked out of PH for the second time. Poor GIs...
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