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The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

So all you PDF Chinese can do is crow about how much China can do here and there, but until your China is willing to take on responsibilities the way the US have for decades...:rolleyes:
As a world policeman? play regime change games?
No, it is your job.
We are not interested to share your privilege
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It is funny that when it comes to the US, we must listen to world opinions.

But now world opinions is against Duterte, he is applauded for being independent, and for an Asian country, the cheering takes a racist turn as he is not doing what the white Europeans and Americans want.
Less talk, more action?

You're quoting a national leader- not a small time politician. If he had the guts to flip the bird at the EU and the US on TV, as well as sanctioning the deaths of thousands of drug offenders/pushers- u think he would not stick to his words?



And guess what? I just found out this myself:


罗德里戈•迪泰特简介 菲律宾总统竞选人:祖父是中国人 无意与中国开战(图)

= Grandfather is a Chinese(Duterte's)



'he stressed that his own grandfather was a mainland Chinese(likely a Chinese immigrant to the PH, like the rest of the Chinese diaspora) and do not wish to get involved in a war with China. That's because his relatives in Fujian(province) do not want war(with Duterte).'

This makes Duterte a part-Overseas Chinese himself.

No wonder he's pro-China
i wouldnt necessarily think so. he is looking out for the best interest of the philippines.
Hey @Blue Marlin , @gambit I think covered it all.

China will not help.

If you help your neighbor A, it is not because you have something against B and you want A's help. If your neighbor A's house is damaged by a fire, you help out of compassion and with no desire for anything in return.

For so often in international politics, that is not how countries interact with each other. We want an alliance with the Philippines. We give all sorts of aid. But precisely because we seek to contain the Soviet Union and/or China, we want an alliance with the Philippines. An alliance carries duties, responsibilities, and privileges.

If my neighbor's house got damaged in a fire and I helped his family, that does not mean I have incurred any kind of responsibilities for him and his family.

China is already busy and financially burdened in Africa to the point that some have called Africa China's colonial outpost. Does anyone here, particularly the forum's Filipino members, really believe that a US withdrawal will automatically bring in China as replacement ? Why should China incur for herself political and potentially even military duties for the Philippines ?

There will be no China-Philippines political alliance. China will do nothing other than sell the Philippines whatever Duterte want. Note I said Duterte, not the Philippines. As the Philippines weakens, she will decrease her influence in the SCS issue, leaving China stronger in the sea immediately off the Philippines' coast.

Duterte is being shortsighted and behind closed Politburo doors, China is laughing at the Philippines.

Jeeez I wont even pretend that you understood my post. Typical answer but not surprising.

You need aid paid in coke, McDonald, etc? Those are business and merchandise that come with a business friendly environment with or without aid. What US aid will bring is US troop and a boss who will constantly tell you what you can and cannot do. What Chinese aid will bring are railway, schools, and hospitals. As to Chinese, Philippines is already full of Chinese anyway. Even Duerte claim Chinese ancestry, so did Aquino.
i wouldnt necessarily think so. he is looking out for the best interest of the philippines.

US regime is surprised that PH interests somehow do not align with those of the US.

Or, do they sincerely want PH to remain in the state of subjugation and poverty for ever in return for providing comfort to US military personnel (out of their free will, often) who would otherwise be unemployed?
US regime is surprised that PH interests somehow do not align with those of the US.
We are surprised -- that Duterte is that foolish.

Or, do they sincerely want PH to remain in the state of subjugation and poverty for ever in return for providing comfort to US military personnel (out of their free will, often) who would otherwise be unemployed?
No, we want the Philippines to be independent and allied with US. Far better than you can say for China.
If this is the behavior of Duterte, then what option does US have except to to downgrade their relations with the Philippines. They don't need this headache.
Political stance, the goal is to get more things from US. do not need to take seriously.
Political stance, the goal is to get more things from US. do not need to take seriously.

Nothing wrong with this, but this is no way to go about it. If you want to get something from someone you don't back them into the corner with insults and threats, but give them room to respond. How will US respond when Duterte talks like that?
Nothing wrong with this, but this is no way to go about it. If you want to get something from someone you don't back them into the corner with insults and threats, but give them room to respond. How will US respond when Duterte talks like that?
I think of Turkey, you know that Turkey wants to buy China's HQ-9 air defense missiles, but US and NATO interfere with it. Turkey gave up. Then, the Russian aircraft into the Syria, and the intensification of the conflict in Turkey... Tell me, who's the air defense missile in Turkey? Who is helping Turkey? In addition to the Turkey concession, there are other ways?

India's arms inventory is only 20 days, oh, maybe now can be extended to 30 days. India apart from the mouth, there are other ways?

In international politics. Only their own interests, there is no axiom. And truth, in the hands of power. Don't be so childish.
I think of Turkey, you know that Turkey wants to buy China's HQ-9 air defense missiles, but US and NATO interfere with it. Turkey gave up. Then, the Russian aircraft into the Syria, and the intensification of the conflict in Turkey... Tell me, who's the air defense missile in Turkey? Who is helping Turkey? In addition to the Turkey concession, there are other ways?

Turkey is free to leave NATO any time it wishes if it wants to pursue a more independent path on defence matters. NATO has sent military forces and equipment to Turkey as it needed them, including Patriots air defence batteries. Turkey and NATO share the use of Incirilik Air Base.

India's arms inventory is only 20 days, oh, maybe now can be extended to 30 days. India apart from the mouth, there are other ways?

What does this have to do with the discussion?

In international politics. Only their own interests, there is no axiom. And truth, in the hands of power. Don't be so childish.

You are not only stating the obvious, but it has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. Of course, Duterte is pursing his country's interesting, I'm just questioning the way he's going about it.
Turkey is free to leave NATO any time it wishes if it wants to pursue a more independent path on defence matters. NATO has sent military forces and equipment to Turkey as it needed them, including Patriots air defence batteries. Turkey and NATO share the use of Incirilik Air Base.

What does this have to do with the discussion?

You are not only stating the obvious, but it has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. Of course, Duterte is pursing his country's interesting, I'm just questioning the way he's going about it.
1, When the Russian Air Force in Syria and Turkey of tension, U.S. the withdrawal of Turkey's Patriot missile removal.


2, Also hope that India do not use Rafale as a war bet, you are always facing the fate of Turkey.

3, All things in the world are decided by 5 countries, or more accurately, in fact, it is determined by 3 countries. No matter who is the party? The final result, by the interests of the 3 countries decided to exchange.

4,Mature, look at the world, do not look at a country.
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I will be happy when Pakistan tells US and Obama to go to hell. That country has supported mullahs and terrorists constantly especially when it suits them, like in Afghanistan at the time of the Soviets. US has a history of supporting the vitriolic mullahs like Zia Ul Haq. The fall of American civilization will be the most brilliant and spectacular thing possible.

dont worry were gonna drop the seeds of democracy.
Like democracy came to Congo by supporting a dictator. US demand for democracy is lip service. It is an excuse on which the American empire is built. They have never brought democracy anywhere. It makes Americans feel good about themselves, to tell themselves they are the good guys.

Going by history, multi polar world actually bring stability to the world order as there are more checks and balances, with clear red lines drawn. Its in American interests to realise these geopolitical realities and move on.
I will be happy when Pakistan tells US and Obama to go to hell. That country has supported mullahs and terrorists constantly especially when it suits them, like in Afghanistan at the time of the Soviets. US has a history of supporting the vitriolic mullahs like Zia Ul Haq. The fall of American civilization will be the most brilliant and spectacular thing possible.

And be replaced with what? Probably, more of the same. History repeats itself. Civilizations come and go. American civilization will one day fall, but it will probably be replaced with something equal or even worse.

Like democracy came to Congo by supporting a dictator. US demand for democracy is lip service. It is an excuse on which the American empire is built. They have never brought democracy anywhere. It makes Americans feel good about themselves, to tell themselves they are the good guys.

You are so right on this issue. Democracy is okay as long as it serves American interests. Some of America's biggest allies and friends have been brutal dictatorship all over the world. This is why when some American politico barks about spreading democracy, I just tune out. American hypocrisy on democracy has made me a cynic.
Philippine lost scarborough because the supposed to be friend (USA) coudnt protect them, USA is afraid of China.
Philippines right now its back on the wall , no choice but to sleep with the enemy, if we cannot beat CHINA why not join them .
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