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India, Afghanistan, Bangladesh may boycott SAARC to protest against Pakistan sponsored terror

They are not your immediate neighbors. But Bangladesh is in your neighborhood.
Its ok if you don't want them to be your neighbors, it doesn't matter much to them and neither to you.

Thanks for accepting they are not our neighbor, Yeah as immediate as Turkey..
Offcourse Pakistani govt was not involved. PM Nawaz and his cabinet didn't trained and armed those militants.
But they were trained by Jaish-e-mohammed a terror organisation lead by Masood Azhar both are in Pakistan
with all due respect
govt dont work on verbal arguements neither do diplomacy
you have to provide something for us to act on
remeber azhar massod was indeed arrested by authorities but was later released because india did not provide any evidence same is the case with LeT
Thanks for accepting they are not our neighbor, Yeah as immediate as Turkey..
Turkey is half Europe and half Middle East. And they certainly are not your neighbors. Partners yes, but not neighbors.
with all due respect
govt dont work on verbal arguements neither do diplomacy
you have to provide something for us to act on
remeber azhar massod was indeed arrested by authorities but was later released because india did not provide any evidence same is the case with LeT
Sirji, we gave you the evidence and even the US helped us in the evidence finding but Pakistan rejected it.
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and what bengali have to do with Sindhi, Punjabi, Pashtun, Balochs, Kashmiris?
Nothing. Only that they are from the same region of the world as those who you named above are.
Lets not troll this thread, lets touch base whether this move will make any sense.

Here is one from my side.

- Afghanistan will suffer more of all these 3 countries, if the situation gets escalated, but then again Afghans are dying everyday thanks to the Burka offensive.
- More pressure will be exerted through Afghan refugees but then refugees must be returning asap.

Afghan should grow some brain instead of hashish, my enemy's friend is my enemy...then why do you expect friendly response form Pakistan.

then Why not u cancel the SAARC meeting ? why want other to cancel and show you door?

well it was for regional corporation, Well India / BD / Nepal has now Road to travel hazel free , unlike PAK.

you three go together what do we have in common with you three
Afghan should grow some brain instead of hashish, my enemy's friend is my enemy...then why do you expect friendly response form Pakistan.

you three go together what do we have in common with you three

Troll alert, people!!
Turkey is half Europe and half Middle East. And they certainly are not your neighbors. Partners yes, but not neighbors.

Sirji, we gave you the evidence and even the US helped us in the evidence finding but Pakistan rejected it.
oh bhai .. tooth paste and water bottle etc from Pakistan does not make any evidence..

I can get you indian proof like these very easily .. buy from UK or any other country and show as proof in any activity..
but being indian you wont understand :)
Idea behind formation of SAARC was noble however it has not achieved much due to certain ghatiya nation.

Bd is lost, confused and lurking around in some unknown place. I am hopeful that it will find its way back to original home. Allahu alam.
SAARC is probably one of the most useless organizations in the world. It should just be disbanded.
India, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh are likely to boycott the upcoming SAARC summit to be held in November in Pakistan. The neighbouring countries may boycott the global summit in protest against state sponsored terrorism.

All three nations have been victims of Pakistan sponsored terrorism. The three countries will unite to hold a victim of State Sponsored of Terror Conference.

The three countries will reportedly take lead to create global awareness about Pakistan sponsored terrorism. Sources said the three countries will work towards isolating terror in the region.


Carrots and sticks I believe.


Bangladesh cautious smart move -- their interests lie with India not Pakistan -- Pakistan is almost irrelevant ( بنگلادش از پاکستان خیله دور است )

India: masterful diplomacy -- getting Bangaldesh to support this

Afghanistan -- might aswell try something new I guess?? -- (Oh bull come hit me? -- آہ بیل مجھے مار) -- perhaps Afghanistan should learn from Bangladesh? Afghanistan in this list is the only country with an unmblical and that umbilical runs through Pakistan.
No one really cares, SAARC for us is nothing more than a leash to tie up India anyway. Modi's foreign policies are suicidal and he's able to "buy" Afghanistan's fielty at cheap one billion dollars. We are pushing for Chinese membership of SAARC, Afghanistan and Bangladesh will only drop the axe on their own foot by abstention.
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