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Kashmir all-party meet: Modi discusses atrocities in Azad Kashmir, Balochistan

Look at it brother @hellfire and we speak of 3 dimensional approach to Kashmir..

For how long?

In an ideological war, there is no time limit. Sun Tzu has said very clearly that a defeated enemy passes through a transition phase, and at an opportune time strikes again.

In short, we are not going to war frequently, we are in a perpetual state of war. An ideological one, a war for our way of life and our way of thought. In such a scenario, the moral ascendancy of a nation, the principles of its foundations, can not be compromised at any cost, whatsoever the cost. No price too small for the nation.

Sir...I m all open to facts. I heartedly accept. I think i need to study more on Kashmir. By reading all this, looks like I know nothing about tragedy of Kashmir.

I will see it later. Can't thank u enough for your time and effort to write all such long and healthy posts.

Read. Take your time. Know the matter, not the lies and jingoism spread around.
Tag @Joe Shearer or ask him to point you to more people who can give you an unbiased view.
See you around.

Will you accept that I am engaging you only in order to have one more person open to reasoning only on facts and nothing else?

Having said that, it won't be India, Pakistan or Mars. So no winner or loser. You will need to study things with an impartial and open mind. I don't expect you to denounce Pakistani position, nor should you. I only request you to read to understand.

For Q1 yes. You are right when you say Pakistan has not signed any document for self determination for Kashmiris. That's what I have been saying. Your country has been lying to the Kashmiris. Always Pakistan signed documents to engage with India on question of accession to either of the countries only. Last was in 1972 the Shimla Agreement. Why? Because it is not an option which either country will allow. Can't, because of China. They will move in. Yet you see your fellow country members support azadi for Kashmir whereas your government has no such intent.

Q2 The Karachi Agreement was signed by PA reps and IA reps for ceasefire in 1949. The CFL now LOC (Named as such after 1972 Shimla Agreement) starts from MANAWAR in Poonch till Siachen. Google up the text online, its available on UN site. Posted link in post also. Anyways, by signing the agreement, you as a sovereign legal nation, entered into a legal agreement wherein you recognized CFL (now LOC) as extending from Poonch to Siachen. You, in the same agreement, ended up recognizing the boundary of Jammu-RS Pura-Katra-Sambha as International Boundary. A blunder for your position today as you have effectively recognised J&K as part of India. That is why, last year, there was a heavy fire in the sector. An attrmpt to pass it off as ceasefire vuolation across "disputed" boundary what you may know as 'working boundary' as now your country has realised its blunder. It is infact an International Boundary as per the Agreement. So, you see why I get tickled??

Read up what I pointed out. If you really want to know the issue, we can point you in directions. But you read and decide for yourself. You will realise what travesty of justice is being carried out by the politicians of both sides.

Short and pithy. I am all admiration. My posts tend to be long-winded, as a Pakistani friend had pointed out some years ago.
Right now India is not a united India, it is completely a divided India.

Glad to know that you not only know anatomy but also know radiology and astronomy. The guy like you has divided the whole India which once used to be a united India. Good luck with your intellectualism, sarcasm, and abusive statement.

Your post above? Shows your utter ignorance and ability to comprehend what India is. You started a phenomenon of pontification, bereft of the base needed to address the issue. Abusive? Hardly. The mere fact that sarcasm escaped you, points to the lack of depth in your ability to indulge in a discussion on atopic which requires an open mind to get to the roots.

Your first line? Utter trash. A figment of your imagination. Such stupid claims and your preceding posts exhibit a bias and a tendency to pass disparaging remarks against a nation as a prelude to any comment on it. That, my dear sir, is neither a process of initiating a discussion, nor of indulging in any form of conversation which involves an exchange of mutual views and ideas.
One good thing is that now the pig has come out in the open about its involvement in terrorist activities in Pakistan

Yadav getting captured was huge win for Pakistan in exposing India's role in attacks in Balochistan


The real desire of Kashmiris to get out of the shit hole called india has forced Modi to invoke Balochistan , thus exposing india's role

We've come a long way from the time when Manmohan Singh admitted indian involvement in Balochistan on the side lines of the summit at Sharm Al Sheikh and the indian press called it a "blunder"

Mammohan Singh's Balochistan blunder
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In an ideological war, there is no time limit. Sun Tzu has said very clearly that a defeated enemy passes through a transition phase, and at an opportune time strikes again.

In short, we are not going to war frequently, we are in a perpetual state of war. An ideological one, a war for our way of life and our way of thought. In such a scenario, the moral ascendancy of a nation, the principles of its foundations, can not be compromised at any cost, whatsoever the cost. No price too small for the nation.

Read. Take your time. Know the matter, not the lies and jingoism spread around.
Tag @Joe Shearer or ask him to point you to more people who can give you an unbiased view.
See you around.

Lol. With that perpetual war statement I had a flash of ziad Hamid in my mind.
Jk. But do u think we should take up Baluchistan? I'm not convinced. Samjh ni a ra ki kya hei.

Listen man, you will never match the political clout of us, and to remind you Ur blood brother is in India these days for our support.

Just know ur value.
foolish - ofcourse all parts of India including Kashmir became independent in 1947. Azad Kashmir must be freeds from greedy Pakistanis soon

Its already AZAD (free) you silly boy, it was freed from Indian clutches in 1948 war, done and dusted. Its the rest, Indian occupied Kashmir which is the bone of contention.
Lol. With that perpetual war statement I had a flash of ziad Hamid in my mind.
Jk. But do u think we should take up Baluchistan? I'm not convinced. Samjh ni a ra ki kya hei.

Zaid Hamid is someone who got carried away by rhetoric a long time back, he has foundations which got overshadowed by a strange mix of rhetoric-logic-paranoia-knowledge albeit incomplete.

What I have said, is a simplified version of what Kautilya or Sun Tzu have also said in their treatises. You have to fight every minute, every hour and every day to defend your way of life, your thought and the foundation of your nation. It maybe externally, maybe internally, but it is a continuous process.

On Internal front, India, as a nation, has many challenges. Poverty, unemployment, malnutrition, fractured societal hierarchical structure, rampant gender inequality, religious disharmony, education, infrastructure, governance shortfall etc etc. These provide for a plethora of challenges to the Indian State as a Democratic, Secular nation where the citizen enjoys a right to life equitably. I am sure this shall suffice for what I aimed to convey and you may indeed agree on the same being a cause for the unrest in India, be it Maoism, Bodo, NSCN or even J&K.

On external front, you are all too aware, needs no elaboration. Hence, my statement of being perpetually at war.

Having said that, now specific to Kashmir.

1. Accession of Kashmir and of Baluchistan had the same conditions of accession with two unique distinctions: The principality of Kalat, the largest of the principality comprising 85% or thereabouts of area, was given an assurance of independence by MA Jinnah, something which was reaffirmed by the legislative assembly voting against merger to Pakistan. In contravention to own assurances, Jinnah simply sent the army in. In case of J&K the instrument was signed while an invasion of the state was being enabled by another state. The constituent assembly drafted the constitution of J&K dissolved itself and paved the way for formation of a government which again accepted the accession to India. It never challenged nor rejected the same.

2. Both accessions are covered under Indian Independence Act of 1947 Para 3a and b. The same law is the clause under which Dominion of Pakistan came into being. By challenging the accession of J&K under the said clauses, automatically the accession of Baluchistan is under challenge and by logic so is the formation of Dominion of Pakistan itself by breaking Indian Dominion of UK.

3. The present government has done exactly this. You may recall my raising these points long back. Somehow GoI seems to have reached the same conclusion and decided to up the ante and force Pakistan to back off from interfering in Kashmir. By publicly taking a stand on it, the GoI has signaled the willingness to question legitimacy of Pakistan next. That Pakistan is reneging on every treaty it has entered into as a sovereign legal republic, has not exactly helped its credibility either.

4. Parrikar has made a statement, which many of our members are calling foolish, merely highlighting the duplicity of Pakistan in using terror as a state policy while playing a victim. By drawing an analogy to their sending 10 men into India and loosing 70, he has simply highlighted this aspect of Pakistani policy which has majorly undermined its own internal security.

5. I have been saying, for us a destabilized Pakistan is not a great option. A Pakistan where the army remains busy is something that we aim for. We need PA distracted from interfering in Foreign Policy in order to make any progress politically on our differences with Pakistan

6. While I do talk of raining fire on our neighbours when in a good troll mode, I am very sure that war is neither on the horizon nor an option.

7. What I am yet to find, is a Pakistani member actually analyzing why PM of India has so clearly and publicly made a statement on Baluchistan and P0K. This move can only occur if US, Russia, Iran and Afghanistan are on board. If that is the case, then I think Pakistan needs to wake up and 'smell the coffee'.
Listen man, you will never match the political clout of us, and to remind you Ur blood brother is in India these days for our support.

Just know ur value.

That fool left Pakistan years ago and has been India's guest for don't how many years.

You can't do anything. You can try. And we would beat you. That is for sure.
That fool left Pakistan years ago and has been India's guest for don't how many years.

You can't do anything. You can try. And we would beat you. That is for sure.

Ye lo..a gaya cartoon
This is the bullet that killed my son," Abdul Rehman Mir says, holding up a copper cartridge case.

He tells me the police raided the family home in Srinagar, the capital of Indian-administered Kashmir, a month ago.

They smashed windows and fired tear gas grenades. He's kept what's left of the grenades too, wrapped in a handkerchief stained with his son's blood.

"They dragged him from here," he tells me - we're in one of the rooms on the first floor - "and they shot him in the garden. That is where he died."

There is a ripple of anger from the crowd that has followed us into the house.

The state government denies this allegation. It says Shabir Ahmad Mir was killed as the police tried to control a crowd of stone-throwing youths.

As I talk to Mr Mir I hear the low rumble of voices outside. Then the chanting begins.

Right now India is not a united India, it is completely a divided India.

Glad to know that you not only know anatomy but also know radiology and astronomy. The guy like you has divided the whole India which once used to be a united India. Good luck with your intellectualism, sarcasm, and abusive statement.

Talk to yourselves .
We are one society ,one nation.:D
Your post above? Shows your utter ignorance and ability to comprehend what India is. You started a phenomenon of pontification, bereft of the base needed to address the issue. Abusive? Hardly. The mere fact that sarcasm escaped you, points to the lack of depth in your ability to indulge in a discussion on atopic which requires an open mind to get to the roots.

Your first line? Utter trash. A figment of your imagination. Such stupid claims and your preceding posts exhibit a bias and a tendency to pass disparaging remarks against a nation as a prelude to any comment on it. That, my dear sir, is neither a process of initiating a discussion, nor of indulging in any form of conversation which involves an exchange of mutual views and ideas.

My higher mental functions (cerebral cortex) is completely unable to understand the message of your post. I want to see this region grow economically, socially and culturally based on mutual trust, respect, and dignity not on killings, hatred, and destruction.

Talk to yourselves .
We are one society ,one nation.:D

I am not trying to build any narrative. One society and one nation is not a narrative. Mutual trust and respect for everyone is the nuclear core of any society. India is a great nation with a thousand of years of history of tolerance for other religions and nations. That should be practice even today. Hatred is not a solution but rather a problem in itself.
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