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Kashmir torture trail - Channel 4 documentary

A 40-year long civil war has been raging in the jungles of central and eastern India. It is one of the world's largest armed conflicts that has claimed thousands of lives but it remains largely ignored outside of India.
civil war :rofl::rofl: how many milia are there Like BLA or BLF,Sindh

civil war :rofl::rofl: how many milia are there Like BLA or BLF,Sindh


Yes, You are Fool. And You never fail to prove that. Read this:


Imran Garda examines the 40-year war that has claimed thousands of lives but been largely ignored outside of India.

Al Jazeera Correspondent

A 40-year long civil war has been raging in the jungles of central and eastern India. It is one of the world's largest armed conflicts but it remains largely ignored outside of India.

Caught in the crossfire of it are the Adivasis, who are believed to be India's earliest inhabitants. A loose collection of tribes, it is estimated that there are about 84 million of these indigenous people, which is about eight per cent of the country's population.

For generations, they have lived off farming and the spoils of the jungle in eastern India, but their way of life is under threat. Their land contains mineral deposits estimated to be worth trillions of dollars. Forests have been cleared and the Indian government has evacuated hundreds of villages to make room for steel plants and mineral refineries.

The risk of losing everything they have ever known has made many Adivasis fertile recruits for India's Maoist rebels or Naxalites, who also call these forests home.

The Maoists' fight with the Indian government began 50 years ago, just after India became independent. A loose collection of anti-government communist groups - that initially fought for land reform - they are said to be India's biggest internal security threat. Over time, their focus has expanded to include more fundamental questions about how India is actually governed.

In their zeal for undermining the Indian government, Maoist fighters have torched construction equipment, bombed government schools and de-railed passenger trains, killing hundreds. In the name of state security, several activists who have supported the Maoists have been jailed and tortured. Innocent people have also been implicated on false charges. These are often intimidation tactics used by the government to discourage people from having any contact with the Maoists.

The uprising by Maoist fighters and its brutal suppression by the Indian government, has claimed more than 10,000 lives since 1980, and displaced 12 million people. Many of the victims are not even associated with either side. They are simply caught in the crossfire. And the violence is escalating as both sides mount offensive after counter-offensive.

Al Jazeera's Imran Garda travelled to the Indian states of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa and West Bengal to get a secret glimpse into the world of the Naxalites and to meet with rebel fighters as well as those victimised by this conflict.
Yes, You are Fool. And You never fail to prove that. Read this:


Imran Garda examines the 40-year war that has claimed thousands of lives but been largely ignored outside of India.

Al Jazeera Correspondent

A 40-year long civil war has been raging in the jungles of central and eastern India. It is one of the world's largest armed conflicts but it remains largely ignored outside of India.

Caught in the crossfire of it are the Adivasis, who are believed to be India's earliest inhabitants. A loose collection of tribes, it is estimated that there are about 84 million of these indigenous people, which is about eight per cent of the country's population.

For generations, they have lived off farming and the spoils of the jungle in eastern India, but their way of life is under threat. Their land contains mineral deposits estimated to be worth trillions of dollars. Forests have been cleared and the Indian government has evacuated hundreds of villages to make room for steel plants and mineral refineries.

The risk of losing everything they have ever known has made many Adivasis fertile recruits for India's Maoist rebels or Naxalites, who also call these forests home.

The Maoists' fight with the Indian government began 50 years ago, just after India became independent. A loose collection of anti-government communist groups - that initially fought for land reform - they are said to be India's biggest internal security threat. Over time, their focus has expanded to include more fundamental questions about how India is actually governed.

In their zeal for undermining the Indian government, Maoist fighters have torched construction equipment, bombed government schools and de-railed passenger trains, killing hundreds. In the name of state security, several activists who have supported the Maoists have been jailed and tortured. Innocent people have also been implicated on false charges. These are often intimidation tactics used by the government to discourage people from having any contact with the Maoists.

The uprising by Maoist fighters and its brutal suppression by the Indian government, has claimed more than 10,000 lives since 1980, and displaced 12 million people. Many of the victims are not even associated with either side. They are simply caught in the crossfire. And the violence is escalating as both sides mount offensive after counter-offensive.

Al Jazeera's Imran Garda travelled to the Indian states of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa and West Bengal to get a secret glimpse into the world of the Naxalites and to meet with rebel fighters as well as those victimised by this conflict.

Maoists Don't want Independance Like balochis they are Poorly equipped Even chotu gang is better Equipped than them

Maoist :rofl:

BLA or balochistan liberation army:disagree:


Maoists Don't want Independance Like balochis they are Poorly equipped Even chotu gang is better Equipped than them

Maoist :rofl:

BLA or balochistan liberation army:disagree:


Watch the Documentary before replying here. You are only making an even bigger idiot out of yourself than you already are. Thank You
Watch the Documentary replying here. You are only making an even bigger idiot out of yourself than you already are. Thank You
Naxal Is not demanding Independent state The State in which they operate are Has state govt

you Don't understand these guys don't Even has Local support :lol::lol: they not even a ethnic Groups they communists First Learn what they stand for :rofl:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naxalite
hardly 4000-5000 in in states which has Population of 20-30 crore crores
We can also create perfect situation in your lands so they will also say we want freedom from Pakistan .Do you want that ?

You think you are not doing that already, You also did it in Bangladesh and succeeded. Now you are trying to do the same thing in Baluchistan but are failing miserably.
I knew some stupid Indian will bring Balochistan in it.
Well it should be your concern. Kashmir separates from India, India will disintegrate,. You know that very well.

Indian troll fest begins.

Now Indian troll fest begins.

India is an occupier. Its illegally occupying people who dont want to be with India. This is a fact.

You read fortunes in tea leaves?
Balochistan was a case of Indian spy agency flaming 'insurgency' there by funding and encouraging terrorists there. This is Indian design to create pressure point on issues that does not even exist. If only we have an honest government that is not compromised by corruption and self interest, it can be easily exposed.

Lets keep this thread to Kashmir only. Kashmir is the issue we need to discuss as it is a dispute recognized under international law.

Every weapon against occupation is legitimate. All freedom fighters in Kashmir at every level should be helped.
Indian members, have the courage first to watch the documentary and then comment. Otherwise stop making a fool of yourself.
What courage, do you think we sympathies with those who killed and r@ped kashmiri pundits and drove them out of their native place? they are reaping what they and their fathers sow... they will keep paying till they learn
Don't reply just for the sake of argument..No one takes you seriously....We will take care of our interest and you will be doing same with your ones...

Just wish gud luck to each other and go to sleep....
As if anyone takes you seriously... and why on earth would I say good luck to your wish of killing my fellow countrymen? Sadly, I can't type the words I want to say here... it is too uncivil...
For all the Indian members that are comparing the Indian occupied Kashmir with Baluchistan. Below is the list of things that are different in both situations.

1. In Balochistan there are no civil protests
2. No clashes between the security forces and civilian protestors
3. No women and children pelting stones on the security forces and demanding freedom
4. No woman are being raped and no children being killed.
5. The insurgency fueled by our enemies is dieing.

What is happening is

1. BLA and BLF are terrorist organization created by Baloch Sardars hiding overseas (some of them in hostile countries)
2. These Sardars have not done anything for their people and have been looting all the development funds that are allocated to them, but they are not satisfied and want more.
3. These Sardars are living a lavish life outside while getting the poor Balochis to do the dirty work for them.
4. Many of these Balochi fighters are realizing that they have been played with and laying down their weapons.
I sometimes wonder have any Pakistani ever thought why world is silent over the so called killing of muslims of Kashmir?
For all the Indian members that are comparing the Indian occupied Kashmir with Baluchistan. Below is the list of things that are different in both situations.

1. In Balochistan there are no civil protests
2. No clashes between the security forces and civilian protestors
3. No women and children pelting stones on the security forces and demanding freedom
4. No woman are being raped and no children being killed.
5. The insurgency fueled by our enemies is dieing.

What is happening is

1. BLA and BLF are terrorist organization created by Baloch Sardars hiding overseas (some of them in hostile countries)
2. These Sardars have not done anything for their people and have been looting all the development funds that are allocated to them, but they are not satisfied and want more.
3. These Sardars are living a lavish life outside while getting the poor Balochis to do the dirty work for them.
4. Many of these Balochi fighters are realizing that they have been played with and laying down their weapons.

There is a legal angle as well.

Baluchistan Insurgency in Pakistan is comparable to the Maoist Insurgency in India , but not Kashmir Insurgency.

Unlike Kashmir, Baluchistan and Northeast Indian states are NOT Disputed Territories under International Law.

Accession of Kashmir is different from accession of any other Indian Princely State (including Khanate of Kalat, Baluchistan) as the accession has been placed before the UN Security Council for arranging a ratification or otherwise by the people of the State under the auspices of the United Nations. Therefore, the arrangement caused through the accession of 26 October 1947 has been taken over by the interests of 195 countries of the UN (including Pakistan as a member nation of UN and as a party). Pakistan as a party to the dispute administers two administrations of the State on its side of cease fire line.
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