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Modi ignores mosques in India but visit one in UAE , local groups confused

Do youhave any problem in that ?AFAIK we Indians dont have any problem :D
After all he is our PM.
And accprding to neutral sources the investment would be around 75 billion$.And I think that is a victory.

I dont have a problem with that either.
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I dont have a problem with that either, neither should indians after all 75 billion can buy indians more toilets than modi would have been able to dish out....wasnt that one of his own campaign promises :laugh:

Indian companies have come forward with the funding and a huge majority of the toilet building goal has already been achieved.

Say what you want, I am very sure you guys are keeping tabs and wishing you had a go getter of his stature to lead you.

Ok, maybe not with the Godhra baggage, but you get me right?

They Are not Muslim but Bohra community. Not single Muslim likes Modi

Bohras being of Yemeni origin are definitely genealogically more Muslim than most of the Hindu converts across South Asia.

And the guy doing the aarti is not a Bohra.
I dont have a problem with that either, neither should indians after all 75 billion can buy indians more toilets than modi would have been able to dish out....wasnt that one of his own campaign promises :laugh:

:lol: and you happens to be Think Tank :rofl: if you are so obsessed with toilets then why don't you first get toilets for your more than 40 million populance squatting in open ?? In this phase of anguish belive me you are not alone, even your national dailies are in pain like you ,in short let the butthurt flow threw you.:laugh:
Modi openly massacred Muslim masses in gujrat.He came into power by promising that he will finish Pakistan and the dream of "Akhand Bharat" will be accomplished under his realm.If you watch his election campaign videos you will know how much hates he spews against Pakistan and this is one of the greatest reason he came into power.Atleast in Pakistan we don't have such a mindset as "Kill all hindus" and stuff like that.Yes some people do think like that for eg Zaid Hamid type people but they don't come in power they go in prisons.
Plz post a single video you are talking about. I will appreciate you. Otherwise don't open your fake mouth.
Mosque visit causes stir back home

The PM lauded the gesture as a “great step” in a tweet. Some of his opponents highlighted that the PM visited the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque at Abu Dhabi when he had not accorded the community any such gesture in India.

All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) said that Modi could have chosen to visit a mosque in the country before visiting a mosque in the UAE.

“Before visiting a mosque in some other country, it would have been better if Modi had visited a masjid in India,” AIMPLB working general secretary Maulana Mohammad Wali Rehmani said.

Guys, its not a big deal. Modi wants and likes Green....the more Green the better. Benjamin Franklin is everything. Local mosques don't give him Benjamin Franklin, that comes out of external places, so what's the big deal about getting lots of Green, and visiting a mosque and taking a selfie???? Everyone's happy and at the end, Modi got a commitment of getting more Green!!!!! People used to say the world is round, I say, its just Green!!
Wali rehmani what a punk :lol: why would modi visit Indian mosques just to show his secular credentials ....does 2 Muslim minister not enough .... but you can consider this visit by as custodian of Indian mosques.
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