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Modi ignores mosques in India but visit one in UAE , local groups confused

Only requirement to enter a mosque is to come without shoes on and be clean
Narendra Modi.jpg
My *** it would have happened earlier. Your stupid BJP was such a loser party that it couldn't even win an election properly. The first thing that a political party does is win elections, these aassholes wouldn't even do that aur nikle hain making India a 100 trillion dollar ecnonomy,.

What spook you? Why are you behaving like a child who just want moon to play without understanding that it is not possible. You are just reiterating same stuff without any logic.

I suggest you take vacation, may be you are burnt.

:rofl: & he's wearing women shoes :rofl::rofl:
How come you know? Did you get hit by it or you were cleaning his shoes or trying to steal them?

so,there lies the answer,the masjids in india are only for muslims,the one in abu dhabi is not.
Problem is, muslims in subcontinent are used as vote bank or rather i would say religion in the subcontinent is used as a power tool and religious place are just a means to tilt the power balance, be it mosque, temple or anything. Muslims in subcontinent has taken religion too serious a subject that they are getting consumed in it. Their way of thinking can only be changed with modern outlook and more interaction with outside world.
What spook you? Why are you behaving like a child who just want moon to play without understanding that it is not possible. You are just reiterating same stuff without any logic.

I suggest you take vacation, may be you are burnt.

How come you know? Did you get hit by it or you were cleaning his shoes or trying to steal them?

Problem is, muslims in subcontinent are used as vote bank or rather i would say religion in the subcontinent is used as a power tool and religious place are just a means to tilt the power balance, be it mosque, temple or anything. Muslims in subcontinent has taken religion too serious a subject that they are getting consumed in it. Their way of thinking can only be changed with modern outlook and more interaction with outside world.

Pakistani old women wear them :rofl:
No other leader in the world has to visit the place of worship to appease minorities in the country ,it happens only in India.

Modi have no interest in worship places of minorities, he is just shrewdly filling the vacuum which has been created by Pakistan joining Iranian camp in newly formed coalition. Not a very surprising move.
Just before Modi's visit, Zardari has been also kicked out of UAE.
In coming days, more diplomatic setbacks are expected to be hitting Pakistan, from ME.
Modi have no interest in worship places of minorities, he is just shrewdly filling the vacuum which has been created by Pakistan joining Iranian camp in newly formed coalition. Not a very surprising move.
Just before Modi's visit, Zardari has been also kicked out of UAE.
In coming days, more diplomatic setbacks are expected to be hitting Pakistan, from ME.
Arabia is USA ally so more close you get to Chinese more USA put pressure on them from behind. That's the reality of world politics.
Arabia is USA ally so more close you get to Chinese more USA put pressure on them from behind. That's the reality of world politics.

Ja ja ja..... I know its bad bad to be associated with US.
therefore Arabia is bad bad... your promotion is imminent.
You know Sultan Rahi's daughter is in action in Punjab.

I said this already nobody owns places of worship no matter whether he is some king or emperor, and the only attraction for me is Makkah and Madina. And for Sauds I wish their downfall happens soon enough.
@Saif al-Arab

See this is what I was talking about. A business deal between an Arab nation and India and suddenly all hell breaks loose. I am amazed because even before Pakistan was born, India had trade relations with GCC countries. Worlds' first mosque outside Arabia was built in Kerela in India.

Problem with Pakistanis are that they see everything with religion. They are Muslim and India is their enemy, so all Muslim nations should hate us. I am afraid world doesn't revolve around emotions. Even China and USA (unofficial enemies) have billions of dollars of trade.
Modi have no interest in worship places of minorities, he is just shrewdly filling the vacuum which has been created by Pakistan joining Iranian camp in newly formed coalition. Not a very surprising move.
Just before Modi's visit, Zardari has been also kicked out of UAE.
In coming days, more diplomatic setbacks are expected to be hitting Pakistan, from ME.
When did Pakistan join Iranian camp


When did Pakistan join Iranian camp

Pakistan has always had good relations with all Muslim nations - except maybe with the (govt of) Bangladesh or N.A. warlord elements of Afgh.

I had a discussion with a pakistani Cabbie in Abu dhabi,he was pointing to this masjid and saying this is a great tourist place,gore log jaate hain,sab jaate hain.

I asked him how come? it is a mosque,how can they let non muslims inside? he said kya karein? yeh hi nizam hain yahaan ka.

so,there lies the answer,the masjids in india are only for muslims,the one in abu dhabi is not.

One of the holiest Mosques for all Muslims worldwide in Al Quds - Palestine - is open to all people of all religions FYI

Pakistan has always had good relations with all Muslim nations - except maybe with the (govt of) Bangladesh or N.A. warlord elements of Afgh.

One of the holiest Mosques for all Muslims worldwide in Al Quds - Palestine - is open to all people of all religions FYI
Having good relations is different from joining camp no ? we too have good realtions with Iran that dsnt mean we have joined Iranian camp
@Saif al-Arab

See this is what I was talking about. A business deal between an Arab nation and India and suddenly all hell breaks loose. I am amazed because even before Pakistan was born, India had trade relations with GCC countries. Worlds' first mosque outside Arabia was built in Kerela in India.

Problem with Pakistanis are that they see everything with religion. They are Muslim and India is their enemy, so all Muslim nations should hate us. I am afraid world doesn't revolve around emotions. Even China and USA (unofficial enemies) have billions of dollars of trade.

@Tridibans :rofl: here let me make it simple for you.

@Saif al-Arab brother (Akhi) I have nothing against you, you are my brother no matter what the world says, I and you can have harsh arguments with each other but the fact still remains the same that we are brothers, you cannot see me hurt and I cannot see you hurt, you don't share the burden of your government neither I am responsible for policies of my government. Muslim to Muslim we are a wall of bricks, you know it and I know it how we feel for each other. I know you are frustrated at Pakistanis but don't forget nothing can come between us, its hard times for us but there will be good times INSHALLAH.
Modi just wants to look good to other nations.
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