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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

There are three problems:

- The mass murdering Tyrannical regime is handling territories to ISIS with barely any clashes so that the world could divert attention between ISIS and Muji forces. Have anyone noticed this? In the Damascus news on the net, SAA claimed they gave ISIS the last checkpoint between Iraq and Syria last week so that they could get into Jordan to spread choas which means the world will forget Assad, this will benefit him just like Iraq today when the world uses to "ISIS" in a fear propaganda tone everyday to make Bashar the Butcher look like a "good guy".

- Maybe this is because the Butcher is losing rapidly on the North (?). I'm convinced Aleppo will fall before the end of 2015 but who will own them 'completely'? The tyrannical regime giving Aleppo to ISIS and probably goes back to defend the coast while Mujis fought exhaustly. A mini 'civil war' could be inevitable if ISIS has former Assad territories for free and on the other side, the Mujis on the liberated territories who went through force.

Again, I find this so complicated ever since Da'esh came in. Syrians are been annoyed in all corners; SAA, ISIS and the Iranian backed terrorist (Hezbushaytan, Iraqi militia, Afghan etc) and billions of blood money coming from Tehran.
While Iran and ISIS make the conflict ever more complicated, you need to realize - rebels are much better at taking territory from ISIS than from Assad. ISIS are not an organized army, and have been beaten several times by Jaish al Islam, FSA, Levant Front, etc. with relative ease in medium sized offensives. Imagine if rebels had the scale of offensives against Assad against ISIS, it would devastate them. Let Assad cede more land, that's only better for us.
you spend too much energy to defend your nusra friends so badly
I am defending the truth. 300 people is too much even for Syria. Houla massacre of 108 people is still remembered. So either they were released very fast or it did not happen at all.
On the Record: YPG expelling Al-Hasakah Arabs ‘merely talk’

MAY. 27, 2015
Several pro-opposition media outlets and activists accuse the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) of committing human rights abuses against Arabs in the areas it recaptures from the Islamic State in northeast Syria.

Here, Akram Salih, pro-opposition Orient News correspondent embedded with YPG forces in the Al-Hasakah countryside, talks to Syria Direct's Osama Abu Zeid about the allegations, which he describes as “merely talk.”

Q: There's been talk recently about violations that the YPG has committed against Arab civilians in the Al-Hasakah countryside, things like forced migration, burning property, etc. What's your take?

“It's merely talk. Talk that hasn't been attributed to any specific individual, but rather to media activists—without mention of who exactly these activists are. What sort of activist is able to be present, right now, in the middle of the ongoing battles? At the very least there are no pictures available that prove the claim [that the YPG is committing violations against Arab citizens].

Secondly, it's the total opposite of what's going on. The YPG presents emergency aid to the residents of the areas they liberate from IS control.”

Q: What about the pictures that were published recently that show agricultural land burning in those areas under YPG control? As the YPG is entering the villages?

“As for burning agricultural land, that's a result of mortars falling during the battles themselves. Keep in mind that right now is harvest season [meaning that fields burn more easily].”
Shame on u lol

These are students killed by what is the name they use yes takfiris

Oh bad u evil Ashanti u shame on u hahaha

Sarcasm intended heavily


Ur students

no where these pics prove your claim but it is not wrong if they are defending the shrines which u poor claims to be defending asad. :lol:
yeah. let it be then.
But but but u were saying a while ago that these were students now they were defending the shrine. Which lie is it the first or the second one. And while we are lying can u tell me which shrine is experiencing thd fighting right now. Is it the city of Aleppo shrine or Hamm's or southern Syria shrine or central Syria shrine. The shrine due to barrel bombs shrine which one of the above mentioned shrines these donkeys were defending.
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But but but u were saying a while ago that these were students now they were defending the shrine. Which lie is it the first or the second one. And while we are lying can u tell me which shrine is experiencing thd fighting right now. Is it the city of Aleppo shrine or Hamm's or southern Syria shrine or central Syria shrine. The shrine due to barrel bombs shrine which one of the above mentioned shrines these donkeys were defending.

Now you are lying that Shia Pakistanis are fighting all over Syria for Asad while this is not the case.

Asad is the President of Syria and did not resigned from his post. the NATO dogs cannot remove him while he enjoys support of majority of Syrians.

Basically you do not know what you are taking about.

other side how many wahabi Pakistanis died in fighting for NATO rebels particularly in Aleppo ? they are in hundreds.
other FSA groups are on YPG's side in Sheikh Maqsoud. similar to the ones helping them in Kobane and Mabroukah.
Now you are lying that Shia Pakistanis are fighting all over Syria for Asad while this is not the case.

Asad is the President of Syria and did not resigned from his post. the NATO dogs cannot remove him while he enjoys support of majority of Syrians.

Basically you do not know what you are taking about.

other side how many wahabi Pakistanis died in fighting for NATO rebels particularly in Aleppo ? they are in hundreds.

Do not worry dear..these "wahhabis" will make sure that they raze your beloved shrines to the ground by the will of Allah.And there is not a damn thing anyone can do to stop them...
rot in hell forever sajid and akhlaq
Do not worry dear..these "wahhabis" will make sure that they raze your beloved shrines to the ground by the will of Allah.And there is not a damn thing anyone can do to stop them...
rot in hell forever sajid and akhlaq

Shrines are still there and those harmed them are nowhere. it is now 1400 yeas.

we are not worried of anything.

wahabis have nothing to do with ISLAM but they commit all crimes in the name of Islam. that is wrong.

They should do it in the name of wahabiism. that is ok and acceptable.

But when they say Islam is their, they are Liars.

we have just begun to send all the terror wahabis to Rot in hell.
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