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Muslims safer in India than anywhere else in world: Yogi Adityanath

Why do you think that after the Gujarat riots no more "state sponsored" acts of violence (against muslims) 've occurred in India???
And how do you plan to prove that it was state sponsored?

The fact that we 've a mini Pakistan within India or that India has the 3rd largest muslim population in the world proves it beyond doubt that muslims 're safe in India. The first two positions 're occupied by Islamic countries.
India is now 2nd largest Muslim majority nation not 3rd.
The fact is that Yes Muslims in India are safe- a lot safer than what they are in Muslim nations
Muslim nations? No.

Yes, they are safer in India than they would be in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan etc. But not safer than in Turkey, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Indonesia, UAE, Qatar.

That's the fact. Saying they are safer than 'anywhere else in the world' or 'Muslim nations' is not a simple exaggeration, it is plain false.

Far from perfect, and yes, that applies to every country, including mine.
Rioter is a small word for the sworded hindutva killing babies, women, unarmed.

What Muslims riot with, rose petals?

Okay if that is the case then your society needs to revisit why they don't spare children, women, pregnant women during their riots. I may have enmity with you but there is no bravery in harming your family and children.

Do you think mentally stable persons go out and do such things? And does only one community do such things? For example, out of the 59 burnt alive in the Godhra train burning, 25 were women and 15 were children.
2,000 is the number of Muslims who carried out the massacre and gruesome roasting alive of 59 Hindus-including 25 women and 15 children in Godhra. It is not the number of Muslims who were killed in the subsequent riots.
Non-Hindus wont accept it. Saraswati is a Hindu Godess.

I am talking about our national anthem, not Saraswati bandana.

i have reduced my time on pdf in the last two months. :-) though pdf provides me a platform to spread commie propaganda, especially among the ladies. :D

Yeah, you should join CPM, they are in coma and in dire need of fresh blood. :D

as if i will sing. :D

Why not? It's our national anthem.

sanskrit ( via hindi ) is just one of the components of urdu language... the others being arabi, farsi and turkic... and urdu is not the language of muslims only.

Urdu also has its roots in Sanskrit with some lone words from arabi, farsi and turkic, and all Indian Muslims don't speak Urdu/Hindi.
I've lived in Lucknow and I did not see anything that you're talking about.
Au contraire ppl of Lucknow (be it hindus or muslims) celebrate eid and holi together. When was the last time you visited the city???
Gujarat massacre and Mumbai attacks happened a decade apart. Your point being???

That does not mean some of them/all of them do not want independence.

Which world do you live in sire???
Just few days back 3 muslims who were put behind the bars under POTA, were released. Interestingly sometime back, the Akhilesh Yadav government (A hindu govt in your lexicon!!) had initiated efforts to withdraw case against them but the Lucknow Bench of the Allahabad High Court had stayed the government’s move.

Social activists demand release of innocent Muslims in UP
The Milli Gazette
Published Online: Apr 28, 2012
Print Issue: 1-15 May 2012
By Rajiv Yadav, PUCL

Lucknow: Social activists organised a meet here on 11 April at the U.P. Press Club to press for the demand for the release of innocent Muslims held on terror charges in the state. Social activist and former vice chancellor of Lucknow University Prof. Roop Rekha Verma, Magsaysay award winner Sandeep Pandey, Arundhati Dhuru and lawyers of some of the detainees, Randhir Singh Suman and Mohammad Shoeb, raised their voice demanding the release of innocent Muslims held on terror charges.

Samajwadi Party in its manifesto had promised to release innocent Muslims held in various jails on terror charges. Recently the party decided to release some of them which can be believed to be a step forward towards fulfilling its election promise. From the year 2000 onwards, Muslims and their institutions have been targeted on the pretext of the fight against terror in one way or the other. Of those arrested since that period some have been released because of lack of evidence but many are still languishing in jails not only in Uttar Pradesh but across India. The decision of Samajwadi Party to release some Muslim youths exposed the fact that terrorism has become a political issue rather than a law and order matter and therefore it can be solved politically. There is evidence that UP ATS kidnapped Tariq Qasmi from Azamgarh on 12 December and Khalid Mujahid on 16 December, 2007, for their alleged role in a series of bomb blasts in Lucknow, Varanasi and Faizabad courts on 23 November 2007. Missing report of Tariq was filed by his grandfather Azhar Ali in Raniki Sarai thana on 14 December 2007. As per RTI reply, Police in Madiyahu revealed that UP ATS had arrested Khalid Mujahid on 16 December from Madiyahu (Jaunpur) district which can be said to be a criminal act. On the contrary, UP STF claimed to have arrested both of them in the morning of 22 December from Barabanki (that is our ancestral village they are trying to incriminate!!!) with some explosives and arms.

After having seen its political implications, the then government ordered an inquiry which was to submit its report within six months but till date it has not done so. Aftab Alam Ansari of Kolkata who was incarcerated for the court blast was found innocent and released while Sajjadur Rahman of Kashmir has also been exonerated of any role in the Lucknow blast case.

After the blast in the court in various cities in Uttar Pradesh, Hindutva forces had issued a whip to all advocates not to take up the cases of those accused in terror charges. The reason for this as cited by them was that the court blast was planned to take revenge for Waliullah, an accused in the Sankatmochan blast.

Former ADG of Uttar Pradesh Brij Lal had said on 25 December 2007 that explosives and methods used in the court blasts were similar to that of Makka Masjid blast. Now, as we all know, the truth is that Hindutva terrorists were involved in the Makka Masjid blast, we demand a high level inquiry into these cases. Human rights and political organisations took a decision to fight it out legally. Lawyers of these Muslims youths were attacked and forced to shout slogans like “Hindustan Zindabad” and “Pakistan Murdabad”.

Two youths from Azamgarh were accused of belonging to “Indian Mujahideen” and killed in the Batla House encounter but till date the Central Government has not shown the guts for any kind of judicial inquiry. On 14 August 2008, Abul Bashar, another youth from Azamgarh, was arrested for being an “Indian Mujahideen” member from Beenapara in Azamgarh. In totality, so far 16 youths from Azamgarh have been arrested, while seven are still missing and two were killed in the Batla House encounter. Today, youths from Azamgarh are in jails in Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Maharashtra, Delhi and some other places.

Human rights organisations also demanded inquiry into the attack on a CRPF camp at Rampur which was claimed to be a terror attack just to conceal a fight among CRPF personnel themselves. For this incident, youths named as Kausar Farooqui, Jang Bahadur, Sharif, Gulab Khan of Uttar Pradesh and Sabauddin from Bihar, Faheem Ansari from Mumbai (Ansaris everywhere???) , are languishing in jails in UP. Social activists have demanded a CBI inquiry into the incident of the shootout in the CRPF camp at Rampur.

On 19 June 2007, Nasir Hussain from Munniki Reti of Tehri Garhwal and on 21 June 2007 Mohammad Yakub from Nagina were shown to have been arrested from Lucknow. Likewise, On 19 June Naushad from Nirvana, Alwar (Rajasthan) and Jalaluddin from West Bengal were lifted from Charbagh and their arrests shown in Residency area in Lucknow. On interrogation of Jalaluddin, Ali Akbar Hussain and Sheikh Mukhtar of Bengal were shown to have been arrested from Bengal on 24 June, 2007.

Many youths of the state and from Kashmir have been arrested, claiming they were ISI agents in the state. People of Kashmir are afraid of visiting these places. On 23 December 2007, two Kashmiri youths who were selling woollen clothes, were killed allegedly in a fake encounter in the name of protecting the then chief minister. All these incidents compel us to believe that UP STF and UP police arrest innocent Muslim youths, torture them and collect false evidence which is a crime.

During the political noise over terror, Bajrang Dal workers lost their lives while fabricating a bomb in Kanpur’s Rajiv Nagar area in 2008. At the time, Sri Prakash Jaiswal, MOS Home, had said the a CBI enquiry should be ordered into this incident. The then chief minister Mayawati commented on this that the blasts in UP courts and the CRPF camp too should be probed by CBI. This shows clearly that no probes were ordered for all these blasts due to political complications.

Members of civil society and social activists demanded of the new Samjwadi party government to reciprocate the gesture of the Muslims support to the party by fulfilling the promise made to them in the party manifesto before the elections. They also demanded the immediate release of innocent Muslims and thereafter provide them with opportunities that can ensure them a dignified life after their release. Social activists also demanded proper investigation and action against all those policemen involved in the illegal arrests of innocent Muslims. (Translated from Hindi)

Source: ISI gave Rs 5 lakh to man who beheaded Indian soldier

Ensure that no innocent has the feeling of sufferance only because ‘my name is Khan, but I am not a terrorist,’ Bench tells Police

No innocent person should be branded a terrorist and put behind bars simply because he belongs to a minority community, the Supreme Court has told the Gujarat Police.

Police must ensure that no innocent person has the feeling of sufferance only because “my name is Khan, but I am not a terrorist,” a Bench of Justices H.L. Dattu and C.K. Prasad said on Wednesday.

It ordered the acquittal of 11 persons, arrested under the Terrorist and Disruptive Activities (Prevention) Act and other laws, and convicted for allegedly planning to create communal violence during the Jagannath Puri Yatra in Ahmedabad in 1994.

“We emphasise and deem it necessary to repeat that the gravity of the evil to the community from terrorism can never furnish an adequate reason for invading personal liberty, except in accordance with the procedure established by the Constitution and the law,” the Bench said.

Being an anti-terrorist law, the TADA’s provisions could not be liberally construed, the Bench said. “The District Superintendent of Police and the Inspector-General and all others entrusted with operating the law must not do anything which allows its misuse and abuse and [must] ensure that no innocent person has the feeling of sufferance only because ‘My name is Khan, but I am not a terrorist’.”

Writing the judgment, Justice Prasad said: “We appreciate the anxiety of the police officers entrusted with preventing terrorism and the difficulty faced by them. Terrorism is a crime far serious in nature, graver in impact and highly dangerous in consequence. It can put the nation in shock, create fear and panic and disrupt communal peace and harmony. This task becomes more difficult when it is done by organised groups with outside support.”

‘Means more important’

But in the country of the Mahatma, the “means are more important than the end. Invoking the TADA without following the safeguards, resulting in acquittal, gives an opportunity to many and also to the enemies of the country to propagate that it has been misused and abused.”In this case, Ashraf Khan and 10 others, who were convicted under the TADA, the Arms Act and the IPC were aggrieved that no prior approval of the SP, as mandated under the provisions, was obtained before their arrest and recording of statements.

Appeal allowed

Allowing their appeals against a Gujarat TADA court order, the Bench said: “From a plain reading of the provision, it is evident that no information about the commission of an offence shall be recorded by the police without the prior approval of the District Superintendent of Police. An Act which is harsh, containing stringent provisions and prescribing a procedure substantially departing from the prevalent ordinary procedural law, cannot be construed liberally. For ensuring rule of law its strict adherence has to be ensured.”

The Bench said: “In view of our finding that their conviction is vitiated on account of non-compliance with the mandatory requirement of prior approval under Section 20-A(1) of the TADA, the confessions recorded cannot be looked into to establish the guilt under the aforesaid Acts. Hence, the conviction of the accused under Sections 7 and 25(1A) of the Arms Act and 4, 5 and 6 of the Explosive Substances Act cannot also be allowed to stand.”

Full rights???
They 've all the rights that an Indian citizen has but if muslims think that under the garb of religion they'll be allowed to marry 4 times then they're wrong.
Multiple wives not allowed- Indian supreme court
sorry!!! Not happening!!!

4 marriages were the reduced number of marriages under Islam. Originally arabs had 10-20 marriages. The rule applied in the 7th century not today. However in a secular society it is the choice of the person if he marries 4,8,20 or once. A secular society cannot stifle freedom for all, regardless of religion.
Yeah, you should join CPM, they are in coma and in dire need of fresh blood. :D

well, i have spoken to cpm and cpi-ml last year... and you are correct, the old guard in those two moved away from proper activism in the 60's and got involved in electioning and became not much different than congress or janata dal... they need a new path.

Why not? It's our national anthem.

1. i being muslim-born reject singing a anthem named after a hindu goddess, and whose form is also imagined ( idolatry ), and which mentions other hindu divinities, and, and when it is attached to a culture which has a goddess for money ( lakshmi ).

2. i being socialist reject a anthem celebrating a capitalism/religion-obsessed culture, and when it also has a goddess for money ( lakshmi ), and when it celebrates mysticism and mythology.

these are the lyrics...
She, who is as fair as the Kunda flower, white as the moon, and a garland of Tushar flowers;and who is covered in white clothes

She, whose hands are adorned by the excellent veena, and whose seat is the pure white lotus;

She, who is praised by Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh; and prayed to by the Devas

O Mother Goddess, remove my mental dullness!

it would cause me pain to sing such a thing... it would be violation of my human rights.

Urdu also has its roots in Sanskrit with some lone words from arabi, farsi and turkic

like i said, urdu does not have roots in sanskrit, only that sanskrit ( via hindi ) is one of the contributing languages... urdu was supposedly created in the mughal army camps.

and all Indian Muslims don't speak Urdu/Hindi.

yes, all indian muslims do not speak urdu or hindi, which is why i said urdu should not be confined only to muslims... there have been great urdu non-muslim writers decades past.
[SIZE=4 said:
haviZsultan[/SIZE]] Aftab Alam Ansari of Kolkata who was incarcerated for the court blast was found innocent and released while Sajjadur Rahman of Kashmir has also been exonerated of any role in the Lucknow blast case.
Police must ensure that no innocent person has the feeling of sufferance only because “my name is Khan, but I am not a terrorist,” a Bench of Justices H.L. Dattu and C.K. Prasad said on Wednesday.
Reinforces my trust in our judicial system (that it is not biased).
And in such situations you can not really blame the police officers, by allowing a suspect to roam free or delaying his/her arrest can be detrimental to nation's security.
This should be an example
In December 2009, Bhatkal, who was wanted for bombings in Delhi and Hyderabad, was picked by the Kolkata Police in connection with a theft case. But he managed to convince his captors that he was a local resident called Bulla Mallik, and walked out of the Shakespeare Sarani police station. His next bomb blast came soon after.

In 2008, Bhatkal and some of his colleagues in the IM— which was declared a terrorist outfit in June 2010 by India and in 2011 by the US—were located through a tip-off in Chikmaglur in Karnataka. But the police delayed the raid and Bhatkal got away again. In 2010, the CCTV camera footage of the German Bakery blast case identified him in Pune.

Any suspect should be picked up immediately, the error in judgement can cost a 100 (or more) lives.

Many youths of the state and from Kashmir have been arrested, claiming they were ISI agents in the state. People of Kashmir are afraid of visiting these places. On 23 December 2007, two Kashmiri youths who were selling woollen clothes, were killed allegedly in a fake encounter in the name of protecting the then chief minister. All these incidents compel us to believe that UP STF and UP police arrest innocent Muslim youths, torture them and collect false evidence which is a crime.
kashmiris should think a hundred times before sheltering and protecting terrorists. In a fight against terrorism innocents also pay a huge price, thats exactly what was happening in Kashmir. I'm glad things 've improved for good in the region.

4 marriages were the reduced number of marriages under Islam. Originally arabs had 10-20 marriages. The rule applied in the 7th century not today. However in a secular society it is the choice of the person if he marries 4,8,20 or once. A secular society cannot stifle freedom for all, regardless of religion.
So you support polygyny ???
You think its stifling of one's freedom to not allow a person to marry for than once (twice or more number of times)???
Have you ever thought of this from a woman's perspective?

Now you still have not proved
1) That Gujarat riot was state sponsored.
2) why did Mumbai and Gujarat riots happen after a decade's gap?
3) The original link to the article you'd posted?
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it would cause me pain to sing such a thing... it would be violation of my human rights.

Do you find Pain to recite the Quran too ? :lol: ............ there are many things in it that will violate your Human Rights.

Do answer this as well. :P
Do you find Pain to recite the Quran too ? :lol:

i don't recite the quran... i know some core teachings of it through english translations/interpretations ( the good ones )... i don't know arabi therefore i don't see the point of blindly reciting it ( what most ordinary non-arab muslims do, sadly ).
i don't recite the quran... i know some core teachings of it through english translations/interpretations ( the good ones )... i don't know arabi therefore i don't see the point of blindly reciting it ( what most ordinary non-arab muslims do, sadly ).

Good try, LOL.

But let me Rephrase,

Do you find Pain to READ the Quran too ? ............ there are many things in it that will violate your Human Rights.
like what??

Let me pick for you,

Quaran 9:5 :

And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists (Idolaters) wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

Feeling the "Pain" yet ? :coffee:
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Let me pick for you,

Quaran 9:5 :

And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists (Idolaters) wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

Feeling the Pain yet ? :coffee:

i will have to check, but there is of course the context to think of ( situation, targets ).
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