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88% Pakistani civilians willing to go to war for Pakistan

The great Genghis Khan said. The greatest victory is a victory without a fight. Piece of advice to my Pakistani bros.

And do you know what he did? Was there ever a major or minor case he did not fight against an enemy?
the enemy within that we are fighting is not so within but aided with foreign elements.
heck IA can barely handle a handful of kashmiri fighters, nexels are simply out of their league. Imagine how fragile IA is if tomorrow a TTP like force emerges from nowhere.
heck IA can barely handle a handful of kashmiri fighters, nexels are simply out of their league,I see.First u cannot solve the problem in Balochistan which has been going on right from 1947.More then 5 wars have been fought till now,even the no of check posts has doubled,so crime,murder.Everything is not fighting.One should not compare Kashmir fighters with naxals.The naxals are not demanding Indipendence.The Kashmir problem is somewhat similar to the problem in Balochistan.
the enemy within that we are fighting is not so within but aided with foreign elements.

India cannot stand against such a resilient enemy, heck IA can barely handle a handful of kashmiri fighters, nexels are simply out of their league. Imagine how fragile IA is if tomorrow a TTP like force emerges from nowhere.

Dont want to ruin sleeps here but what If !
Yes Sir it seems now Al Qaeda is looking forward to shift its focus on India and if they do India is soon going to face hell it took them three days to take out those 10 guys at Mumbai and Al Qaeda is far deadly and better trained force
aman ka tamasha -> EPIC FAIL
Pakistan's #1 enemy is still india and don't assume for a second that Pakistan will take its eye off its main enemy due to other emerging threats
There is no need for India to attack.Today's Pakistan enemy is a internal one which is eating Pakistan like a PARASITE. War is a expense & not some party,fun or frolic,already your country is heavily deficit.This will increase your deficit.Your GDP is just 2 to 3%.The recent example of Nawaz Shaief visits to Saudi Arabia.To pay your International Debts,Import Bill,the rulers of Pakistan will go with a BEGGING Bowl to IMF,World Bank,Middle East.Right now 88% of the Pakistanis want or support war against TTP,do they realize after the war,the Government of Pakistan will increase the taxes,subsdies will be removed,In short after the war,More Begging will follow.U just mark my words

This news is regarding People of Pakistan ready to fight, defend & die for their country, it got nothing to do with india..... so why this heart burn .... :coffee:
i am ready to fight for my country... i've always been :pakistan:
Finally the Pakistani Army & the rulers have woken up from the Deepest slumber.
The great Genghis Khan said. The greatest victory is a victory without a fight. Piece of advice to my Pakistani bros.

Did he give that piece of advice AFTER he got his rear delivered on a platter at the battle of Parwan or before it? Or was it when the rest of his men in India were defeated, with 3,000 of them enslaved at the hands of the Afghan Ghilzais (Khijis) who at the time had carved out a litle empire of their own in India?
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Did he give that piece of advice AFTER he got his rear delivered on a platter at the battle of Parwan or before it? Or was it when the rest of his men in India were defeated, with 3,000 of them enslaved at the hands of the Ghilzais (Khijis) who at the time had carved out a litle empire of their own in India?
His descendants the mughals ruled India for centuries. So Probably after.
Since Indian members are contributing most of the posts, i wonder what percentage of them would be willing to fight for India...... keeping in mind that during it's peek, many IAF personal left to join the private airlines for monetary incentives.
Another Arm Chair Expert,What will be the percentage of Pakistanis willing to pay more & more taxes after this limited War against TTP & IMU.

It was Mukti-Bahni-&-Co dressed up in Pak military uniform.They made it look like it was done by Pakistanis coz they wanted to ignite sheeple against Pak-Army,,, this was achieved by News Media lies & by Mukti-men dressing-up in Pak-Army uniform.

Following pictures were circulated in Bangla media as Pak soldiers, who in fact were indian soldiers. I cannot claim that nothing happened at all since I haven't studied events of those days. But what I have learned from this forum is that it was Mukti Bahini dressed in Pak-Army clothes who raped & pillaged villages to induce bad image of Pak-Army in masses. & then to continue with propaganda, Bangladeshi news papers printed pictures of some soldiers checking circumcision of ppl & claimed it was Pak-soldiers while in fact those were indians soldiers...

2nd picture is in fact an indian soldier checking for weapons; but Bangla media lied & said it was a Pakistani soldier.

Mujeeb’s daughter admits her father was a traitor, says Indian helped him raise an Indian-backed terror militia that raped and plundered in order to malign Pakistan Army...

General Mankeshaw wrote a book in which has claimed that he recruited 80,000 Hindus to create the Mukti Bahni. These terrorists were dressed up in Pakistan Army uniform and raped and pillaged Pakistani Bengalis.


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How many Pakistanis want lo live for their country..instead of going into war.....for development of their country.....??

100-88 = 12 %
Sir I know you and others like you are quite in pain Sir after seeing this I posted it also on other forums and pain was also quite evident their and those 10 % said no they belong to that elite class which doesn't pay taxes others if they don't want they indirectly pay when they buy things or when their pay comes through banks
Pain??? I am not sure you understand the process of nation building...If only fighters meant having a prosperous nation then today Pakistan would be dominating the world....

Fighting is all ok.... if 88% of your nation paid taxes, you would be much better off...
Another Arm Chair Expert,What will be the percentage of Pakistanis willing to pay more & more taxes after this limited War against TTP & IMU.
Well Mr wonder, why not first address the subject at hand rather then drag in another issue.

How many Pakistanis want lo live for their country..instead of going into war.....for development of their country.....??

100-88 = 12 %
Just look up the stats on which country from the subcontinent now has highest number of illegals entering western countries. ??....here's just one link to prove the obvious.

Illegal Immigrants Coming from India Increasing in the US | The American Bazaar
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Jang Pakistani larhna chahtai hain apnai mulk kai liye aur maut bharation ko parh rahi hai. This irony is seriously unmistakable

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