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Afg General Abdul Raziq spewing venom against Pakistan

Bhaiya stop pretending to be gora, its been years now but i remember who you are, always-bhaiya. Awal number ka harami beta apni gashti ami ka.
Never expected a member calling another member's mother a prostitute getting tolerated on this forum. But hey.. change is the only constant :)

Bhaiya stop pretending to be gora, its been years now but i remember who you are, always-bhaiya. Awal number ka harami beta apni gashti ami ka.
Never expected a member calling another member's mother a prostitute getting tolerated on this forum. But hey.. change is the only constant :)
Hahahaha ...

epic .. Had a good laugh.

No offense intended at anyone.
Idiots come out in numbers and you seem to be one.

Never expected a member calling another member's mother a prostitute getting tolerated on this forum. But hey.. change is the only constant :)

Never expected a member calling another member's mother a prostitute getting tolerated on this forum. But hey.. change is the only constant :)
Well what do you from a donkey.

Idiots come out in numbers and you seem to be one.

Well what do you expect from a donkey.
Dear Friend

You need to revisit your facts.

Responding here would derail the thread.

Punjabi Muslims did not take part, this is fact. Sikhs however were all to glad to help the gora against the Musalman and even Hindus who rebelled.
Brits labelled, anyone who butt-licked them and became willing to be their foot-soldiers, with martial race tag. Both the Punjabi Musalman and Sikh helped the British to suppress the 1857 mutiny which happened mostly in central and north-central India. Both Muslims and Hindus of Delhi, Oudh, Bihar, Bengal etc. were at the forefront of the anti-British mutiny, and none of them made it to the 'Martial races' list.

They all worked for the Punjabi dominated Pakistan. TTP was mid-wifed by ISI in mid-1990's long after the death of Zia in 1988.
wow amazing TTP came into being in 2007 kiddo not in 90s thats sums up ur knowledge about Pakistan and its war against TTP
Punjabi Muslims did not take part, this is fact. Sikhs however were all to glad to help the gora against the Musalman and even Hindus who rebelled.

Mate read some history before post and i am against no body but fact is a fact
Mate read some history before post and i am against no body but fact is a fact

Ok give me source if so, if I am wrong correct me no problem. I know the Punjabi Muslims in Jhelum, Ferozepur and Sailkot joined the revolt which ones did not? It was mostly sikh and Pashtun soldiers who stayed either neutral or helped Brits.
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He opened his mouth against Punjab which is Part of Pakistan arnt the afg forgetting 1 thing these Same Punjabi or Pakistani Sheltered them when they were thrown out of their own houses in Afg.
Even after 3 decades These thugs still run their mouth against the one who always helped them out and they think Pakistan is their enemy and here Pakistani think afg are their brother
Even a dog is more loyal than these people he never barks at his master

Pakistan has a complete failure of the Afghanistan war. A lot of this blame goes to the foreign office. The foreign office has never been run on a professional basis.

Ideally foreign office runs the foreign policy and they keep checking the loopholes in their policy. For this they take the help of think tanks, foreign policy institutes and experts in international relations experts. All these factors were missing in Afghan policy.

One man policy was run in Afghanistan. All the stakeholders in the Afgan war were not taken into consideration. They were not properly contacted and taken into confidence.

Now this badly implemented Afghan policy has fired back.

The question is not about the Afghan stakeholders, most important question is, is there any lesson learned?

Yes lesson is learned, Pakistan first time in the history is without foreign minister. Is this a joke or a sharp reality?

Nawaz Sharif has thought when foreign office is not working, then why we need a foreign minister. But one thing he should do is close the foreign office and fire all the foregin office staff and run everything from prime minister's office. At least it will save budget on national treasury.
How much ....???
Didn't count. Relevance?
So you are saying that the convention is applicable only to countries who share borders .....
How else are they gonna enter here without a border?

Musharaf .....??? seriously dear you need to read the history of Afghanistan .....

secondly i would advise you to read again your post and my post .... I just straighten the fact that refugee convention is not a necessary obligation .... which you said that Pakistan had to take refugee under international convention .... We accepted Afghan refugee as 'our brothers' not as the refugee from some war torn Nation ...
You can say whatever you want today. The point is you had no option other than accepting them at that point of time. You simply couldn't turn them back, even if you wanted. If you want to call it brotherly love, its fine, but you shouldn't call it betrayal when they cause problems. No country can do it. The best you can do is try sending them back, and we both know that's impossible.
Yeah right, throwing out a decade long insurgency in Afghanistan was a real help. How did Pakistan stood by them? By accepting refugees, which it was bound to accept due to international law? And what price? Was there no drug smuggling in Pakistan before war, no gun culture, FATA did not exist before the war?

(Mistake: How did Pakistan stood by them? Correction: How did Pakistan stand by them?
Mistake: Was there no drug smuggling in Pakistan before war, Correction: Was there no drug smuggling in Pakitan before the war...)

The Afghan foreign policy was very badly run by Pakistan. The Afghan insurgency started by Americans, they were fighting against Russia. Pakistan entered in this war game without completely understanding the dynamics of this war.

It is not only Pakistan, all the developing countries are doing the same thing. Foregin policy and internal policy are run by one man show. We also did the same thing in Kashmir, Sri Linka, Sikhs, Assam, Tamil Nadu and Assam. These are all the examples of badly run or one man run foreign and internal policy.

We elected Modi and Pakistan elected Nawaz Sharif. One is the killer and the other one is Mr. 50 %. These both are very good choices of ammunition mafia, financial mafia, drug mafia, etc.

We have to localize the problem. The blame game will worsen the situation. Both countries are strengthening the hands of international mafia. All the developing countries are victims of international mafia.
It is easy to indulge in the blame game and forget that we are trying to achieve same peace objectives in the region. Those who are working to destabilize the region would love to see friction between both nations. We must realize that we’ve come too far and made too many sacrifices to let our common enemies gain advantage and let any differences hold precedence over our common objectives in the region. It is our wish and desire to peace prevail throughout the region and that is simply not possible if both nations remain hostile towards each other. The leading candidates from Afghanistan along with the leaders from Pakistan have expressed their desire to improve the ties between Pakistan and Afghanistan. We also wish to see Afghanistan and Pakistan resolve any issues that are preventing both nations from forming a healthy working relationship.

Ali Khan
Digital Engagement Team, USCENTCOM
(Mistake: How did Pakistan stood by them? Correction: How did Pakistan stand by them?
Mistake: Was there no drug smuggling in Pakistan before war, Correction: Was there no drug smuggling in Pakitan before the war...)

The Afghan foreign policy was very badly run by Pakistan. The Afghan insurgency started by Americans, they were fighting against Russia. Pakistan entered in this war game without completely understanding the dynamics of this war.

It is not only Pakistan, all the developing countries are doing the same thing. Foregin policy and internal policy are run by one man show. We also did the same thing in Kashmir, Sri Linka, Sikhs, Assam, Tamil Nadu and Assam. These are all the examples of badly run or one man run foreign and internal policy.

We elected Modi and Pakistan elected Nawaz Sharif. One is the killer and the other one is Mr. 50 %. These both are very good choices of ammunition mafia, financial mafia, drug mafia, etc.

We have to localize the problem. The blame game will worsen the situation. Both countries are strengthening the hands of international mafia. All the developing countries are victims of international mafia.
(Mistake: Sri Linka, Correction: Sri Lanka
Mistake: Foregin policy, Correction: Foreign policy....)
I am not blaming anyone. I am simply saying Pakistan is wrong to blame Afghans for its own mistakes.
Didn't count. Relevance?

simple ... no relevance but u used Kolkata as an example .....

How else are they gonna enter here without a border?

Well they travelled thousand miles to reach to Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi they could have travelled 'few more miles' to seek refuge in Delhi, Agra, Amritsar or Ahmedabad ....

You can say whatever you want today. The point is you had no option other than accepting them at that point of time. You simply couldn't turn them back, even if you wanted. If you want to call it brotherly love, its fine, but you shouldn't call it betrayal when they cause problems. No country can do it. The best you can do is try sending them back, and we both know that's impossible.

Sorry dear its you who is talking irrelevant thing as per you baseless narrative, I have already given u the reference of Article IX of the international convention ..... we had and we have the option available under international convention ....
Afghanistan is roughly now 60 years behind Pakistan and even more when compared to other countries. And 60 years of nation building is a big if too.

6 million reported/illegal Afghan refugees currently in Pak with 2.5 million who are actively involved in crime and terrorist networks. Its the biggest burden on the state after Sindh.

When will this status be revoked and they are deported? Once they have gone back to their 1920s life remake then we can close the border. Who cares then what they think and talk about. Would be as much of a threat as a flea.
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