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german secret service discovery that turkish MIT murdered 3 kurdish women in Paris

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Yes, but when your government called for air defense batteries, guess who answered?

Per as the rules of NATO, other NATO countries are obliged to assist, no? an outright rejection to help Turkey would tarnish the public image of NATO as whole. The US wouldn't want that.

This case is seperate and is about the sincerity of the EU states in helping Turkey (behind the scenes) in regards of solving the latter's pkk problem in Europe. Unfortunately I am not convinced that the EU is sincere and assisting in this matter as i would have expected them to be as fellow Nato members.
All under NATO Umbrella, well Turkey also did many favours for NATO such as Korea War, Afghanistan, helping Germany at their withdrawal from Afghanistan and several other NATO Missions.

I think 2-3 Patriot batteries arent asked much isnt it?
Per as the rules of NATO, other NATO countries are obliged to assist, no? an outright rejection to help Turkey would tarnish the public image of NATO as whole. The US wouldn't want that.

I don't think anyone is obliged to do anything without invocation of article 5. But i'm no expert. If i recall correctly only Germany, the Netherlands and US have the PAC-3 (optimized vs missiles) version, and that was the reason those countries sent stuff to Turkey.

I think 2-3 Patriot batteries arent asked much isnt it?

No, ofcourse not, i was just challenging Sinan's claims on how Germany doesn't have influence in the region. While that may be true, they certainly have some influence over Turkey. Aside from the patriots, there's still that little thing of 5 million Turks sending €'s to Turkey.

I find deep irony in statements of you Turks, along the lines "we don't need anyone, **** you all".
No, ofcourse not, i was just challenging Sinan's claims on how Germany doersn't have influence in the region. While that may be true, they certainly have some influence over Turkey. Aside from the patriots, there's still that little thing of 5 million Turks sending €'s to Turkey.
You also should consider that this guys is a troll and coming up with so much BS that things are heated up now, not everything should been taken serious.
You also should consider that this guys is a troll and coming up with so much BS that things are heated up now, not everything should been taken serious.

I think he's just emotional. :P
„Und Gott bewahre“
GEHEIMDIENSTE Hat der türkische Geheimdienst drei PKK-Aktivistinnen in Paris ermorden lassen? Der Verdacht wiegt schwer, der deutsche Verfassungsschutz hat seine Kooperation bereits eingeschränkt.
ie hört es sich wohl an, wenn ein Geheimdienstoffizier einen Auftragsmord mit einem Killer bespricht? Zum Beispiel so: „Hast du vor, Handschuhe zu tragen?“, fragt der mutmaßliche Agent. „Ja“, antwortet der angebliche Schütze, „auf der Waffe wird bestimmt keine Spur sein.“
     Die Aufzeichnung des Gesprächs ist zehn Minuten lang. Zu hören sind vermeint-
lich zwei Angehörige des türkischen Geheimdienstes MIT und der Mordverdächtige Ömer Güney. Die Männer besprechen, dass der Mörder zwei Pistolen brauche, weil eine vielleicht versagen könne. Dass er Waffen und Munition bei einem Araber in Belgien kaufen wolle, dafür aber bislang keinen Kredit aufgenommen habe. Dass er schon einmal Gelegenheit gehabt habe zuzuschlagen.
      Sie sprechen über Fluchtwege und das Risiko aufzufliegen. „Kann man herausbekommen, wer die Waffe gekauft hat?“, fragt einer der angeblichen Offiziere. „Nein, das kommt in einem neuen Paket“, versichert der mutmaßliche Auftragnehmer. „Lass uns den Plan noch einmal besprechen“, mahnen die Männer. „Denn ein kleinster Fehler, und Gott bewahre. Für uns bist du wichtig, die anderen
sind es nicht.“ [...]

this is from the article,look at the end of the sentence,the question mark in red.
Hat der türkische Geheimdienst drei PKK-Aktivistinnen in Paris ermorden lassen?
Did the Turkish secret service kill(or order to be killed) three PKK-activists in Paris?
Where does it say it is confirmed?
@Bismarck ,could you explain the article in English(since you are German).
You also should consider that this guys is a troll and coming up with so much BS that things are heated up now, not everything should been taken serious.

Are you kidding me? I posted an article from spiegel, i dont like turkey in EU. Thats not trolling, thats freedom of speech, You dont have that in your oriental culture? Fine, one reason more to keep you out of EU. Turkey is an asian country. If we allow turkey in, we can also allow Japan. The only troll i see here is you bozkurt troll.

I have no problem with our Bundeswehr helping at syrian boarder. As i said, im pro partnership.
I don't think anyone is obliged to do anything without invocation of article 5. But i'm no expert. If i recall correctly only Germany, the Netherlands and US have the PAC-3 (optimized vs missiles) version, and that was the reason those countries sent stuff to Turkey.

No, ofcourse not, i was just challenging Sinan's claims on how Germany doesn't have influence in the region. While that may be true, they certainly have some influence over Turkey. Aside from the patriots, there's still that little thing of 5 million Turks sending €'s to Turkey.

I find deep irony in statements of you Turks, along the lines "we don't need anyone, **** you all".

Going by common sense, Nato not helping Turkey with patriots would simply mean 'we don't care enough about the situation/Turkey'. That is a signal of disunity within Nato. joining Turkey in a war, that has been started by Turkey, is not obligatory, but a Nato country has the right to invoke law 5 in case of a defensive war. I once read that Turkey even pays for the operational service of these patriots, so it's not free, as you might have guessed.
No, ofcourse not, i was just challenging Sinan's claims on how Germany doesn't have influence in the region.

Yeap and i stand behind my post. Germany doesn't have the 1/10 influence on the region that Turkey has.

While that may be true, they certainly have some influence over Turkey. Aside from the patriots, there's still that little thing of 5 million Turks sending €'s to Turkey.

Seriously, that is Germany's influence on Turkey ?

I find deep irony in statements of you Turks, along the lines "we don't need anyone, **** you all".

Yeap, we don't need EU.... so **** EU.
Are you kidding me? I posted an article from spiegel, i dont like turkey in EU. Thats not trolling, thats freedom of speech, You dont have that in your oriental culture? Fine, one reason more to keep you out of EU. Turkey is an asian country. If we allow turkey in, we can also allow Japan. The only troll i see here is you bozkurt troll.

I have no problem with our Bundeswehr helping at syrian boarder. As i said, im pro partnership.
And your trolling again, the problem was not your linked article, the problem was that you came up with confirmed evidences and such bs.

Im not bozkurt btw.
@Aeronaut ,the tittle is misleading.
Nothing is confirmed,in the article there is the question weather the MIT(Turkish secret service)ordered this killing.\
The tittle should be changed.
Going by common sense, Nato not helping Turkey with patriots would simply mean 'we don't care enough about the situation/Turkey'. That is a signal of disunity within Nato. joining Turkey in a war, that has been started by Turkey, is not obligatory, but a Nato country has the right to invoke law 5 in case of a defensive war. I once read that Turkey even pays for the operational service of these patriots, so it's not free, as you might have guessed.

No, no, NATO would still help, just not Germany.
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