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Message to Vegetarians

@armchairPrivate - So bro are the Inuit considered the Original People of North America like the Native Americans are; what was the word - First Nation, I think they're called ?
It does. If your argument is a generalization, by all means, make it. Since your argument was made towards me, then yes you need to know me first. But you don't.

See that's logic. Now go suck on a popsicle.
Nope. It is easy for people to point out idiotic statements. Easier than you think. You look like very fond of popsicle, nothing wrong in it...carry on if you are in the midst of sucking on one...or two...
I feel some vegetarians have a little inferiority complex about their dietary habits. It's ok if you are a vegetarian, but there is no need to try and persuade others.
Who started the thread? Why one feels to mock vegetarian diet in the first place? Anyways, if the population situation continues like this, there won't be any need for persuading to switch to vegetarian diet. People will have to. UN was already appealing people to eat worms and insects to ease food problem, wonder why they did not appeal to reduce meat intake?
Nope. It is easy for people to point out idiotic statements. Easier than you think. You look like very fond of popsicle, nothing wrong in it...carry on if you are in the midst of sucking on one...or two...

The only idiots are those who drinking cow urine and suck on cow urine popsicle and tell others not to eat meat, and make it their business.
Okay. Try me.

Are Inuits genetically related to Mongoloid Groups like the Mongols of Mongolia or the Hazara of Pakistan-Afghanistan because you guys do have a passing facial resemblance with each other !

I hope I haven't offended you in any way by asking that; I do apologize if I did ! :(
The only idiots are those who drinking cow urine and suck on cow urine popsicle and tell others not to eat meat, and make it their business.
Oooookkkkkeeeeyyyyy........ look at the bright side, you can continue on all the sucking on a (or two) popsicle thingy that you have been doing. Nobody gonna stop you from that!!
That was a real life observation. Not strictly related to this thread.
May be. But I have observed lot of reaction from people (more in India than in US) about vegetarian diet too. I always wondered why some of my friends and bosses insisted I atleast "taste" when I told them in no uncertain terms that I am a vegetarian.
I am vegetarian.

And he too.



Didn't know he is vegetarian :sad:

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Are Inuits genetically related to Mongoloid Groups like the Mongols of Mongolia or the Hazara of Pakistan-Afghanistan because you guys do have a passing facial resemblance with each other !

I hope I haven't offended you in any way by asking that; I do apologize if I did ! :(

You know, god know who we are from. If you pick one group of people from a region and analyse their DNA, you will find each person has a myriad of genes. His/her some of prominent genes will be different from the next person. And if you pick a different group of a totally different region, you will also find their genes are similar to the first group.

All in all, we are mutt.

No. How could you have offended me? Not at all.
True, but good thing is that non-vegetarians also eat vegetables, non-veg items are just a part of their total diet, I am not aware of any significant negative health effects of fish if cooked with little oil.

I was watching a TV debate on malnutrition among children in rural areas, one participant argued that increase in use of pesticides in water-logged paddy fields has reduced availability of many small fish species that were a traditional source of protein for children in rural areas. As a doctor don't you think little bit of fish, occasionally home grown chicken or eggs, etc. would benefit less fortunate children who don't get many other nutritious foods apart from insufficient food grains and pulses distributed through PDS?
I always advocate proteinceous food. Fish and poultry are part of nutritious protein type, while red meat is not. I was talking about rich / middle class ppl who eat lot spices and oil not much green vegs. Also i have seen many ppl deride good qualities of green vegs . BTW where i have said poor who have kwashiorkar should not eat Fish or egg. In fact they should. BTW if one can readily access all kinds of food he should give more importance to veggies.
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