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Indian Aggression at LOC: Another Pakistan Army Soldier Martyred

Separatist movements of India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Operation Blue Star - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For the first time, securitymen kill more civilians than terrorists in J&K - Times Of India
back in 47 you lost half of your blo.ody cow and now 35 separatist are gonna be enjoying beef steaks very soon! And @Icewolf we both were banned after my indian demoncrazy thread something very fishy on PDF!

And still not one state carved out. Except Bangladesh from pakistan :)
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We have our own style of surgical strikes....US is doing that for us (mini drone strike )........brainfart is something which you guys are still missing ;)

Why you have to hide behind USA?

Baby dont want your country being annihilated?
You guys are funny. Guys who have contacts in Army on this forum says that India is behind TTP and BLA. Now you say, India is not behind TTP.

Make up your mind. We are behind whom ?

I have never said that India is behind TTP.

TTP is a disastarous fallout of Pakistan's jihad policies.

There is no proof of India being behind TTP. The best that these Pakistanis could do was show pictures of what looked like uncircumcized penises as the grand proof that India was behind the TTP.

I have always said that Pakistan's Jihad Policy is a total and utter failure.

Pakistan should make peace with India instead of wasting away its resources in a pointless conflict that it has ZERO chance of winning.
And still not one state carved out. Except Bangladesh from pakistan :)

Worry bout your Khalistan, Maoists, Kashmir and the other 36 sepertist movements going on in India.

Maoists killed 40000 Indians so far, you should worry bout them
I never changed my tune.

BLA had tacit Indian support.

But TTP is a purely a Pakistani created frankeinstein monster. India has nothing to do with it.

Pakistanis are hell confused. Half of them says 26/11 India did then few says Non-state actor. Half of Pakistanis used to say that we are funding TTP along with US/Israel and Now you are changing the stance.
he calls PA cowards when it was those Rajputana sissies who dropped their weapons and fled back across LoC.

any soldier i dont care what uniform he wears -- when he drops his rifle behind he has bacially dropped his dignity and everything he stands for

Where's the proof? Just like you morons claim India is behind Balochistan. All you guys can do is bark, but when it comes to solid facts you run with your tails between your legs.
If Indian law means paratha, free education, and free trips to Italy,

convict me in a rape case!

The Government of Italy is paying for their food and travels.

Ask your govt to pay for a rapist and we will keep you as well.
Your nukes didnt hold us back from retaking our territories in Kargil.

Yet nobody dared to cross the LOC or IB back then , wonder why ? Indian defense analysts are of the opinion that the causalities for the Indian army would have been very less if they were allowed to ... What prevented you then ? Even though we had to retreat , we still retained 5 of the most strategic mountain posts ...
Worry bout your Khalistan, Maoists, Kashmir and the other 36 sepertist movements going on in India.

Maoists killed 40000 Indians so far, you should worry bout them
Source ???
Pakistan should make peace with India instead of wasting away its resources in a pointless conflict that it has ZERO chance of winning.

If you want peace with India you should grab a visa to India while you can and throw away your Pakistani identity

No negotiations with cowards :sniper:

And Pakistan has already taught India many lessons
Worry bout your Khalistan, Maoists, Kashmir and the other 36 sepertist movements going on in India.

Maoists killed 40000 Indians so far, you should worry bout them

Those all movements could not do anything like Sindhudesh, Balochistan, pastunistan and god knows how many else. Regarding figure, Do it Hyperbole and say 4 Milions, it will have more impact.
Yet nobody dared to cross the LOC or IB back then , wonder why ? Indian defense analysts are of the opinion that the causalities for the Indian army would have been very less if they allowed to ... What prevented you then ? Even though we had to retreat , we still retained 5 of the most strategic mountain posts ...
No you just retained one point and we also overtook one point so that those can be exchanged later.
Why you have to hide behind USA?

Baby dont want your country being annihilated?

When someone else is doing my work and that too for free....why I should waste my time and energy??

Your nukes didnt hold us retaliating at LoC. Worry about your country??
Pakistanis are hell confused. Half of them says 26/11 India did then few says Non-state actor. Half of Pakistanis used to say that we are funding TTP along with US/Israel and Now you are changing the stance.

I dont think you have ever read my posts.

I don't entertain conspiratorial nonsense that inflicts other Pakistanis.

9/11 was done by Al Qaeda.
TTP is a result of Pakistan's jihad policy run amok.
BLA might have had tacit Indian support.
26/11 was done by Pakistani terrorists.

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