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Chinese Netizens going nuts for frugal Gary Locke


Jul 25, 2011
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Gary Locke in the limelight again as the frugal ambassador: Shanghaiist

Gary Locke in the limelight again as the frugal ambassador

Li Jiajia, reporter for Guangdong's Southern Television, who is in Hainan attending the ongoing Bo'ao Forum, found from the ambassador's aide that he wasn't staying at the forum's official hotel because it was *gasp* too expensive for him:
Her tweet, sent yesterday, has been reposted 13,000 times on Sina Weibo:
Gary Locke arrived today at the Bo'ao Forum. I thought he'd join many of the other heads of state at the forum's official hotel (the 5-star Sofitel Hotel). His aide told me, "No, it's too expensive. The rates provided by that hotel are three times the rate allowed by the US government for official visits and so the ambassador cannot stay there." Hence, the ambassador has decided to stay at the Qianzhouwan Holiday Hotel, which is nearby. I asked the aide how long the ambassador will be staying in Bo'ao. "He's gone tomorrow. If he can get things done in a day, he won't stay two days."
In a later tweet, she added:
This really isn't Gary Locke putting on a show. Yesterday while sitting in at one of the sessions at the Forum, I met one of the Embassy staff that I knew from before and it was only through our small talk that I found that the ambassador wasn't staying at the Forum's official hotel. Because this was rather sensitive matter, I only published it on my Weibo after verifying the information myself. This wasn't a publicity exercise by the US Embassy, it was something that I as a journalist dug out for myself.

In the meanwhile, Chinese press report the Ferrari driving playboy son of Bo Xilai's flash lifestyle and his affairs with two British women and wonder why China's own officials are nothing like Gary Locke.
Good man Gary. don't fault him to try and get out of dodge sooner.
In the meanwhile, Chinese press report the Ferrari driving playboy son of Bo Xilai's flash lifestyle and his affairs with two British women and wonder why China's own officials are nothing like Gary Locke.

Wow amazing. I though China is a communist country that doesn't allow any press freedom and all media and network traffic are directed by top level CCP leaders.
Wow amazing. I though China is a communist country that doesn't allow any press freedom and all media and network traffic are directed by top level CCP leaders.
Because Bo Xiali is disgraced and kicked out of office. You won't hear anything about Hu Jintao or Xi Jinping's offsprings.
Actually most of us are well aware that Gary Locke is just for show and are quite disgusted with the coverage by the media.

Gary is not a head of state nor does he represent one like the story suggest, plus he was never invited to the event and showed up on his own accord.

Bo already lost power, let him be in peace.
Because Bo Xiali is disgraced and kicked out of office. You won't hear anything about Hu Jintao or Xi Jinping's offsprings.

hahaha I was expecting the exact word from you, can you give me any surprise at all? Bo's son's Ferrari article and his pictures with British call girls are in the media for years, and when was Bo Xilai kicked out?
Wow amazing. I though China is a communist country that doesn't allow any press freedom and all media and network traffic are directed by top level CCP leaders.

his father is shamed , they think a coup maybe be coming. any news that works in the govt favor to create a bad image of the other is " must show press" and not " free press"

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