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'Revolts to spread to 40 US cities'

You are forgetting one very imortant thing that Americans have armed their people also with.

It's called 'education' and 'the power to reason'.

There's a difference between an average Pakistani with a gun and an average American with a gun.

well given that your country has more poverty than Africa, isn't it more dangerous for an indian with a gun?
Soon or later it should happens . when the ceo of top bank and corporation draws their million dollar bonus in spite of finacial melt down and subsequently govt bail out , the general people who suffer for this melt down and lost their housing job have the rght to protest . Actually every where those who in the top tier always lukewarm about the people at the bottom whether it is in rich country or in the poor country .
Soon or later it should happens . when the ceo of top bank and corporation draws their million dollar bonus in spite of finacial melt down and subsequently govt bail out , the general people who suffer for this melt down and lost their housing job have the rght to protest . Actually every where those who in the top tier always lukewarm about the people at the bottom whether it is in rich country or in the poor country .
How do you know these protest groups composed even mostly of those who lost their jobs or homes?
How do you know these protest groups composed even mostly of those who lost their jobs or homes?


Sorry, but there is no way for you to support your argument. Signs do not mean that those who carried them are the actually victims of corporate greed or lost a house.
Look up how of copies Assange's bio that actually SOLD. Laughable, ain't it? Manning? He is already forgotten and Assange will soon follow. People will still remember the Chinese government's slaughter of Tiananmen Square long after they have discard Assange and Manning. And it is funny that you would mention the Internet considering how many of you Chinese boys denied that such a slaughter occurred in Tiananmen Square, or that Mao caused one of the greatest famine in history, and that the media is supposedly 'blacking out' these events when anyone with Internet access can find them easily enough.

People have forgotten and they will forget the rest? Carry on denying it Mr.Denial. Perhaps you can forget about it together with crimes such as the Kent State Massacre, Use of Agent Orange and setting up multiple torture camps too? You will achieve that by remaining inside that cave of yours. :lol:
People are finally awakening to the truth and it will only get worse as the world continues to talk about it and videos will continue to flood the Internet. With the American economy going downhill, you will only get to see more of these events and hear us talk about it more and more. You might just get another "Kent State massacre" or see your government throw white phosphorus, agent orange or grenade into the crowd, and perhaps the people will think that is ok and behave and think like you and then er.. they will forget about it too! :rolleyes:
People have forgotten and they will forget the rest? Carry on denying it Mr.Denial. Perhaps you can forget about it together with crimes such as the Kent State Massacre, Use of Agent Orange and setting up multiple torture camps too? You will achieve that by remaining inside that cave of yours. :lol:
People are finally awakening to the truth and it will only get worse as the world continues to talk about it and videos will continue to flood the Internet. With the American economy going downhill, you will only get to see more of these events and hear us talk about it more and more. You might just get another "Kent State massacre" or see your government throw white phosphorus, agent orange or grenade into the crowd, and perhaps the people will think that is ok and behave and think like you and then er.. they will forget about it too! :rolleyes:
Hmmm...That sounds more like contemporary China.
14 Million unemployed is indeed a staggering amount and with the amount of jobs in the USA its just ridiculous. I wonder what's going on.

I believe this is more about the people who don't get to go to college?

I don't understand unemployment in the US, I mean we have so few jobs here as compared to the US within the educated skilled sectors.

Is it that the US kept outsourcing the menial jobs out without first making sure its labor force was ready for the skilled jobs?
14 Million unemployed is indeed a staggering amount and with the amount of jobs in the USA its just ridiculous. I wonder what's going on.
A failed experiment with a bit of socialism. A change of heading is in the coming.
A failed experiment with a bit of socialism. A change of heading is in the coming.

Pakistanis are swimming in jobs in America. I mean their problem is that they are not eligible to work often but can easily get IT jobs or as a financial analyst, right out of college.

Go to US job sites, then go to Dubai job sites. You will notice the US has a very high percentage of jobs. Still people are unemployed? Do you mean the socialism culture is making them not work and feed of unemployment cheques?
Not really chengbhai, over the next 5 to 10 years we will reach a tipping point when the reserve currency will fall, its then we have to worry. everytime the batton is switched between empires there is a war. Last time brits got away cos of german war, its at that time we have to worry and this american regime has to decide whether to accept the new order gracefully or nuke the world and kill everyone

I have been hearing this crap for too long from idiots whom western governments allowed inside their country due to either momentary lapse of judgement or and massive intelligence failure(in which case someone should be sacked).

People talking about reserve currency have no idea what a reserve currency means or their knowledge is limited to wikipedia.

The salient features of reserve currency could be summed up as

1.The currency is fully convertible(Both Capital account and current account)

If a currency is not convertible,it's value can't be determined by the market and the holder of that currency cannot be sure it's value.Also value of a non convertible currency can be changed at whims of issuing countries which can be detrimental to holder's interest.A convertible currency's value can be manipulated by printing more money which leads to inflation and acts as natural stabiliser.
Yuan non convertibility is its biggest drawback which is an impediment to it's becoming a reserve currency.If chinese government makes Yuan convertible,it would appreciate wrt Dollar and Chinese Export would become costly ruining their industries.

2.The currency is traded in international markets at volume large enough so that there is no volatility.

Scale of International trade is truly gargantuan.There is massive need for a liquid currency to settle payments.Swiss franc,SDR,and Gold has all the required characteristics except that their market is not deep enough to absorb volume of trade.

3.The currency should be acceptable to commodity sellers like oil merchants.

Except Iran Everybody is accepting Dollars.

4.The derivative market for the currency is developed enough to provide enough insurance against fluctuation.

For yuan it does not exist and Gold is too volatile to allow any meaningful development(Premium quoted very high)

5.The currency should be backed by sovereign guarantees.

Even you could issue a currency provided that anyone would accept it;).The piece if paper your grocer gives you when he is out of change or the loyalty point your supermarket provide you are also a currency.But they can't be held in reserve as they are not tradable.

6.IF the Reserves are held in form of bonds then there should be no chance of default on part of issuer.

If bonds are held in the issuer's currency there is no chance of default.

US issue its Bonds in dollar so if china liquidates it's holding US could simply print dollars to pay to china.

Greece issue it's Bonds in Euro which it can't print hence it is on the verge of default.(Though it is a very long story in itself).

7.The bonds should at least give some return so that value of reserve does not depreciate.

As far as i know except inflation proof bonds which are very costly,Bond of nearly every Reserve currency depreciates.
Pakistanis are swimming in jobs in America. I mean their problem is that they are not eligible to work often but can easily get IT jobs or as a financial analyst, right out of college.

Go to US job sites, then go to Dubai job sites. You will notice the US has a very high percentage of jobs. Still people are unemployed? Do you mean the socialism culture is making them not work and feed of unemployment cheques?

And yet they Bash America like Aryan_B,Superkaif and others sitting up cosy in their adopted countries.
And yet they Bash America like Aryan_B,Superkaif and others sitting up cosy in their adopted countries.

In any Employee-Employer environment the Employer gets more benefit in terms of value or even bottom line from the services rendered by the employee.

Muft ki rotian nahi tortay, they earn that money and most of us Pakistanis only criticize the government with respect to their foreign policy towards Pakistan. As I have voiced here, I respect the American society and culture but that doesn't mean I will bend over on my core principles and national interests.
In any Employee-Employer environment the Employer gets more benefit in terms of value or even bottom line from the services rendered by the employee.

Muft ki rotian nahi tortay, they earn that money and most of us Pakistanis only criticize the government with respect to their foreign policy towards Pakistan. As I have voiced here, I respect the American society and culture but that doesn't mean I will bend over on my core principles and national interests.

I wrote a related post on another thread which was deleted by webmaster.I will post some points here.

What are the responsibilities of a migrant towards its adopted country?

Is it like Buffet from which an immigrant could pick and choose (Economic prosperity) or is it a Packaged deal where you provide respect to culture of that country?(This applies more to people who migrate with intention of settling permanently).

If a migrant hate it's adopted country,did he declared this at the time he applied for visa(Their adopted countries are certainly not running short of people wanting to migrate)?

and above all

Could a person who views others with contempt deserve to be treated with respect{A muslim(sorry to be specific) who want destruction of america to enjoy legal protection and personal freedom under that very regime}?

I nowhere stated that they should agree to all aspect of foreign policy of their adopted countries but the hatred showed by immigrants on this forum and particularly by gentlemen whom i have mentioned goes beyond disagreement.They are regularly wishing complete destruction of their adopted countries.(see thread:America is finished).This is not disagreement but Treason(If they hold green card or citizenship).

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