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'Revolts to spread to 40 US cities'

Pakistanis are swimming in jobs in America. I mean their problem is that they are not eligible to work often but can easily get IT jobs or as a financial analyst, right out of college.

Go to US job sites, then go to Dubai job sites. You will notice the US has a very high percentage of jobs. Still people are unemployed? Do you mean the socialism culture is making them not work and feed of unemployment cheques?
There are plenty of jobs that employers do not have qualified people to fill. In my days, vocational education was considered a viable path to a life of steady income and a good stepping stone to higher education and into the professional ranks. No shame in it. But that societal attitude is rare today. The result is that American companies like the one I work for right now had to import technically educated workers of all levels, vocational to university, to manufacture and to keep jobs in America. That is where all the hoopla about H1B visas came from. This is part of the current greater problem, not the root cause.
In any Employee-Employer environment the Employer gets more benefit in terms of value or even bottom line from the services rendered by the employee.
This is where dictatorships came from, those who loudly call for 'power to the people' usually fight and kill their way to the top of the new order so they reap the benefits that hierarchies always offer.
This is where dictatorships came from, those who loudly call for 'power to the people' usually fight and kill their way to the top of the new order so they reap the benefits that hierarchies always offer.
That's just a pattern in history. One bastard falls, 10 other wannabe try to fill his shoes until one emerge on top again.
And yet they Bash America like Aryan_B,Superkaif and others sitting up cosy in their adopted countries.

My father came over hear with the clothes on his back and some barfee and some fags and that's all. He was an economic migrant.
Wanted to come here earn enough in a couple of years and better his life for him and his kids. Economical reasons and financial it didnt work out. He worked himself hard and his kids educated themselves. He paid his taxes and did whatever he had to.
He educated us. Forced us to go to school and uni. Kicked our heads in when we stepped out of line and brought us up the best he could. He sadly passed away 5 years ago and saw us becoming successful people and thriving in doing what we wanted to do. I have over 80 people working for me and owe everything to my mother and father.
Whenever the Jang newspaper used to come in the morning my dad used to read it backwards and forwards.Any news about Pakistan he would prick his ears up and Pakistan was in his heart and soul. When he used to see anything bad happening in Pakistan i could see the hurt in him.
The reason why im going on and on is we were born and live here. We have British passports and are economic migrants. We have every right to complain or have an opinion when wrongs are done anywhere in the world.
I may have been born here but India is where my father was born and my heart is where my fathers heart was always, PAKISTAN. I don't bash USA - i just want their atrocities to be recognized by the world and realize that mistakes are not exclusive to Pakistanis or Muslims and we all sometimes get things wrong.
I maybe sitting in "other countries" but seeing the wrong doings in the world by USA and others im not cosy. Not cosy at all anonymus. Im privileged for everything i have and when i can voice my opinion i always will.
A failed experiment with a bit of socialism. A change of heading is in the coming.

Perhaps you are right perhaps you are wrong.

One can only judge whats happening right now.
Unemployment is up, debt is rising and civil unrest. Crime up and population fed up.
Funding Afghanistan and Iraq and Israel dont help balancing the books.
You nearly defaulted and have been downgraded credit wise.

The prob is you guys come on here and deny there is a problem or sunny days are round the corner. I hope you are right but to reduce the debt and to turn the ship around is going to be a massive task. Even if it can be done it has to be done with thelikes of you accepting the problems. if you cant accept them then how can you solve them?
I wrote a related post on another thread which was deleted by webmaster.I will post some points here.

What are the responsibilities of a migrant towards its adopted country?

Is it like Buffet from which an immigrant could pick and choose (Economic prosperity) or is it a Packaged deal where you provide respect to culture of that country?(This applies more to people who migrate with intention of settling permanently).

If a migrant hate it's adopted country,did he declared this at the time he applied for visa(Their adopted countries are certainly not running short of people wanting to migrate)?

and above all

Could a person who views others with contempt deserve to be treated with respect{A muslim(sorry to be specific) who want destruction of america to enjoy legal protection and personal freedom under that very regime}?

I nowhere stated that they should agree to all aspect of foreign policy of their adopted countries but the hatred showed by immigrants on this forum and particularly by gentlemen whom i have mentioned goes beyond disagreement.They are regularly wishing complete destruction of their adopted countries.(see thread:America is finished).This is not disagreement but Treason(If they hold green card or citizenship).

The problem is, the word hate is subjective. There is a point to which you would show loyalty and support for the adopted nation, the truth is once you're in, you have as much right to criticize and affect change within that nation as did the people before you.

Your points are typically Xenophobic, whereas in reality you, and others before you all have affected some sort of change. At the very beginning white man came to America slaughtering and butchering the locals for the change he wanted to affect.

The right to dissent is so crucial and fundamental to any free society.
Yeah...Maybe is the operative word. Funny how you are not living in the country you want us to emulate.

I am not like you Mr. Denial, I don't hate where I come from and I don't dislike the government like you do. "Funny" enough I also go back and stay there and make family visits.
Of course you would be upset. You didn't expect people from countries around the world to talk about the very things people like yourself likes to accuse others of, that was supposed to be your job afterall? I must say you people are emulating things very well. :)
Can someone explain to me why job creation in America is so low even after the recession ended almost 2 years ago ?
Can someone explain to me why job creation in America is so low even after the recession ended almost 2 years ago ?

Some are saying this is a double dip recession. There hasn't been any active steps to address the structural problems in the US socioeconomic system. There were 0 jobs created in August 2011. The last time the government reported exactly zero jobs added was in February 1945.
Can someone explain to me why job creation in America is so low even after the recession ended almost 2 years ago ?

Recession ended? This is being called a double dip recession. Probably there's a better dictionary definition of it, but I usually see it as a recession within a recession. The recession pretty much hit in 2008 (globally), it hit the US a year or two earlier. This is also my layman interpretation, but the first time, in my life time I heard about a serious crash was of the US real estate market. Pretty soon the real estate markets that were booming everywhere (more in Dubai than anywhere else), came tumbling down.

The protesters have hit Wall Street - primarily bankers. Its one of the most shadiest of industries. Their entire product is money. They buy and sell money in various forms. They make the entire trade of it all so complicated and create illusions of a lot of money, through ridiculous credit lines, loans, guarantees and so on.

Back in in 2005-2006 the credit lines were so fluid in the US, that no one really doubted their bank. The entire freakin US was borrowing money, buying bigger houses, getting massive returns... Until suddenly they didn't. The Banks suddenly stopped the lending and their was no more liquidity in the market, no more money to go around except that, which was invested in concrete (or timber in the case of the US) and soil. For a brief period they tried to take the foreclosed houses then they decided that piece of concrete isn't worth anything.

So they got the US government to fork the bill in bailout packages. Now they got the houses and recovery of their non performing loans.

One can't say for certain that this was planned - but one hasn't even ever seriously done any digging on it. Michael Moore did it, but using the pull Wall Street has on the media they've declared him a hack, so we're again ultimately at a point where everyone loses and wall street wins.
Some are saying this is a double dip recession. There hasn't been any active steps to address the structural problems in the US socioeconomic system. There were 0 jobs created in August 2011. The last time the government reported exactly zero jobs added was in February 1945.

A recession is defined a two consecutive quarters of negative growth rate . That has not happened in the US . So how is this a double dip recession ?

Just in the last quarter USA grew by 1.3 % and in the quarter previous to that it grew by 0.4 % . US is not in recession but still job growth is low . That is the question .

The last quarter of negative growth in the US was the 4th quarter of 2009.
Muslim countries should do their best to add fuel to fire..This is time for revenge..sweet revenge..I will start with handing out AK-47.
A recession is defined a two consecutive quarters of negative growth rate . That has not happened in the US . So how is this a double dip recession ?

Just in the last quarter USA grew by 1.3 % and in the quarter previous to that it grew by 0.4 % . US is not in recession but still job growth is low . That is the question .

The last quarter of negative growth in the US was the 4th quarter of 2009.

Well, people are saying this is a double dip recession, or is heading towards one, whatever you want to call it. The stimulus that the US injected is a temporary relief, a band aid, an artificial recovery, which compensates for the stagnant economy, but economists are predicting that when the effects of the stimulus wears off, the economy will shrink again. In other words, some call it a double dip recession boosted artificially by the US borrowings, or you can say that the real double dip recession is right around the corner, what ever way you want to look at it.
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