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Xinjiang – China’s Muslim west



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Jan 10, 2011
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Xinjiang – China’s Muslim west

By Razi Azmi

The Uighur language is written in the Arabic script, although it is a variant of Turkish which is now written in the Roman script. Uighur too was written in the Roman script from 1969 to 1983, when China’s leader Deng Xiaoping very cleverly restored to the Uighur Muslims their beloved Arabic script. The Uighurs rejoiced, oblivious to the fact that the loss of the Roman script deprived them of their natural advantage in learning English compared to their Han Chinese compatriots.

Kashgar has a provincial look although the airport is fairly large and modern. The city is predominantly Uighur, unlike the provincial capital Urumchi, which is a burgeoning, busy metropolis where the ethnic Han Chinese predominate. Western tourists converge on the Chini Bagh hotel in Kashgar, while Pakistani “businessmen” can be seen hanging around in lesser hotels in their favourite shalwar kameez.

My local guide in Urumchi, a fluent English-speaking Uighur Muslim, told me with some trepidation that the Pakistanis had a very bad reputation, being regarded as uncouth and aggressive and always ready to make advances to local women, no matter their thick and long beards and Islamic pretensions.

It was late July and the markets and pavements were full of grapes, peaches and many varieties of melons, some of which I have not seen elsewhere. Sadly, no one had the business acumen to sell cut portions of cold melon or juices. One may only buy whole, hot melons, sometimes portions of it, but never cold. This was the pattern throughout China – even in Shanghai you can only buy flavoured bottled drinks, sometimes cold, but fresh fruit juice or cut fruits, cold or not, are never sold.

In this respect, other countries can learn from Thailand, where portions of mangoes, papayas, pineapples and other tropical fruits, cold, clean and nicely packaged, are sold off the streets. For the best fruit juices, though, one has to go to Luang Prabang, the former royal capital of Laos. No one makes fruit juices like the pretty women of Luang Prabang do! These are delicious concoctions of fresh fruit juice mixed with coconut, milk and other ingredients.

Xinjiang’s melons and grapes are in such demand that they are sold at airport shops, nicely packed in boxes, which many of the departing passengers carry with them as hand luggage. The best grapes come from Turpan, 150 kilometres to the southeast of Urumchi. At 154 metres below sea level, it is the second lowest depression in the world after the Dead Sea. Turpan may be sizzling hot, but the grapes that grow here are a gift from God!

Uighur naans are a treat for the palate but only when they are hot out of the oven. They are sold from open tables, exposed to the elements, and after a while they are dry as a bone. The only way to eat them is to first soften them up by dipping them in green tea. The popular and ubiquitous Uighur skewered kebabs are also rather dry. But Xinjiang has many fine dishes, of Central Asian or Turkish origin, with an added tinge of Chinese.

In Kashgar one saw a few women in the head-to-toe black burqa with a brown mesh to cover the face and eyes. At the centre of old town is the Eidgah, one side of which is a vast square, surrounded by narrow roads and traditional Uighur shops. Prayers are regularly held at the Eidgah mosque, set in the middle of a nice garden, outside of which old bearded Uighur men hang out, perhaps deliberating on the precarious state of their religious freedom and dwindling ethnic autonomy in modern China.

A mosque with towering minarets also sits at the heart of Urumchi’s old town, surrounded by traditional shops, which sell all manner of very colourful clothing and caps, among other things. In Urumchi as well as in Lhasa (Tibet), uniformed police and army pickets and patrols are everywhere giving both towns the look of a military zone. This is the consequence of serious anti-Chinese riots in both cities, in Lhasa on March 14, 2008 and in Urumchi on July 5, 2009. Many lives were lost, hundreds were injured and there was considerable loss of property.

A Tibetan I met later commented that in eight hours of rioting, Tibetans had only killed 18 Chinese, whereas the Uighurs had managed to kill 140 in two hours. Sounding almost embarrassed at this relatively low “score” for Tibet, he explained this to be the result of the peaceful nature of its Buddhist people compared with the ferocity of the Muslim Uighurs!

About one hundred kilometres northeast of Urumchi is the hill resort of Tian Chi, which means “heavenly lake”. It is very aptly named, for the lake is a long stretch of clear blue water, 2,000 metres above sea level, reflecting the snow-clad Peak of God (5,445 m). It is at the end of a fine road dotted with Kazakh yurts where they put up little ethnic dance shows for the tourists, for a price.

Around Tian Chi I noticed some heavy and dangerous construction work in progress to secure the cliffs from collapsing under the tremendous force of the gushing waters. Asked about the absence of Uighurs in the workforce, my guide explained that they were not preferred by the Han Chinese contractors, implying some kind of discrimination. But he added that the contractors would find it hard to provide special Muslim food to Uighur workers, who would much rather remain unemployed than be served food which was not guaranteed halal! Preferring to be more polite than curious, I chose not to ask why the Muslim workers could not bring their halal food with them from home.

Although my guide’s father was a simple farmer, all six of his children had graduated from college on government scholarships or stipends, but jobs were hard to find. He himself had a degree in irrigation technology, but was working as a casual tourist guide, thanks to his good English. Judging by the number of Western, Central Asian and Chinese tourists visiting Xinjiang, perhaps he made more money helping them than he would if he worked as an irrigation engineer.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
Hey I wouldn't mind working as a tour guide, if I get the chance to socialize to hot female tourists!
this is a recent article about Xinjiang from Daily Times. The author was just writing about his travel experience and general impression about the region, but a side effect is that it dispels many lies western media propagated about China, even if that wasn't the author's intention.

One-Child policy: China's one-child policy applies to only majority Han, ethnic minorities including Uighurs and Tibetans are exempted from it. This fact is well known to Chinese people but is conveniently and deliberately hidden by western media. As a result you often see non-chinese influenced by western media accuse China of "thinning out" by using one-child family planing, especially those from countries that have a history of genociding their own native people.

"culture genocide": Many Uighurs and Tibetans can speak their only own language but not Chinese Mandarin. Considering P.R.China was established 60 years ago, if there is a "culture genocide" policy, either the government is not doing anything to implement it or there is no such thing, and it's another liar.

Uighur Rito victims: the much quoted 200 or so riot victims are mostly civilian women, children and families hanging around night market, taking their evening stroll, enjoying their shopping. The majority, 188 of them, are Han Chinese. But you wouldn't read it from any western media. A Uighur facing a VOA micro or RFA camera would deny anything and say some predictable talking point, but to get an honest opinion, you need to talk to the average man on the street, when he's unguarded and offering unsolicited opinions.
Our policy is a failure. The concessions made to the minorities are not showing proportional effects and could indeed destabilize the rest of the country. We shouldn't treat them as bad as blacks are treated in the US but we need to make more fairness.
told me with some trepidation that the Pakistanis had a very bad reputation, being regarded as uncouth and aggressive and always ready to make advances to local women, no matter their thick and long beards and Islamic pretensions.

What are Pakistani's moulvis doing in Xinjiang?
Jeez I guess we Han Chinese are just points to be collected.

A Tibetan I met later commented that in eight hours of rioting, Tibetans had only killed 18 Chinese, whereas the Uighurs had managed to kill 140 in two hours. Sounding almost embarrassed at this relatively low “score” for Tibet, he explained this to be the result of the peaceful nature of its Buddhist people compared with the ferocity of the Muslim Uighurs!
Don't troll plz...
The contradiction between Uighur and Han nationality has nothing to do with religion.
Xinjiang: 13 million the Han, 9.6 million Uighur, 1.5 million Kazakhs, 1 million Hui.
Kazak and Hui also are the Muslims, a good relationship with them and the Han.
Kazak and Hui, a bad relationship with them and uighurs.
Part of the Han Chinese also is Muslim...

The Northern Xinjiang's Uygur and the Han have a good relationship.
2009, riots Uighurs, Those Uighurs come from the southern Xinjiang.

Maybe you don't know, Vice Chairman of National People's Congress(Equivalent Deputy Speaker of Parliament)---Ismail Amat is the Uighur.

The highest office in Xinjiang---Nur Bekri is the Uighur.
The real problem is wealth gap.
The rich North Uighur and The poor South Uighur is different.

Violence will only make the problem worse confused. Only development Southern Economic can solve the problem.

Most people are Muslims in Xinjiang. This is not a religious issue.

The Han Muslim:



Hey I wouldn't mind working as a tour guide, if I get the chance to socialize to hot female tourists!

So long you are not working as a tour guide in the philippines then you're alright. Their "Sorry We Aren't Trained" operations requires a minimum 12 hours. Who knows how many will end up victims by then. :lol:
Our policy is a failure. The concessions made to the minorities are not showing proportional effects and could indeed destabilize the rest of the country. We shouldn't treat them as bad as blacks are treated in the US but we need to make more fairness.

Ya, maybe back in the days, but everyone is pretty much equal here. I live around everyone including blacks.
维妮娜 :smitten:
BTW, she doesn't have a boyfriend yet, primarily because everybody fears her grandpa. Marrying a high-ranking official's grand daughter is either a short cut to prosperity, or quick way to hell. Be prepared for PAP (武警) knocking on your door, if you ever betray her.

With sister Uznar.
Our policy is a failure. The concessions made to the minorities are not showing proportional effects and could indeed destabilize the rest of the country. We shouldn't treat them as bad as blacks are treated in the US but we need to make more fairness.

all the top worshiped people in the US are black. ALL of its most popular athletes and entertainers are blacks

the president of the united states is black

the US media equate with everything that associaite with african american = cool...romanticizing with ghetoness ang ganstaness

LOL where you getting your propganda from buddy?

dont you know american are still at guilt over slavery??? hence the american liberal establisment have been trying to make up for it since?


LOL if blacks are being "treated" badly??? then where the hell do asian stand? Asians are not even considered "american" in the vast majority of of americans no matter how many generation have lived in the US. I know japanese americans that served in ww2 and would tell you that they are always percieved as foreigners.

african american have a HUGE polictical and social voice...asians not an inch of politcal voice and not a grain of social might

a small minority of cuban americans in florida have more political power than all the Asians in the US combine.
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