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all the top worshiped people in the US are black. ALL of its most popular athletes and entertainers are blacks

the president of the united states is black

the US media equate with everything that associaite with african american = cool...romanticizing with ghetoness ang ganstaness

LOL where you getting your propganda from buddy?

dont you know american are still at guilt over slavery??? hence the american liberal establisment have been trying to make up for it since?


I'm not trying to pick a fight but have you actually lived in the US??? Canada doesn't have many blacks here but black in the states really are ghettoized. If you look past Obama and the gangsta rapper and the NBA stars with million dollar contracts, social mobility is actually pretty low if you're black and in the states. Call it social background or self-fulfilling destiny, whatever but trust me, being black in the states is not a joy ride.

Asians are not even considered "american" in the vast majority of of americans no matter how many generation have lived in the US. I know japanese americans that served in ww2 and would tell you that they are always percieved as foreigners.

african american have a HUGE polictical and social voice...asians not an inch of politcal voice and not a grain of social might

a small minority of cuban americans in florida have more political power than all the Asians in the US combine.

Asians aren't political, that's our fault no one else's.
dont worry about picking fight on the internet..I am no internet warrior

You said african social mobility in the US is very limited? this may be partially true but the system is now in place to help them more so than any other minority and in some cases even whites

who's affirmative action helping? who can pull out the race card?

is the system fault if young blacks male only want to be rappers, gangbangers and athletes?

like i said before the liberal elite have put in a system where they will try to atone for slavery.

do you think obama with his credentials of community organzier would've became president if he was white?

why are is every other doctor on TV is black... when was the last time you walk into a hospital where you saw 1 black doctor? I am sure there are black doctors but the media makes it look like every 2nd doctor is african american.

you think the majority of blacks are in ghettos? the next carrabana parade in toronto, grab a chair and go sit near the eaton center. there will be literally thousands of brothers driving cadilacs, lexus, beemers rolling by you with NY, Ohio, Illinois license plates.

African Americans are the majority of unionized gov't jobs in philly, detroit, chicago ect ect... ie nearly 80% of all postal workers in chicago are blacks? why am I bring up govt or postal workers as an example? have you seen what gov't unionized blue-collar employee make? and the polictical power unions wield?

80% of football players blacks, the nfl alone( forget the nba) turn out hudreds of multi-millions dollars Blacks athlete very year.

for every 1 black nba and nfl player that make it pro there literally thousands that make it to college...this will get you free education, and tons of hot pu$$ies for your college days, and you dont forget all the booster money

if you're not immersed in american culture then you probably be dumbfounded by me bringing up sports... but sports- especially football and baseball is at the top of the american cultural fabric.

this being all said... african american still faces racism and discrimination but thing have changed so rapidly now that reverse discrimination is taking place.

take for instance affirmative action in colleges... who's losing out? asians of course, there are many cases now where asians who get better marks and deserve the slot in an ivy league school but not getting it because affirmative action will give it to somebody else based on race. but 99% are too stupid too realize this so they stil vote for democartic party.

"Asians aren't political, that's our fault no one else's"

so Asians are weak and stupid for not being political. Their kids will be paying the price. Asians reside in basically 3 states.. Hawaii, Cali, and washington. Could easily tip the balance of power in the US.

just hawaii alone could change the political landscape of America. every state get 2 senators and asians wanted to..asians can easily wiled huge influence by electing GOP senators instead of voting Democratic all the time.

Asians should be align to the republican party, Asians are usually academically and financially successful but they been brainwashed to think the GOP to be a "racist" party... the real racist are in the democratic party.

it give me a good chuckle to see asians out demostrating for affirmative action and the dream act. hahahhahh asians is the smallest demographic in the US and no doubt the dumbest. they are advocating with 2 issues where asians will lose out the most. You thinks whites and jews are going to cut their ranks to be filled up by a black person? LOL they will be cutting an asian dude first.

lol here for your bleeding heart cardsharp

ask yourself this..if this was a bunch of white student on blacks... can you imagine the uproar from the media?

you need to know that the US is a very racial place and if you think blacks are on the bottom then Asians are even lower than that.

lol here for your bleeding heart cardsharp

ask yourself this..if this was a bunch of white student on blacks... can you imagine the uproar from the media?

you need to know that the US is a very racial place and if you think blacks are on the bottom then Asians are even lower than that.

Sigh... It's not entirely the government's fault, I admit. There is a self-defeating steak in black culture that emphasizes an opting out of mainstream (fighting against the man, sold out n-word etc). But given the social disadvantages, blacks kids face growing up with shitty parents and a bad neighbourhood, maybe and just maybe the bleeding heart liberal in me think these people deserve a hand up in life. (it's not like Asian kids don't make it to the top universities anyways). Does this mean that Asians are on the bottom of the race ladder? No. Is it fair? No.

Anyways there isn't a good solution either way. The fact remains, asians (at least Chinese in Canada or the States) aren't all politically inclined and if you've got a plan besides voting for Harper in the next election, I'm all ears.
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Sigh... It's not entirely the government's fault, I admit. There is a self-defeating steak in black culture that emphasizes an opting out of mainstream (fighting against the man, sold out n-word etc). But given the social disadvantages, blacks kids face growing up with shitty parents and a bad neighbourhood, maybe and just maybe the bleeding heart liberal in me think these people deserve a hand up in life. (it's not like Asian kids don't make it to the top universities anyways). Does this mean that Asians are on the bottom of the race ladder? No. Is it fair? No.

Anyways there isn't a good solution either way. The fact remains, asians (at least Chinese in Canada or the States) aren't all politically inclined and if you've got a plan besides voting for Harper in the next election, I'm all ears.

Maybe the asians know better that voting is just a scam, they don't want to waste their time and self-sustain a fake "hope." They are not that religious, you know. And Turner knows better than you:"Have you ever seen a stupid china-man?" :rofl:
I do agree that our minority policy need a lot of adjustments. We have given them so much goodies but not much in return.
But one thing we need for sure is to use iron hand on the separatists/religious fanatics.

We need to strike hard enough to let them never think about carrying out terrorist activities for their whole life and their children's.

Of course, peaceful coexistence is always welcome. We are really too soft towards those uighur criminals after they massacred so many Han Chinese. I do not think we have taught them any lesson yet.
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