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Opinion: Taiwan should become an independent country recognized by mainland China

KMT Made real China (Taiwan) much more prosperous then West Taiwan. So under your logic you MUST support Taiwan right?
Naw, you are just a liar who is only here for that sweet commie money you get paid.
of course. Taiwan did acquire most of China's gold reserve in 1949. But the problem is that according to the Constitution of Taiwan (Republic of China), Taiwan belongs to China. The capital is Nanjing... So terrorists have been brainwashed. Whether it's training camp or the West.
it is an inevitable stupid mistake, inevitable because he insisted on carrying on the argument. Now, we have it on record that Mr. beijingstumber tacitly support Taiwan.
I tacitly support Taiwan? how? your logic is so messed up.
But why are you so obsessed with CCP, what did they do to you? I don't even support Xi's 3rd term and many Chinese government policies, don't tell me you don't know that.
I just don't like liars.
You are a liar, so I don't like you.
I tacitly support Taiwan? how? your logic is so messed up.
You literally said you support whoever makes China better has your support. the KMT made Taiwan (China according to you) MUCH MUCH MUCH better then Test Taiwan. So you MUST support Taiwan by your own statement.

it's a great honor to be called a liar by a liar.
Again back to aping other people's comments.
I tacitly support Taiwan? how? your logic is so messed up.
Nooo...It is YOUR logic that F-ed up. You said you do not care who governs China as long as they make China strong and prosperous. From what the world have seen of Taiwan's government, looks like you should be calling for Taiwan to take charge of West Taiwan.
- Follows a dictatorship that is based on a western ideology (Communism)
- calls others "brainwashed by the west"
You can't make this shit up

oh. But "democratic China will not use force to unify Taiwan" and "democratic China will recognize Taiwan's independence". This is real?
You literally said you support whoever makes China better has your support. the KMT made Taiwan (China according to you) MUCH MUCH MUCH better then Test Taiwan. So you MUST support Taiwan by your own statement.
Learn some history, would you? They fled to Taiwna because they failed in everything in mainland China, people don't revolt for nothing

Nooo...It is YOUR logic that F-ed up. You said you do not care who governs China as long as they make China strong and prosperous. From what the world have seen of Taiwan's government, looks like you should be calling for Taiwan to take charge of West Taiwan.
Taiwan government makes China stronger? when?
oh. But "democratic China will not use force to unify Taiwan" and "democratic China will recognize Taiwan's independence". This is real?
Racist and low reading comprehension.
Two sides of the same coin I suppose.
Nooo...It is YOUR logic that F-ed up. You said you do not care who governs China as long as they make China strong and prosperous. From what the world have seen of Taiwan's government, looks like you should be calling for Taiwan to take charge of West Taiwan.
Seeing you so brave. I guess you will definitely demand that the United States recognize Taiwan as an independent country.
Learn some history, would you? They fled to Taiwna because they failed in everything in mainland China, people don't revolt for nothing

Taiwan government makes China stronger? when?
I did learn history, the problem is I wasn't brainwashed by a western ideological dictatorship in the form of "Patriot education" so I didn't learn the same fake history you did.
Taiwan, even now, has a higher standard of living then West Taiwan. This is a fact, so you must support the Taiwan government over the western imposed commie government you have now.
I did learn history, the problem is I wasn't brainwashed by a western ideological dictatorship in the form of "Patriot education" so I didn't learn the same fake history you did.
Taiwan, even now, has a higher standard of living then Test Taiwan. This is a fact, so you must support the Taiwan government over the western imposed commie government you have now.
Lol , this is the history you learn.

Racist and low reading comprehension.
Two sides of the same coin I suppose.
Where is your courage? Tell me loudly that 'Democratic China will not use force to unify Taiwan'! Promise me. When CCP "invades" Taiwan. You came to China as a suicide bomber to kill Xi! Lol. A terrorist/suicide bomb brainwashed by the West!
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