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Featured Pakistan, Israel, Turkey flags marched together in Azerbaijan victory parade

Its all celebrations but seriously though, we should tell Azerbaijan not to hoist our flag near to the flag of the scum.
Its all celebrations but seriously though, we should tell Azerbaijan not to hoist our flag near to the flag of the scum.
Lol as if Azerbaijanis care? They have their own foreign policy. Why should they even care what Pakistanis have to say on the matter?
" O my people, enter the blessed land [i.e., Palestine] which Allah has assigned to you and do not turn back [from fighting in Allah's cause] and [thus] become losers."

Bani Israel were the owners of the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judea, in modern terms, this is considered the country of Israel.
Islamists of PDF are in a state of shock since they found out that their most holy book promotes Zionism
All those Pakistani islamists on youtube who support Azerbaijan must be shocked now.
how is it nice?
we Pakistanis will go ape and start stoning civilian cars and burning public private property .
I myself am going to start stabbing my eyes because i lack comprehension about coexistence and tolerating all creations of God despite the difference

many heads will explode in Pakistan and many women will give premature births after seeing a Pakistan army personnel acting like a normal human being and respecting the hosts by marching together with all those who enabled the victory.

Talk of coexistence is good

However the whole point of a zionist is that they have been given superiority over all others and this means they have a God given mandate to ethnically cleanse an indigenous population.

How can anyone coexist with such individuals?
You do know that Quran says a lot more about the Jews, and the things they did in Past? Quoting one verse for your own favor will not make things any better..

Quran repeats what is said in the bible , that the sons of Israel would be exiled from the promise land if they sin , but that God would gather them back to the promise land before the end of times.

" thereafter We said to the children of Israel, “Live in the land. So, when the appointed time of the Hereafter will come, We shall bring you all joined together.”


PS does any one have any detail of Pakistani military role in the Azerbjan war?.. apart from joint SF exercises not aware of any thing else.
Lol as if Azerbaijanis care? They have their own foreign policy. Why should they even care what Pakistanis have to say on the matter?

Islamists of PDF are in a state of shock since they found out that their most holy book promotes ZionismView attachment 792296

They care because we train them and support them and they might buy fighter jets from us. I didnt know u were a zionist supporter, no wonder u r such a big youthia.
God given mandate to ethnically cleanse an indigenous population.
20 percent of Israelis are not Jews. How are they going to cleanse Palestinians when they can't even cleanse Israeli Arabs?

Quran repeats what is said in the bible , that the sons of Israel would be exiled from the promise land if they sin , but that God would gather them back to the promise land before the end of times.

" thereafter We said to the children of Israel, “Live in the land. So, when the appointed time of the Hereafter will come, We shall bring you all joined together.”


So Quran is promoting Zionism here?
@Beny Karachun @dani191 @500
20 percent of Israelis are not Jews. How are they going to cleanse Palestinians when they can't even cleanse Israeli Arabs?View attachment 792339

So Quran is promoting Zionism here?
@Beny Karachun @dani191 @500

You know the saying of trying to play chess with a pigeon?

It'll shit all over the board and strut around as though it's checkmated you.

You can't win with an opponent with such disparity.
Exactly. Tribe of Judea = Jews.
We don't get anything out of recognizing Israel.
Sure..... I don't get your point...

BANI Israel is the children of Israel... Ie. Modern day Israel.
If we where to restore the tribe of judea to their homeland it would look like this

I can already see Indians on twitter triggered.
Those who like israel as a Pakistani, I am not even sorry for what awaits you when you go six feet under. Ignorance is NOT the same as Innocence. And it is clear that those who call themselves Muslims and recognize israel .... you have no idea what you're messing with .... so don't be surprised when Malhamah breaks out and you find yourself staring down your own destruction. At that time you'd have no one else to blame but yourself. For when Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah punishment rains down, there shall be NO ESCAPE, NO EXCUSE, NO ONE TO PROTECT YOU .... you will feel the truth about fearing the punishment of Allah that day, but it will be too late for you then.

When you choose to live in ignorance, so shall you die in ignorance and what a terrifying death that shall be indeed

Whilst your overlords do deals with them behind closed doors.

The masterstroke for Pakistan is to recognize Israel and no more bogeyman tag then apply pressure on India to take back Kashmir. We have our own palestine and no one gives a sh*t about and time to make plays on the chessboard.
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