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Realistic worst care scenarios for Indian Muslims

Ghazva e Hind will not be a foreign invasion, as it will begin from inside India and will be fought on India's streets. You've seen its trailer in Delhi during Trump's visit, when the ISI demonstrated that it can cripple India's capital at will. The military invasion of India will come on phase-2 when most of the required objectives have already been achieved inside Indian occupied territory.

This isn't 1947. Pakistan and Bangladesh cannot take in 25 crore Muslims.

If these dumb Hindus think they can expel or exterminate 25 crore Muslims, they are in a for treat. The day is not far off when Indian Muslims and other Muslims launch Ghazwa e Hind.

After getting bitch slapped by GCC and show their aukaat, if Hindus go ahead with anti Muslim policies. Then they are working for their own demise
Ghazva e Hind will not be a foreign invasion, as it will begin from inside India and will be fought on India's streets. You've seen its trailer in Delhi during Trump's visit, when the ISI demonstrated that it can cripple India's capital at will. The military invasion of India will come on phase-2 when most of the required objectives have already been achieved inside Indian occupied territory.
Thanks to Hindus we have got our non uniformed army of 25 crore stationed inside India. Hindus are sitting ducks. We can cripple their economics hub with the help of our Indian Muslim brothers anytime.

The tipping point of or 25 crore Indian Muslims brothers isn't far away. Inshallah rivers of blood will flow in India and Islamic rule over India will be established again.

Pakistan Zindabad! ISI Zindabad! Indian Muslims Zindabad!
when the ISI demonstrated that it can cripple India's capital at will
I knew it something was fishy

rivers of blood will flow in India
of Hindus

Dude hopefully you are from Jhang in Punjab and a Rangar ....you guys left Haryana and you know the result Haryana have no rangars to drag back and Haryana has highest percapita income in India and with 10% of Paks population we have almost 50% of your GDP .... hope you heard the horror stories about Jats

If your ancestors were from Haryana then I can say one thing keep kissing Punjabi boots we know how Rangars get treated there
I think Karachi's Mayor Wasim Akhtar is a Rangar
Due to nuclear weapons capability, the next War on India will have to be a Trojan horse Invasion, rather than a conventional military invasion. Indian Muslims will pave way for a formal invasion.

Thanks to Hindus we have got our non uniformed army of 25 crore stationed inside India. Hindus are sitting ducks. We can cripple their economics hub with the help of our Indian Muslim brothers anytime.

The tipping point of or 25 crore Indian Muslims brothers isn't far away. Inshallah rivers of blood will flow in India and Islamic rule over India will be established again.

Pakistan Zindabad! ISI Zindabad! Indian Muslims Zindabad!
International intervention and Balkanisation of India with no armed forces allowed for 70 years to any of the newly formed countries

In the real world Modi gets medals from Islamic countries.
Ghazva e Hind will not be a foreign invasion, as it will begin from inside India and will be fought on India's streets. You've seen its trailer in Delhi during Trump's visit, when the ISI demonstrated that it can cripple India's capital at will. The military invasion of India will come on phase-2 when most of the required objectives have already been achieved inside Indian occupied territory.
90% Delhi was working
Economic Hubs like gurgoan
Noida was un-faced in Delhi
Small pockets like Seelampur was demonstrated

During these riots of Old Delhi working which had large section Muslim Population

Don't give undue credit ISI for things that are part of internal political bTW AAP congress and BJP

As one of my friend in Delhi police said if modi wanted it will taken 10-12 hours to control these elements
You can count the death ratio
It's 80% Muslims are died in Delhi riots

BJP was playing vote politics to demonstrate Muslims as fanatics with State control media
so that they consolidate Hindu vote and Proper there agenda of NRC

Don't over estimate ISI
It cannot even control things it's own territory
On its own soil

NDS which is almost nothing
Can reply ISI with same intensity inside Pakistan today Quetta , Sind, Karachi, Waziristan you it
So finally one out 1.3 billion Indians have accepted the reality that Jinnah was genius and a visionary leader.There were so many like you in the history who admired Jinnah.Here are the quotes from various leaders of the world, historians and other eminent personalities, that describe the character and impact of Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
  1. “Few individuals significantly alter the course of history. Fewer still modify the map of the world. Hardly anyone can be credited with creating a nation-state. Mohammad Ali Jinnah did all three” – Prof. Stanley Wolpert.
  2. “Although without Gandhi, Hindustan would still have gained independence and without Lenin and Mao, Russia and China would still have endured Communist revolution, without Jinnah there would have been no Pakistan in 1947.” – John Biggs-Davison.
  3. “Good Character and Good Politics were those secrets due to which Jinnah got success” – Nehru
  4. “I believe no power can buy Mr. Jinnah.” – Gandhi
  5. “Jinnah’s scheme of partition was good, (but) it would take at least 25 years to take shape. But great wars and great men shorten history, and Jinnah was such a man who could alter the history of a nation.” – Lord Lothian
  6. “Mr. Jinnah, was great as a lawyer, once great as a Congressman, great as a leader of Muslims, great as a world politician and diplomat, and greatest of all as a man of action, By Mr. Jinnah’s passing away, the world has lost one of the greatest statesmen and Pakistan its life-giver, philosopher and guide.” – Surat Chandra Bose from My Brother, biography by Fatima Jinnah.
  7. “Gandhi died by the hands of an assassin; Jinnah died by his devotion to Pakistan.” – Lord Pethick Lawrence from My Brother, biography by Fatima Jinnah.
  8. “Jinnah is one of the most extraordinary men in history.” – Jawaharlal Nehru
  9. “The greatest man he ever met.” – The Aga Khan
  10. “If Muslim League had 100 Gandhis and 200 Abdul Kalam Azad and Congress had only one Jinnah than India would have never divided”. – Vijay Laxmi Pandit
  11. “He set a great example to other statesmen to follow by his skill in negotiation, his integrity and his honesty.” -Gordon Johnson
  12. “Mr. Jinnah was the recipient of a devotion and loyalty seldom accord to any man.” – Harry S Truman, US President.
  13. “Jinnah is Incorruptible and brave.” – Gandhi in an interview with Louis Fischer
  14. “There is no man or woman living who imputes anything against his honor or his honesty. He was the most upright person that I know, but throughout it all, he never, as far as I know, for one moment, attempted to deceive anybody, as to what he was aiming at or as to the means he attempted to adopt to get it.” – Sir Patrick Spen, the last Chief Justice of united India
  15. “Muhammad Ali Jinnah is the only personality of India from whom whole nation has expectations.” – Allama Iqbal
  16. “If Jinnah was in Sikhs they would Worship him.” – Sardar Kartar Singh.
  17. “Jinnah, young, perfectly mannered, impressive looking, armed to the teeth with dialectics and insistent upon the whole of his scheme he would rather have nothing if he could not get the whole lot. Chelmsford tried to argue with him and was tied up into knots. Jinnah is a very clever man, and it is of course an outrage that such a man should have no chance of running the affairs of his own country.” – Secretary of State Montagu – 1918
  18. “Mr. Jinnah was one of the handsomest men I have ever seen; he combined the clear cut, almost Grecian features of the West with oriental grace and movement.” – Lord Wavell, Viceroy of India 1943 – 1947
  19. “Jinnah was a historic personality which takes birth once in a Century.” – Mussolini
  20. “Jinnah never made an agreement by bowing down to anyone but on equal basis.” – Lord Mountbatten

Can you send in references for these quotes? I checked the Mussolini one and I didn't find it anywhere. Also checked the Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit and Sardar Kartar Singh one and didn't find them.

Are these quotes exaggerated for political propaganda purposes? It's look like it.

Due to nuclear weapons capability, the next War on India will have to be a Trojan horse Invasion, rather than a conventional military invasion. Indian Muslims will pave way for a formal invasion.
You don't know Indian Muslims. They are as much patriotic of India as we are.

Thanks to Hindus we have got our non uniformed army of 25 crore stationed inside India. Hindus are sitting ducks. We can cripple their economics hub with the help of our Indian Muslim brothers anytime.

The tipping point of or 25 crore Indian Muslims brothers isn't far away. Inshallah rivers of blood will flow in India and Islamic rule over India will be established again.

Pakistan Zindabad! ISI Zindabad! Indian Muslims Zindabad!
Looks like a fake account.
Oh nobody claimed it would be a televised genocide.

It's a 20 year plan involving subterfuge, silent disenfranchisement and buying off appropriate lackeys to convince Indian Muslims they themselves should self-flagellate to a point that they find themselves cursing Pakistan 5 times a day, cursing TJ 10 times a day, self-censoring any attempt to retain nomenclature/historical sites, burning their own books on India's Islamic history, and agreeing to dalit social status. Let's not start on the millions upon millions that Indian Muslims will pay in reparations to Hindu town councils every time they protest for their rights, dare to block a crossroads or force sanghees to rampage through Muslim neighbourhoods in self-defence.

Then when CAA/NRC restarts, Indian Muslims will be asked to frog march each other and report each other to the camps lest they be charged with sedition or harbouring fugitives or threatening national security.

Hindutva is making a hash of it presently because it can't shut up and control itself from exposing its hatred, like the hilariously dark Nazi wheelchair scientist in Dr Strangelove (the name eludes me) accidentally yelling "zieg heil" mid-sentence every few minutes. Hindutva grunts splurge on social media or traditional media every once in a while instead of quietly letting the wheels turn. If the rank and file can shut up for five minutes, you will observe an orchestrated slow decay of the Muslim community and a gradual exodus of those who can escape (who will be the elites of course, leaving behind an even more decayed remnant population) with periodic limited pogroms taking place.

There won't be a jallukutti orgy or a "partition massacre". I don't think even Modi can possibly be that stupid. All he needs to do is control the nutjobs and allow the slow erosion to continue. People won't even notice. The once proud Muslims of India who governed for a thousand years will be reduced to Shah rukhs doing pooja and a token medium pacer in the cricket team purely for quota filling. At that point even the quota elites will be reprimanded by "progressive moderate Hindus" who will ignore the historical disenfranchisement and suddenly demand an "even playing field" suspiciously like how this present unified civil code is being sold to the masses.

Yes, that's how it will unfold. I know it sounds like the blabbering of some madman. But if I was a hard-core intelligent sanghi, that's exactly how I'd do it. Why would I make it obvious with big massacres? I'd get Muslims to do it to themselves as much as possible, then whatever's left can be made to look accidental or sporadic or a natural phenomenon or an expected and fair retaliation by Hindus against terrorism or Covid spreading or train burning or spitting in public. These will be declared as normal evolution and "growing pains " of the magical world's biggest democracy with charming sporadic communal friction that is so adorable and inevitable between such massive democracy-loving communities who are best buddies really because India is a democracy.

Before you know it, Indian muslims will live quietly in their own Gaza strip, and Modi will declare India a sacred Hindu rashtra which never had any Muslims in it who brought anything other than pillaging and destruction. Trump will declare sheepishly that there is no point denying "ground reality".

They're not israel of course, hence this plan could still go tits up. I'd say it's 50:50... hindutva shooting itself in the gonads vs. their wildest dreams coming true, slowly but surely.
Great and accurate analysis as always.
I am from a place where parents not even give muslim names to their children ...... mosque is still consider taboo...
Which is this place? Are you saying Muslims don't give Arab names to their children? Are you from Indonesia/Malaysia or something lol.
of Hindus
Our Indian Muslim brothers will lose some of their own. But losses will more on Hindu side. Since Indian Muslims will have to launch fiyadeen attacks due to numerical disadvantage.

Dawood killed more Hindus in bomb blasts than Muslims killed in riots. Firecrackers going off in busy lanes and markets will cause more deaths than riots. Every Indian Muslim household has a Dawood in making. Interesting times ahead.
90% Delhi was working
Economic Hubs like gurgoan
Noida was un-faced in Delhi
Small pockets like Seelampur was demonstrated

During these riots of Old Delhi working which had large section Muslim Population

Don't give undue credit ISI for things that are part of internal political bTW AAP congress and BJP

As one of my friend in Delhi police said if modi wanted it will taken 10-12 hours to control these elements
You can count the death ratio
It's 80% Muslims are died in Delhi riots

BJP was playing vote politics to demonstrate Muslims as fanatics with State control media
so that they consolidate Hindu vote and Proper there agenda of NRC

Don't over estimate ISI
It cannot even control things it's own territory
On its own soil

NDS which is almost nothing
Can reply ISI with same intensity inside Pakistan today Quetta , Sind, Karachi, Waziristan you it
Abey Bhondu Ram, this was a trailer. It wasn't in our interest to create a pan India riot and make Muslims look bad.

Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Hyderabad and other major economic cities of India have 25percent - 45% Muslim population. At right time our sleeper cells will be activated and we will completely destroy economy and stability of India.

Thanks to Hindus, we have our un uniformed armed of 25 cores stationed in India.

Delhi tauh trailer tha ab dekho aage aage houta hey kiya?

Due to nuclear weapons capability, the next War on India will have to be a Trojan horse Invasion, rather than a conventional military invasion. Indian Muslims will pave way for a formal invasion.
Yes Sir! Thank God we have ISI officers like you working for the nation.

I do believe Pakistan was at a disadvantage due to population vis vis India. Hence we needed nukes to defend our lands. But now we have our 25 crore Indian Muslims on our side. We can easily take over whole of India with their support.

You don't know Indian Muslims. They are as much patriotic of India as we are.
They used to bad mouth Pakistan to please Hindus. But they loved us in their as we were their fellow Muslim brothers.

But now that is a thing of the past. They openly express their anti India and pro Pakistan views on social media.

Days of Hindus are numbered.

Indian Muslims will pick up arms against Hindus. And Islamic armies will invade India from outside. Enjoy your last supper.
We hated Hinduism

It was worthless and disgusting to us

Your ugly gods and freaky idols made us vomit

Thankfully we dumped Hinduism for a far superior system

We then broke India into 3, this is now Pak zameen for the faithful

JINNAH was right and India is a communal shithole and diaster and needs Partition
Thankfully we didn't convert to Islam. Otherwise we would be having similar mindset as you and would treat all non-Muslims in an inferior way.

Thankfully, majority of Indian Muslims don't subscribe to Pakistani Muslims thinking.

They used to bad mouth Pakistan to please Hindus. But they loved us in their as we were their fellow Muslim brothers.

But now that is a thing of the past. They openly express their anti India and pro Pakistan views on social media.

Days of Hindus are numbered.

Indian Muslims will pick up arms against Hindus. And Islamic armies will invade India from outside. Enjoy your last supper.
You can continue living in your fantasies hehe. Have you forgotten Irfan Pathan's epic over against Pakistan or Zaheer Khan's contribution in the WC?

Indian Muslims have been Hinduized. Muslims celebrate Hindu festivals as well.
Thankfully, majority of Indian Muslims don't subscribe to Pakistani Muslims thinking.
Banya, unsuccessfully trying to divide Muslims.

Pakistan and Indian Muslims read the same book. It has explicitly mentioned our views on idol worshiping pagans like you.

These Indians Muslims helped us to snatch away 33% percent land from Akhand Hindu Rashtar in 1947.

Now they will help history to repeat itself
Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Hyderabad and other major economic cities of India have 25percent - 45% Muslim population. At right time our sleeper cells will be activated and we will completely destroy economy and stability of India.
You certainly look like a fake account now lol. No need to continue replying to you.

Banya, unsuccessfully trying to divide Muslims.

Pakistan and Indian Muslims read the same book. It has explicitly mentioned our views on idol worshiping pagans like you.

These Indians Muslims helped us to snatch away 33% percent land from Akhand Hindu Rashtar in 1947.

Now they will help history to repeat itself
I'm not banya. I didn't even know what banya was until I came to PDF. Don't know why you guys have obsession with Banya and randomly tagging any Indian with that word. You are just making a fool of yourself.
You certainly look like a fake account now lol. No need to continue replying to you.
Banye, keep saying that to yourself to lower your blood pressure.

When we release the whole picture with help of our Indian Muslims brothers, you will get a heart attack. Nigga, you need to stockpile aspirins.

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