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Realistic worst care scenarios for Indian Muslims

Sure I think only Muslims know what happen after one die ......such terms make no diff to atheists seems like hell is scaring shit out of you
No matter how much he hates, he'll never burn the way you will when you're being incinerated in hell for your barbaric practices.
Keep on hating till it burn you .....

It's more contempt then hate

Partition was a necessity, JINNAH was the only one who understood that

He understood that as much as he was campaigning for a independent muslim state
There needed to be a independent Hindu state, a independent Sikh state, a independent Christian state

These culture's needed their own space to stretch themselves, express themselves and if they didn't separate their would be a clash that could turn into a DISASTER

The problem was NEVER JINNAH or Pakistan, we understood what we wanted and needed

Obsessed with one India, so rather then separate the populations they convinced themselves including many Indian Muslims of the need to remain part of a united India

The only way this disaster could have been averted apart from Partition is if a secular India with all cultures, faiths, and Indians equal before the state took preeminence

But just as Jinnah predicted as division and hindutva extremism spreads the disaster he could always see happening 70 years ago is happening NOW

To avert disaster, INDIA NEEDS PARTITION
I am really thankful to Jinnha , its only due to him there are no muslims in my area and we are living without riots ....I literally have no words to thank him may god give him heaven.

It's more contempt then hate

Partition was a necessity, JINNAH was the only one who understood that

He understood that as much as he was campaigning for a independent muslim state
There needed to be a independent Hindu state, a independent Sikh state, a independent Christian state

These culture's needed their own space to stretch themselves, express themselves and if they didn't separate their would be a clash that could turn into a DISASTER

The problem was NEVER JINNAH or Pakistan, we understood what we wanted and needed

Obsessed with one India, so rather then separate the populations they convinced themselves including many Indian Muslims of the need to remain part of a united India

The only way this disaster could have been averted apart from Partition is if a secular India with all cultures, faiths, and Indians equal before the state took preeminence

But just as Jinnah predicted as division and hindutva extremism spreads the disaster he could always see happening 70 years ago is happening NOW

To avert disaster, INDIA NEEDS PARTITION
I am really thankful to Jinnha , its only due to him there are no muslims in my area and we are living without riots ....I literally have no words to thank him may god give him heaven

The man was a absolute GENIUS

The only one who truly understood the Sub continent and what needed to be done

Failure by the sub continent at large to understand Jinnah is why India and the region is standing at disasters door step

The only thing which I hate about partition was the bloodshed ...otherwise I am glad it happened ........ I am not sure who was genius but the partition helped a lot to have a peace in my area...
The man was a absolute GENIUS

The only one who truly understood the Sub continent and what needed to be done

Failure by the sub continent at large to understand Jinnah is why India and the region is standing at disasters door step

The only thing which I hate about partition was the bloodshed ...otherwise I am glad it happened ........ I am not sure who was genius but the partition helped a lot to have a peace in my area

Finally a Indian who understands Partition was a absolute necessity

All you now need to do is extend those correct thoughts to giving freedom to a Muslim majority Kashmir


Either ensuring equality of culture, faith in India
OR just partitioning India and giving Indian Muslims a state of their own to avert a disaster coming to India
I dont own Kashmir .... and but the location , water and Indian investment its difficult that Indian govt will lose grip ....and just FYI govts are emotion less...personally i feel bad when a human get mistreated by other human
Finally a Indian who understands Partition was a absolute necessity

All you now need to do is extend those correct thoughts to giving freedom to a Muslim majority Kashmir


Either ensuring equality of culture, faith in India
OR just partitioning India and giving Indian Muslims a state of their own to avert a disaster coming to India
I would absolutely not disagree - Once our beloved neighbor forgets about invading and conquering Kashmir with a guarantee!- Both India and Pakistan give egual - fair and unbiased progress for all (No Hindu way or Islamic way)-UCC for all.
And what about taking down our part of Kashmir by your gov't and military
It's clear what kind of a mentality we are dealing with here. Read the above part. Muslims of India will only be considered to be doing well if they are governing Hindustan, like they did for a thousand years. Globally popular Muslim movie stars and sports persons representing India to the world just don't cut it. They are to be made fun of.

This kind will never be happy until they are ruling the dirty idol worshippers of Hindustan. Only then will Indian Muslims be considered successful as per these kinds.

Notwithstanding that their knowledge of history is so poor that they dont know or dont want to acknowledge the harsh fact that almost all Muslims of the subcontinental stock were also subjects of the Muslim ruling elite in India who were almost entirely of Turkic origin.

I think it was more a figure of speech than an ulterior motive of sinister plot to rule.

Such figures of speech are used for other remnants of once proud empires - such as Mongols, Rajputs, Huns, etc..you get my drift.
I am really thankful to Jinnha , its only due to him there are no muslims in my area and we are living without riots ....I literally have no words to thank him may god give him heaven.
So finally one out 1.3 billion Indians have accepted the reality that Jinnah was genius and a visionary leader.There were so many like you in the history who admired Jinnah.Here are the quotes from various leaders of the world, historians and other eminent personalities, that describe the character and impact of Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
  1. “Few individuals significantly alter the course of history. Fewer still modify the map of the world. Hardly anyone can be credited with creating a nation-state. Mohammad Ali Jinnah did all three” – Prof. Stanley Wolpert.
  2. “Although without Gandhi, Hindustan would still have gained independence and without Lenin and Mao, Russia and China would still have endured Communist revolution, without Jinnah there would have been no Pakistan in 1947.” – John Biggs-Davison.
  3. “Good Character and Good Politics were those secrets due to which Jinnah got success” – Nehru
  4. “I believe no power can buy Mr. Jinnah.” – Gandhi
  5. “Jinnah’s scheme of partition was good, (but) it would take at least 25 years to take shape. But great wars and great men shorten history, and Jinnah was such a man who could alter the history of a nation.” – Lord Lothian
  6. “Mr. Jinnah, was great as a lawyer, once great as a Congressman, great as a leader of Muslims, great as a world politician and diplomat, and greatest of all as a man of action, By Mr. Jinnah’s passing away, the world has lost one of the greatest statesmen and Pakistan its life-giver, philosopher and guide.” – Surat Chandra Bose from My Brother, biography by Fatima Jinnah.
  7. “Gandhi died by the hands of an assassin; Jinnah died by his devotion to Pakistan.” – Lord Pethick Lawrence from My Brother, biography by Fatima Jinnah.
  8. “Jinnah is one of the most extraordinary men in history.” – Jawaharlal Nehru
  9. “The greatest man he ever met.” – The Aga Khan
  10. “If Muslim League had 100 Gandhis and 200 Abdul Kalam Azad and Congress had only one Jinnah than India would have never divided”. – Vijay Laxmi Pandit
  11. “He set a great example to other statesmen to follow by his skill in negotiation, his integrity and his honesty.” -Gordon Johnson
  12. “Mr. Jinnah was the recipient of a devotion and loyalty seldom accord to any man.” – Harry S Truman, US President.
  13. “Jinnah is Incorruptible and brave.” – Gandhi in an interview with Louis Fischer
  14. “There is no man or woman living who imputes anything against his honor or his honesty. He was the most upright person that I know, but throughout it all, he never, as far as I know, for one moment, attempted to deceive anybody, as to what he was aiming at or as to the means he attempted to adopt to get it.” – Sir Patrick Spen, the last Chief Justice of united India
  15. “Muhammad Ali Jinnah is the only personality of India from whom whole nation has expectations.” – Allama Iqbal
  16. “If Jinnah was in Sikhs they would Worship him.” – Sardar Kartar Singh.
  17. “Jinnah, young, perfectly mannered, impressive looking, armed to the teeth with dialectics and insistent upon the whole of his scheme he would rather have nothing if he could not get the whole lot. Chelmsford tried to argue with him and was tied up into knots. Jinnah is a very clever man, and it is of course an outrage that such a man should have no chance of running the affairs of his own country.” – Secretary of State Montagu – 1918
  18. “Mr. Jinnah was one of the handsomest men I have ever seen; he combined the clear cut, almost Grecian features of the West with oriental grace and movement.” – Lord Wavell, Viceroy of India 1943 – 1947
  19. “Jinnah was a historic personality which takes birth once in a Century.” – Mussolini
  20. “Jinnah never made an agreement by bowing down to anyone but on equal basis.” – Lord Mountbatten
Muslims of India will only be considered to be doing well if they are governing Hindustan, like they did for a thousand years. Globally popular Muslim movie stars and sports persons representing India to the world just don't cut it.
Whenever SRK raises so much as an indirect whisper against hindutva, he is firmly put in his place with instant effect. This doesn't happen to Muslim actors in real democratic nations. SRK could not even dream of being proud of his Muslim Indian heritage or of being a Muslim because he knows the backlash he would face. The threat of hindutva backlash is not perceived but is evidence based from prior episodes.

Does Hinduism really insist that Muslims merge their faith and diminish its distinctiveness in order to be acceptable to the collective? I don't think so. I think hindutva does this, but not Hinduism.


Why can't he simply say he's proud to be an Indian Muslim?

Why can't Saif Ali Khan call his son Timur without constant backlash against him?

Why are a segment of indians not taught to be proud of what the mughals or other Muslim conquerors achieved? It's a part of Indian history so sweeping it under a carpet simply exposes Indians to a charge of ignorance.

As for muslim sports stars in India, let me know when there is one. Azharuddin is not a sports star btw. Maybe Zaheer Khan was just about so I'll give you that one. So let's talk about him. By marrying a Hindu, he - like any Muslim Indian male marrying a Hindu female - immediately starts at a baseline judgement by Indian society. That baseline is that the marriage is an act of "love jihad" until proven otherwise. Now let us assume the wife converted to Islam for whatever damned reason of her choosing, as long as it was not under duress. Immediately, the husband has further incriminated himself under the charge of love jihad. Now in Z Khan's case, no such conversion occurred and yet, until he visited a temple and appeased his in-laws, the charge of love jihad stuck fast.


Tell you what, let's imagine these visceral examples of the difficulties faced by muslim celebrities in India don't even exist. Let's start on a clean slate and assume the preconceptions don't exist as exemplified above. I'd hazard a guess that Muslims of India would settle for equal value attached to their lives, livelihoods, opportunities, religious practices, history, and contributions to India, without having it constantly rammed down their throats that they are guests of your country and hence should somehow be grateful for those rights.

Now I can't rewrite history, sadly. Some big people with significant influence are going to have to bite a big bullet and arrive at a state of internal reconciliation with the fact that India (by any definition of that word "India") is not a pure Hindu rashtra. Therefore the legacy of Muslims cannot be erased and this whole prism through which hindutva views India is inherently flawed and defective as a result of these irreconcilable facts. It is not an islamic state either obviously - if that is your understanding of the mughal era. Let it be a simple meritocracy, not a smash and grab to suit an invented narrative. Hindutva types, whether hard-core or sympathisers, will need to either confront this reality that India cannot become a Hindu dominant state as long as Indian Muslims exist, or accept my previously stated destructive course of events as inevitable in pursuit of a Hindu dominant rashtra.
Again I said I dont know who was the main brain behind the division but for my area it proved to be a blessing ...... no riots ,100 billion USD+ GDP , 20 million population and one of the highest per capita what else we need .......... atleast I am thankful to missioure Jinnha to drive away muslims from here

Thanks Jinnha for making my area muslim free

So finally one out 1.3 billion Indians have accepted the reality that Jinnah was genius and a visionary leader.There were so many like you in the history who admired Jinnah.The following quotes from various leaders of the world, historians and other eminent personalities, that describe the character and impact of Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
  1. “Few individuals significantly alter the course of history. Fewer still modify the map of the world. Hardly anyone can be credited with creating a nation-state. Mohammad Ali Jinnah did all three” – Prof. Stanley Wolpert.
  2. “Although without Gandhi, Hindustan would still have gained independence and without Lenin and Mao, Russia and China would still have endured Communist revolution, without Jinnah there would have been no Pakistan in 1947.” – John Biggs-Davison.
  3. “Good Character and Good Politics were those secrets due to which Jinnah got success” – Nehru
  4. “I believe no power can buy Mr. Jinnah.” – Gandhi
  5. “Jinnah’s scheme of partition was good, (but) it would take at least 25 years to take shape. But great wars and great men shorten history, and Jinnah was such a man who could alter the history of a nation.” – Lord Lothian
  6. “Mr. Jinnah, was great as a lawyer, once great as a Congressman, great as a leader of Muslims, great as a world politician and diplomat, and greatest of all as a man of action, By Mr. Jinnah’s passing away, the world has lost one of the greatest statesmen and Pakistan its life-giver, philosopher and guide.” – Surat Chandra Bose from My Brother, biography by Fatima Jinnah.
  7. “Gandhi died by the hands of an assassin; Jinnah died by his devotion to Pakistan.” – Lord Pethick Lawrence from My Brother, biography by Fatima Jinnah.
  8. “Jinnah is one of the most extraordinary men in history.” – Jawaharlal Nehru
  9. “The greatest man he ever met.” – The Aga Khan
  10. “If Muslim League had 100 Gandhis and 200 Abdul Kalam Azad and Congress had only one Jinnah than India would have never divided”. – Vijay Laxmi Pandit
  11. “He set a great example to other statesmen to follow by his skill in negotiation, his integrity and his honesty.” -Gordon Johnson
  12. “Mr. Jinnah was the recipient of a devotion and loyalty seldom accord to any man.” – Harry S Truman, US President.
  13. “Jinnah is Incorruptible and brave.” – Gandhi in an interview with Louis Fischer
  14. “There is no man or woman living who imputes anything against his honor or his honesty. He was the most upright person that I know, but throughout it all, he never, as far as I know, for one moment, attempted to deceive anybody, as to what he was aiming at or as to the means he attempted to adopt to get it.” – Sir Patrick Spen, the last Chief Justice of united India
  15. “Muhammad Ali Jinnah is the only personality of India from whom whole nation has expectations.” – Allama Iqbal
  16. “If Jinnah was in Sikhs they would Worship him.” – Sardar Kartar Singh.
  17. “Jinnah, young, perfectly mannered, impressive looking, armed to the teeth with dialectics and insistent upon the whole of his scheme he would rather have nothing if he could not get the whole lot. Chelmsford tried to argue with him and was tied up into knots. Jinnah is a very clever man, and it is of course an outrage that such a man should have no chance of running the affairs of his own country.” – Secretary of State Montagu – 1918
  18. “Mr. Jinnah was one of the handsomest men I have ever seen; he combined the clear cut, almost Grecian features of the West with oriental grace and movement.” – Lord Wavell, Viceroy of India 1943 – 1947
  19. “Jinnah was a historic personality which takes birth once in a Century.” – Mussolini
  20. “Jinnah never made an agreement by bowing down to anyone but on equal basis.” – Lord Mountbatten
I would absolutely not disagree - Once our beloved neighbor forgets about invading and conquering Kashmir with a guarantee!- Both India and Pakistan give egual - fair and unbiased progress for all (No Hindu way or Islamic way)-UCC for all.

Kashmir is a nuclear flashpoint between Pakistan and India.

How many people are stateless in India now? What are the official figures?
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