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Realistic worst care scenarios for Indian Muslims

This forum seems to be bursting at the seams with all sorts of allegations being leveled against non Muslim Indians, Hindus in particular, about the 'fascist' takeover of our government by 'far right' 'genocidal' maniacs in the form of the BJP, led by a 'mass murderer' in the form of PM Modi and how the Muslims of India are being marched off to the ovens or something... all much common themes if one browses around here a bit.

It's pretty easy to understand where such vitriol comes from given the complicated history of India, spl when it comes from our western neighbours but as an Indian who has lived in India most of his life, and keeps a keen eye on the political goings on here, I see no evidence of such a thing in the works.

Nobody is looking for any sort of 'final solution' here as far as I can tell.

Are there problems ? Sure, plenty.

Are Indian Muslims at any risk of being rounded up and disposed off wholesale, being denied their statehood or rights as citizens ? Hell no !

Just looking to get an idea of what people who actually believe in the 'fascist genocidal Hindus' narrative fear will happen, and maybe a timeline too.. how far are we from the peak, what happens when we get there.. etc
Talk is cheap my friend- Actions (In this case the ruling party) should speak louder than words. I agree with all your points-but the onus is on the BJP/RSS to provide the surely to India's minority be collaborative and dont push the Hindu agenda just because you are a Majority- Why worry about what out Western neighbor says and thinks, they have no say in this matter- Indian Muslims are also the backbone of proud India-Pakistani Muslims/Citizens are not.
International intervention and Balkanisation of India with no armed forces allowed for 70 years to any of the newly formed countries
After trying for 70 years - already given up- Now new narrative- lets fight India without the Armed forces protecting India- What a brilliant Idea.
After trying for 70 years - already given up- Now new narrative- lets fight India without the Armed forces protecting India- What a brilliant Idea.

the region will be peaceful and poverty alleviation fair and unbiased. progress overall.

why would you disagree?
Forced Exodus to Pakistan and Bangladesh.
This isn't 1947. Pakistan and Bangladesh cannot take in 25 crore Muslims.

If these dumb Hindus think they can expel or exterminate 25 crore Muslims, they are in a for treat. The day is not far off when Indian Muslims and other Muslims launch Ghazwa e Hind.

After getting bitch slapped by GCC and show their aukaat, if Hindus go ahead with anti Muslim policies. Then they are working for their own demise
Indians must not vote for radical Hindus claiming all lands.
Pakistan itself is divided among secterian and regional lines ...how can they unite Indian muslims under one muslim leader .....do you think Indian sunnis will follow one leader like barelvi will never accept deo bandi leadership ....will Shia accept sunni as leader ....how Indian Ahmedi will react to both Shia or Sunni leadership ......
When it comes to their idol worshiping oppressors they will give up their cultural and sectarian differences and unite and dispose off the idolaters.

Have you forgotten how 24% percent Muslims took away 33% percent of land for themselves in 1947?

There are 25 crore potential Mujhaideen in India. If pagan idiots think that you can oppress such large number of Muslims. Then mini Pakistans in all over India would explode. Rest of us Muslims will help our brothers. No doubt about it
Read what vallabh bhai patel said about division ...actually you took 66% muslims and made muslims in India handicap politically ...Muslims in India are too divided to accept one leader ...... if they try to create they will lose more then they gain ....hope you know the stoey of Indian Muzzahidin
When it comes to their idol worshiping oppressors they will give up their cultural and sectarian differences and unite and dispose off the idolaters.

Have you forgotten how 24% percent Muslims took away 33% percent of land for themselves in 1947?

There are 25 crore potential Mujhaideen in India. If pagan idiots think that you can oppress such large number of Muslims. Then mini Pakistans in all over India would explode. Rest of us Muslims will help our brothers. No doubt about it
There are numerous possibilities.

Exodus of all those who can (with the means). I thank my parents for reading the writing on the wall and shipping me off.

The majority will have to remain and there will be civil war. Eventually this leads to genocides and forced conversion to Hinduism or Sikhism.

Of course, this is the worst case scenario. I hope (for everyone's sake) that this does not happen and some compromise is worked out that does not involve bloodshed. Especially of innocents.
Don't give up hope. Restore your faith in Allah swt.

1000 Hindus could not kill that Muslim elderly in India. They could not even exterminate you with the help of the police. These pagans are weak. When 25 crore Indian Muslims like you say enough is enough then we will restoration of Islamic rule over India.

Indian Muslims live in ghettos. Plus you have very high numbers in states like UP, Behar, Bangal, Assam, Kerala. You can easily make Hindu India bleed.
the region will be peaceful and poverty alleviation fair and unbiased. progress overall.

why would you disagree?
I would absolutely not disagree - Once our beloved neighbor forgets about invading and conquering Kashmir with a guarantee!- Both India and Pakistan give egual - fair and unbiased progress for all (No Hindu way or Islamic way)-UCC for all.
Read what vallabh bhai patel said about division ...actually you took 66% muslims and made muslims in India handicap politically ...Muslims in India are too divided to accept one leader ...... if they try to create they will lose more then they gain ....hope you know the stoey of Indian Muzzahidin
Haha stoopid RSS fellow. Most Muslims who created Pakistan stayed in India. My family was forced to move to Pakistan from Haryana. I used to think why did not all Muslims move to Pakistan? But now I know our leaders left a huge number of Muslims in India to create another Pakistan or restore Islamic rule over India.

Don't forget that there is a potential Dawood in every Muslim household. Myanmar had only 4 percent Muslim population. Not even 10 million Rohingyas. India has atleast 25 crore Muslims. You fools think that you can expel them. If you try India will be end up worse than Syria
if you dont mind are you Rangar. or mullle jat ?
Haha stoopid RSS fellow. Most Muslims who created Pakistan stayed in India. My family was forced to move to Pakistan from Haryana. I used to think why did not all Muslims move to Pakistan? But now I know our leaders left a huge number of Muslims in India to create another Pakistan or restore Islamic rule over India.

Don't forget that there is a potential Dawood in every Muslim household. Myanmar had only 4 percent Muslim population. Not even 10 million Rohingyas. India has atleast 25 crore Muslims. You fools think that you can expel them. If you try India will be end up worse than Syria
if you dont mind are you Rangar. or mullle jat ?
I am a Muslim. So are my 25 crore brothers in India. That's all you need to know.

Treat our brothers with respect. Or history will repeat itself
Dude hopefully you are from Jhang in Punjab and a Rangar ....you guys left Haryana and you know the result Haryana have no rangars to drag back and Haryana has highest percapita income in India and with 10% of Paks population we have almost 50% of your GDP .... hope you heard the horror stories about Jats

If your ancestors were from Haryana then I can say one thing keep kissing Punjabi boots we know how Rangars get treated there
I am a Muslim. So are my 25 crore brothers in India. That's all you need to know.

Treat our brothers with respect. Or history will repeat itself
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worst case scenario is new Pakistan in India

not a worst case scenario, thats the best case scenario. Especially if its made between the current border of India-Pakistan. So that their randi rona stops and we could also live in peace after that.
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