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Afghan Taliban launch coordinated attacks in 10 provinces in Afghanistan, hundreds of soldiers, mili

The Afghans must come up with the solid alternatives themselves.
Only democracy will allow this.
The IslamoFascist Taliban movement is not the answer.

You have lost in Afghanistan. Your military solutions have wrecked the Middle East and Afghanistan.

One can only laugh at your democracy speech now. You are too late with democracy and the people solution. It doesn't work this way.

Afghanistan is beyond recovery. No matter what you say or do it is game over. Afghanistan cannot be salvaged. Never could have been. The US/NATO is destined to fight and waste billions for eternity. Pressing for political solutions after ravaging the country for decades is like crying over spilt milk.

Pakistan won't be of any help to US/NATO. This is your war and only you can put an end to it. Begging Pakistan to be on your side won't achieve anything.
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There are procedures in place for referendum in Sweden, so if the issue comes up we can handle that.
The Taliban are the reason for the mess. You want the wolf guarding the sheep.

After a trillion American dollars and 17 years of war Afghanistan is still a war zone the Afghan government is useless might as well give the Taliban another go they will do a better job then this rabble
You have lost in Afghanistan. Your military solutions have wrecked the Middle East and Afghanistan.

One can only laugh at your democracy speech now. You are too late with democracy and the people solution. It doesn't work this way.

Afghanistan is beyond recovery. No matter what you say or do it is game over. Afghanistan cannot be salvaged. Never could have been. The US/NATO is destined to fight and waste billions for eternity. Pressing for political solutions after ravaging the country for decades is like crying over spilt milk.

Pakistan won't be of any help to US/NATO. This is your war and only you can put an end to it. Begging Pakistan to be on your side won't achieve anything.

Democracy seems suddenly be working in Iraq.
If the Taliban would stop ravaging Afghanistan, there would be hope for them as well,
but with foreign governments desperate to overthrow the Afghan government, You might be right.

After a trillion American dollars and 17 years of war Afghanistan is still a war zone the Afghan government is useless might as well give the Taliban another go they will do a better job then this rabble

The Taliban IslamoFascists has always been the idols of many here on PDF.
No doubt about that.
Democracy seems suddenly be working in Iraq.
If the Taliban would stop ravaging Afghanistan, there would be hope for them as well,
but with foreign governments desperate to overthrow the Afghan government, You might be right.

LOL how is democracy working in Iraq? You mean after killing and plundering half the country? The Kurds seek independence and other groups don't tolerate each other. I am sure this cannot be the definition of democracy.

The Taliban is a Western instrument created during the Cold War to combat the rise of Communism. The West has a problem defeating a monster it helped create itself.

Also, the West is guilty for supporting the current Afghan regime responsible for human rights abuses against their own people. Afghans don't have any rights when their sons and daughters are being molested by the same Afghan warlords helped into power. The warlords benefit from mass opium cultivation. The list of oppressions and negativities is endless.

What substitute has US/NATO provided to the people of Afghanistan which has brought positive change?
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The Taliban IslamoFascists has always been the idols of many here on PDF.
No doubt about that.

People across the world support all kinds of horrific states regardless of oppression

I have seen you support israeli occupation and oppression

Locals have seen the mess Afghanistan has become, their refusal to understand that the Taliban are a major part of the majority pashtun community and start peace negotiations is why their is chaos in Afghanistan.
People across the world support all kinds of horrific states regardless of oppression

I have seen you support israeli occupation and oppression

Locals have seen the mess Afghanistan has become, their refusal to understand that the Taliban are a major part of the majority pashtun community and start peace negotiations is why their is chaos in Afghanistan.

The US/NATO had this wonderful idea to replace the will of the majority and impose the will of the minority. They have found out the very hard way that this is a lost cause.
The US/NATO had this wonderful idea to replace the will of the majority and impose the will of the minority. They have found out the very hard way that this is a lost cause.
The Taliban was never the will of the majority.
It was the will of the armed, and according to Benazir Bhutto, financed by, guess who?
Its high time Pakistan starts supporting the afghan taliban openly so that US and its lackeys the ana can be thrown out of Afghanistan for good. Pakistan has suffered enough damage because of this and our borders have become unsafe thanks to india being given a free hand to carry out terrorism against Pakistan.
The Taliban was never the will of the majority.
It was the will of the armed, and according to Benazir Bhutto, financed by, guess who?

I am not talking about the Taliban as the will of the majority. I am talking about the Pashtun community and the Taliban are just one tiny part of that equation.

US/NATO has failed to silence the Pashtun majority in Afghanistan. Why is it that many Pashtun join the ranks of Taliban? Ever wondered? They have grievances because they understand that in this new Afghanistan they are marginalized despite being the majority.

Its high time Pakistan starts supporting the afghan taliban openly so that US and its lackeys the ana can be thrown out of Afghanistan for good. Pakistan has suffered enough damage because of this and our borders have become unsafe thanks to india being given a free hand to carry out terrorism against Pakistan.

It is already happening and Pakistan isn't alone. Many regional countries are now involved in this proxy war. America is being punished for its transgression. Every country is extracting retribution.
I am not talking about the Taliban as the will of the majority. I am talking about the Pashtun community and the Taliban are just one tiny part of that equation.

US/NATO has failed to silence the Pashtun majority in Afghanistan. Why is it that many Pashtun join the ranks of Taliban? Ever wondered? They have grievances because they understand that in this new Afghanistan they are marginalized despite being the majority.

It is already happening and Pakistan isn't alone. Many regional countries are now involved in this proxy war. America is being punished for its transgression. Every country is extracting retribution.

Hamid Karzai is Pashtun.
The majority is never marginalized in a true democracy.
The Taliban wants to marginalize everyone not sharing their point of view.
Hamid Karzai is Pashtun.
The majority is never marginalized in a true democracy.
The Taliban wants to marginalize everyone not sharing their point of view.

LOL the Pashtun laugh at the puppet Karzai. He never represents the Pashtun majority. He is nothing, but a puppet who received suitcases filled with US dollars. He has been sidelined too.

I am a Pakistani Pashtun. We know the game played by US/NATO.
LOL the Pashtun laugh at the puppet Karzai. He never represents the Pashtun majority. He is nothing, but a puppet who received suitcases filled with US dollars. He has been sidelined too.

I am a Pakistani Pashtun. We know the game played by US/NATO.

The problem with Karzai, was probably he was not a Pakistani puppet.
It is up to the Paschtun community to produce leaders which can represent them.
So did Pakistan allow Pashtoons to vote on independence?
Should be a safe bet, if truly they want to remain in Pakistan.
Yes and they voted for pakistan(the british did) as more pushtoon lives in other provinces like Punjab sindh and Baluchistan .. So it made no sense to join small minority in Afghanistan
There are 19%(per 1998census) to 25%(recent estimates) pushtoons in 212 million(2018 census) Pakistan population vs 36-42% in 30 million Afghanistan population.
You do the maths(12million vs ~40-50million )

In fact more psuhtoons live in a single mega city karachi than any single connected region in Afghanistan

Pakistan is connected society vs a disconnected society in Afghanistan . .. It takes weeks to move from southern Afghanistan to northern Afghanistan ...you dont see that in Pakistan with 80miles/hr motorways and railway infrastructure
No referendum as there was no support for it from the majority of population on Pakistan side, it was locals themselves that took on the Afghans in 1960s

But that leaves a minority who live in Pakistan use its states but plot against it with afghans tgis situation was made worse with a few million afghan refugees added to the mix

Out of this came the TTP and other extremists with deep connections to afghan Taliban and a open porus border

Hence problems

Now Pakistan has had enough, border is being fenced, afghans are being brushed back into Afghanistan
So what did the british did in 1947..!!

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