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Zulfiqar - IRAN MADE MBT

You just proved that it didn't fly before.
And the plane cannot fly, not with that design.
Cockpit too small, surface is ineffectively flat, that means it is not stealth, a lot of bumps, no stealth
They don't really know how to weld plastic I can see, the retainer will barley manage to turn the aircraft, and with a mechanical speedometer that reaches just until 300 knots?

First of all mock-up doesn't need to have aforementioned items , and design could change ... as you know sometimes projects are just technology demonstrators nothing more like Lockheed "Have Blue" project which paved the way for an aircraft that changed the face of modern warfare – the F-117A Nighthawk, known as the Stealth Fighter.

you can see changes :


You just proved that it didn't fly before.
And the plane cannot fly, not with that design.
he doesn't need to prove it Mr smart a$$, our officials has several times said that already.

surface is ineffectively flat, that means it is not stealth, a lot of bumps, no stealth
That was one hell of B.S. intellectual trolls!
You just proved that it didn't fly before.
And the plane cannot fly, not with that design.
Cockpit too small, surface is ineffectively flat, that means it is not stealth, a lot of bumps, no stealth
They don't really know how to weld plastic I can see, the retainer will barley manage to turn the aircraft, and with a mechanical speedometer that reaches just until 300 knots?

I consider the Qaher-313 unavailing as a clear embarrassment for Iran but not for the reason you think

That said

1.The viability of the design has already been proven by even Israeli annalists and the airframe design is fully capable of subsonic flight but that doesn't mean it doesn't have major flaws in it's design....

2.The fact that the cockpit is too small, it's speedometer only reaches 300 knots, it's made out of fiberglass, etc, etc, means absolutely nothing since this is nothing more than a showroom mockup and a poor one at that

3.Are you under the delusion that Iran has no access to the internet? And do you truly believe that if Iran's goal here was to spread propaganda about building a stealth fighter, this is what they would come up with?
Are you so far gone in your delusions that you think Iranians don't know what a glass cockpit looks like? worst yet, do you think Iran has no MFD installed on any of it's aircrafts?

If so then here I can put you at ease

This is the inside of the Shafaq mockup built over a dacade before the Qaher-313


And if the goal was propaganda here we have had these design's years before the Qaher-313



So don't kid yourself for better or worse Iran's Qaher-313 was a real project at one point and it's airframe fully capable of flight!

The only reason the project right now is a point of ridicule is due to the way Iran's defense minister handled it's unavailing nothing more!
I consider the Qaher-313 unavailing as a clear embarrassment for Iran but not for the reason you think

That said

1.The viability of the design has already been proven by even Israeli annalists and the airframe design is fully capable of subsonic flight but that doesn't mean it doesn't have major flaws in it's design....

2.The fact that the cockpit is too small, it's speedometer only reaches 300 knots, it's made out of fiberglass, etc, etc, means absolutely nothing since this is nothing more than a showroom mockup and a poor one at that

3.Are you under the delusion that Iran has no access to the internet? And do you truly believe that if Iran's goal here was to spread propaganda about building a stealth fighter, this is what they would come up with?
Are you so far gone in your delusions that you think Iranians don't know what a glass cockpit looks like? worst yet, do you think Iran has no MFD installed on any of it's aircrafts?

If so then here I can put you at ease

This is the inside of the Shafaq mockup built over a dacade before the Qaher-313

View attachment 313581

And if the goal was propaganda here we have had these design's years before the Qaher-313

View attachment 313583

View attachment 313584

So don't kid yourself for better or worse Iran's Qaher-313 was a real project at one point and it's airframe fully capable of flight!

The only reason the project right now is a point of ridicule is due to the way Iran's defense minister handled it's unavailing nothing more!
Boro gomsho baba
Boro gomsho baba

Jello dahaneto, ya boo

Hagheeghat talkh e and it hurts but it will set you free!

The absolute only reason Iran's Qaher-313 has turned into a point of ridicule and embarrassment world wide is due to the way Ahmad Vahidi's (Mr. Be'orzeh) handed it's unveiling! That's the truth!
Newsflash: mockups don't have to be the same size, nor look exactly like, the real thing!
Its not a mockup, its the real thing doesn't work anyways and it is not stealth in any way or form
I consider the Qaher-313 unavailing as a clear embarrassment for Iran but not for the reason you think

That said

1.The viability of the design has already been proven by even Israeli annalists and the airframe design is fully capable of subsonic flight but that doesn't mean it doesn't have major flaws in it's design....

2.The fact that the cockpit is too small, it's speedometer only reaches 300 knots, it's made out of fiberglass, etc, etc, means absolutely nothing since this is nothing more than a showroom mockup and a poor one at that

3.Are you under the delusion that Iran has no access to the internet? And do you truly believe that if Iran's goal here was to spread propaganda about building a stealth fighter, this is what they would come up with?
Are you so far gone in your delusions that you think Iranians don't know what a glass cockpit looks like? worst yet, do you think Iran has no MFD installed on any of it's aircrafts?

If so then here I can put you at ease

This is the inside of the Shafaq mockup built over a dacade before the Qaher-313

View attachment 313581

And if the goal was propaganda here we have had these design's years before the Qaher-313

View attachment 313583

View attachment 313584

So don't kid yourself for better or worse Iran's Qaher-313 was a real project at one point and it's airframe fully capable of flight!

The only reason the project right now is a point of ridicule is due to the way Iran's defense minister handled it's unavailing nothing more!

1. I don't know where you got it, but subsonic flight design for a jet fighter? funny, and what I got from many annalists that this jets air intakes are far too small for flight, even subsonic flight, also, they said its a stealth jet, I don't know how is it stealth in any way, with dozens of bumps, even WW2 planes might have a lower radar signature.

2. They said it was real, not a mock up.

3. No I didn't say that
And yes, this is propaganda, they are not able to build anything with "stealth design"
I also don't know where you see anything related between the design you have shown us years before the F313 Qaher was "unveiled"

he doesn't need to prove it Mr smart a$$, our officials has several times said that already.

That was one hell of B.S. intellectual trolls!

Like you know anything about jets or stealth, like putting a table as an airframe and thinking it would be stealthy in an angle.
Your officials first said this jet was real and capable of flight, but we all know it cant even take off, they also have shown us an RC toy jet and the F313 allegedly in an airport.
In other words, BS.

First of all mock-up doesn't need to have aforementioned items , and design could change ... as you know sometimes projects are just technology demonstrators nothing more like Lockheed "Have Blue" project which paved the way for an aircraft that changed the face of modern warfare – the F-117A Nighthawk, known as the Stealth Fighter.

you can see changes :

View attachment 313522
View attachment 313521
The plane you have shown was for presentation or even a prototype, the Iranians have claimed and tried to fake that the F313 is real, by showing us a video of RC toy flying and putting it in an airport.
Like you know anything about jets or stealth, like putting a table as an airframe and thinking it would be stealthy in an angle.
Your officials first said this jet was real and capable of flight, but we all know it cant even take off, they also have shown us an RC toy jet and the F313 allegedly in an airport.
In other words, BS.
having flat surfaces is one of the basis in stealth design, even kids know this.

and the funny thing is that a Zionist troll wants to tell us what our officials have said, sorry but what you refer to as our official is your biased and liar medias.

from the very beginning it was said that those flying things are RC models, and it was always said that it will become operational in the near future, in the second day they clearly said this bird hasn't flied yet. the head of project talked for hours on the TV and whenever asked for a due date he refused. that's all till a smart a$$ became our president and wanted to maintain our security with his delusions, and so this and lots of other projects were suspended due to the lack of funds.
Its not a mockup, its the real thing doesn't work anyways and it is not stealth in any way or form

1. I don't know where you got it, but subsonic flight design for a jet fighter? funny, and what I got from many annalists that this jets air intakes are far too small for flight, even subsonic flight, also, they said its a stealth jet, I don't know how is it stealth in any way, with dozens of bumps, even WW2 planes might have a lower radar signature.

2. They said it was real, not a mock up.

3. No I didn't say that
And yes, this is propaganda, they are not able to build anything with "stealth design"
I also don't know where you see anything related between the design you have shown us years before the F313 Qaher was "unveiled".

My God!! It's a showroom mockup! This is why I blame Iran's defense minister for....

Any aircraft without an internal weapons bay is not a stealth aircraft!! DONE!
So the design they showed is not stealth aircraft with it's current configuration!
BUT the design does reduce the RCS by hiding the engine & removal of all vertical surfaces

As for the engine size! LOL! 1st do you even know how big J-85 engines are? I already know the answer to that or else you wouldn't be talking about the size of the exhaust of a mock up of an aircraft without afterburners!!!

It's a subsonic aircraft! If you have never heard of a subsonic fighter jet (attack aircrafts) then that's your problem!! Su-25, Yak-130, A-10, F-117! are all subsonic!!! Or are you now claiming that Iran has claimed that the Qaher-313 is to be an Air Superiority fighter!!! LOL!

RC model of the Qaher-313!!!

Nothing is spose to be related between them!!! I only showed those aircrafts to prove that if Iran's goal here was to solely crate propaganda the Qaher-313 is not the aircraft they would have come up with!

RC model of the Sofreh Mahi


My God!! It's a showroom mockup! This is why I blame Iran's defense minister for....

Any aircraft without an internal weapons bay is not a stealth aircraft!! DONE!
So the design they showed is not stealth aircraft with it's current configuration!
BUT the design does reduce the RCS by hiding the engine & removal of all vertical surfaces

As for the engine size! LOL! 1st do you even know how big J-85 engines are? I already know the answer to that or else you wouldn't be talking about the size of the exhaust of a mock up of an aircraft without afterburners!!!

It's a subsonic aircraft! If you have never heard of a subsonic fighter jet (attack aircrafts) then that's your problem!! Su-25, Yak-130, A-10, F-117! are all subsonic!!! Or are you now claiming that Iran has claimed that the Qaher-313 is to be an Air Superiority fighter!!! LOL!

RC model of the Qaher-313!!!

Nothing is spose to be related between them!!! I only showed those aircrafts to prove that if Iran's goal here was to solely crate propaganda the Qaher-313 is not the aircraft they would have come up with!

RC model of the Sofreh Mahi



You are not smart

So you reduce it from 7 square meters to 6.9 meters, it doesn't change the fact that there are many bumps in the aircraft, and that it have many flat areas.

I didn't talk about the engine size, I talked about the AIR INTAKE size, without enough air intake the engine cant operate properly

Its a "Stealth fighter" according to them, and if you don't know what a fighter is, you are not supposed to be here

having flat surfaces is one of the basis in stealth design, even kids know this.

and the funny thing is that a Zionist troll wants to tell us what our officials have said, sorry but what you refer to as our official is your biased and liar medias.

from the very beginning it was said that those flying things are RC models, and it was always said that it will become operational in the near future, in the second day they clearly said this bird hasn't flied yet. the head of project talked for hours on the TV and whenever asked for a due date he refused. that's all till a smart a$$ became our president and wanted to maintain our security with his delusions, and so this and lots of other projects were suspended due to the lack of funds.
The stupidity!!!
flat surfaces IS NOT the basis of stealth design! that's literally the opposite! the plane will absorb and not deflect radar waves!
Stop thinking you are a genius.

the Iranians said that its already working, proved that you are just liars.
You are not smart

So you reduce it from 7 square meters to 6.9 meters, it doesn't change the fact that there are many bumps in the aircraft, and that it have many flat areas.

I didn't talk about the engine size, I talked about the AIR INTAKE size, without enough air intake the engine cant operate properly

Its a "Stealth fighter" according to them, and if you don't know what a fighter is, you are not supposed to be here

The stupidity!!!
flat surfaces IS NOT the basis of stealth design! that's literally the opposite! the plane will absorb and not deflect radar waves!
Stop thinking you are a genius.

the Iranians said that its already working, proved that you are just liars.
Well, you just denied the physic, what can I say!
This is achieved by using sharply angled flat surfaces or special curved surfaces which conduct the radio wave along its surface and thus does not give back a reflection.

Liars are those who can't prove their words. Why you don't give us the link to those so called Iranian?!
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@mohsen just ignore this Hasbara troll. Iran's weapons development programs are not to the behest of his ridiculous judgement.
You are not smart

So you reduce it from 7 square meters to 6.9 meters, it doesn't change the fact that there are many bumps in the aircraft, and that it have many flat areas.

I didn't talk about the engine size, I talked about the AIR INTAKE size, without enough air intake the engine cant operate properly


It has many bumps and flat area's? So does the F-117 so I don't even know what your trying to say!

As long as an aircraft has enough power and wings to give it lift the aerodynamics of it's fuselage having bumps and flat services isn't going to prevent it from flying

It's Air Intakes are bigger than an F-5's Air intake I have no clue that your taking about since I have repeatedly told you that the Aircraft they showed was nothing more than a showroom mockup
Well, you just denied the physic, what can I say!


Liars are those who can't prove their words. Why you don't give us the link to those so called Iranian?!

Stealth technology works on the principle of eliminating radar reflections. This can be done by either:
  • Absorbing radio waves (RAM coatings)
  • *Deflecting radio waves (Shaping of the surfaces)*
I was right. Jets cannot be stealth with just one of them, they need both of them, as you can see, the Rafale has a reduced radar signal because of its design, but not nearly as stealthy as the F22.
About the F313- It got a failed stealth design, and I don't know about RAMs.
But anyways a subsonic jet fighter is useless. every jet fighter will beat it up, including Sabre's from the 50s

It has many bumps and flat area's? So does the F-117 so I don't even know what your trying to say!

Do you see bumps or 90 degrees flat surfaces like the front of the cockpit in the F313? it is angled, not as effective as curved but lessen the radar reflection. And it also got RAM.
The F117 Doens't have bumps and have angled flat surfaces.

As long as an aircraft has enough power and wings to give it lift the aerodynamics of it's fuselage having bumps and flat services isn't going to prevent it from flying
The F313 uses a jet engine called J85 from the 70s, that is also used on the F5, look at the F5's air intakes

Compared to the F313


Having bumps and flat services not only reduces the aerodynamic design effectiveness, but greatly reduce its "stealthiness"

And how the hell is its air intakes bigger than an F5?

You might wanna read this:
Stealth technology works on the principle of eliminating radar reflections. This can be done by either:
  • Absorbing radio waves (RAM coatings)
  • *Deflecting radio waves (Shaping of the surfaces)*
I was right. Jets cannot be stealth with just one of them, they need both of them, as you can see, the Rafale has a reduced radar signal because of its design, but not nearly as stealthy as the F22.
About the F313- It got a failed stealth design, and I don't know about RAMs.
But anyways a subsonic jet fighter is useless. every jet fighter will beat it up, including Sabre's from the 50s


Do you see bumps or 90 degrees flat surfaces like the front of the cockpit in the F313? it is angled, not as effective as curved but lessen the radar reflection. And it also got RAM.
The F117 Doens't have bumps and have angled flat surfaces.

The F313 uses a jet engine called J85 from the 70s, that is also used on the F5, look at the F5's air intakes

Compared to the F313


Having bumps and flat services not only reduces the aerodynamic design effectiveness, but greatly reduce its "stealthiness"

And how the hell is its air intakes bigger than an F5?

You might wanna read this:

So now your claiming to know what type of engine the aircraft uses!! Funny, I didn't get that memo!!

1st off a single J85 engine has under 3000 lbf of dry thrust SO NOT possible!!! And whomever told you that the aircraft uses a single J85 engine is delusional much like yourself

And if you must know Iran planned on using a single J79 (+10,000 lbf thrust dry trust) without afterburners!!
FYI both the J79 & J85 are both Turbojet engines not Turbofan so they don't require massive air intakes!!!

And again your talking about the Air intakes of showroom mockup!!!
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