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Zulfikar Ali Bhutto is the reason the state of education in Pakistan is so bad

Blaming a dead guy for 45 years of **** up's... bravo!
It is a chain reaction that started in the early 70's. You have to look at the root cause while analyzing to find a solution to a problem. The real question remains why are we at a point that we are today and what started it all. All of us who have seen the days before and after ZAB know very well the answer.

The offsprings of C.M Latif are still fighting cases of BECO.
None can explain why a perfectly working industrial colgermate churning out useful domestic and export oriented products, earning valuable foreign reserve was destroyed over night and now only thing remains is the land only. Pakistan never saw a rise of another machine tool company like BECO which could earn its name in the export markets.

Bhutto came with a fedual mentality, his vision of citizen needs was limited to bread, shelter and housing. Very much like how waderas keep their enslaved haaris...
It is a chain reaction -
I prefer to call it a "upward spiral". The point is, once a person's religious status becomes a factor in whether or not they are legitimate then political competition is easily skewed into an ever-building contest of holier-than-thou personal attacks. Same thing happened in the American South after the 1831 Nat Turner slave rebellion, the South outlawed advocating Abolition, subsequent political contests fielded candidates competing in rising in pro-slavery fervor until the Union split apart; any attempt to tone it down and you were accused of being a secret Abolitionist - practically an outlaw.
I prefer to call it a "upward spiral". The point is, once a person's religious status becomes a factor in whether or not they are legitimate then political competition is easily skewed into an ever-building contest of holier-than-thou personal attacks. Same thing happened in the American South after the 1831 Nat Turner slave rebellion, the South outlawed advocating Abolition, subsequent political contests fielded candidates competing in rising in pro-slavery fervor until the Union split apart; any attempt to tone it down and you were accused of being a secret Abolitionist - practically an outlaw.

exactly what set the stage for Nazi rise to power...excessive dominance of communist in German politics strengthen the far right of fascist parties. Hitler ideals became the legitimate face of German politics, anything else could be commie conspirator.

Mr. Sikandar Lakhani,
I got my education from govt Schools and Colleges and after intermediate from a govt college in Karachi I could write better English than you sir. So, while you intend to give us your expert opinion on cause of state of education I would suggest you put blame for all the ills of Pakistani society on Jinnah since in your opinion whoever starts a process is blamed for the end results even if it after 40 years of his death.

before I go further I would tell you guys that my family including myself never ever voted for PPP but, I would say ZAB had good intentions and he had setup an excellent system of education, hiring qualified teacher and setting up teachers training school every teacher had to go for training for 8 weeks every two years. Throughout my school and college I had excellent teachers....So I give credit to ZAB for setting up an excellent system but those who came after him ruined everything and that is not just education but every other civil institution.

I would consider this post from an delusional idiot..Who the hell progress forward by setting up entire national education system in Sindhi and Urdu medium?

general ayub made ZA Bhutto and both were racist people and responsible for dividing the country into ethnic and linguistic lines

ayub started barring educated mohajirs from public offices, transfered capital near GHQ and patronised Bhutto who then broke pakistan because of his racism, eliminated remaining mohajirs from public service, stole all mohajir properties and wealth through nationalisation and filled all govt offices with his villager sindhis and strengthened feudal lords of sindh

the curse which is following pakistan since 50 years.

Ayub understood the game of power, politics and money.
And revisiting his policies, it is obvious that he knew certain third class sections of society have to be kept away from politics and money. One cannot put square blame on Ayub, as culture does not change over night. For all cultural and practical purpose, we are still infused into the hindu caste system mentality and caste system is present all around us. Gen. Ayub just took to political application of it, as the previous ten years of turmoil in Pakistan was result of every tom, dick and harry poking their oar into politics. Ayub cleansed the system, he was simply reacting to ground and cultural realities based on situational awareness.

The so called rise of 22 "robber baron" families Ayub is often blamed for were entirely created from Bhutto socialist imagination. Any socialist ideology and party needs a capitalist enemy to succeed. One cannot consider the immense contribution of people like BECO, Habib, Dawoods, Saigols, Adamjees, etc as "robber barons". No cases could be proven and further these families continue to enjoy clout in Pakistani economy and business. A little known fact which is often not discussed that many industrialist who fell victim to nationalization were those who lot industrial units in East-Pakistan, again due to reckless politics of Bhutto and squarely blamed bhutto for it - demanding compensation / tax rebates from Pak govt. Bhutto reacted by nationalizing those industries.

The only true robber barons were Bhuttos themselves, and later on their inlaws the Zardaris. Famous China cutting scandal in Karachi needs no introduction. Bhutto family openly plundered Pakistan to fill swiss bank coffers and when corners resorted to violence and terrorism. It would have been history made if Bhutto entire family was met with same fate as Tsar of Russia...

Bhutto left a legacy of religious extremism, terrorism and corruption.
A country with destroyed industrial base, destroyed education system and begging roti, kapra makan in forigen aid.
exactly what set the stage for Nazi rise to power...excessive dominance of communist in German politics strengthen the far right of fascist parties. Hitler ideals became the legitimate face of German politics, anything else could be commie conspirator.

I would consider this post from an delusional idiot..Who the hell progress forward by setting up entire national education system in Sindhi and Urdu medium?

Ayub understood the game of power, politics and money.
And revisiting his policies, it is obvious that he knew certain third class sections of society have to be kept away from politics and money. One cannot put square blame on Ayub, as culture does not change over night. For all cultural and practical purpose, we are still infused into the hindu caste system mentality and caste system is present all around us. Gen. Ayub just took to political application of it, as the previous ten years of turmoil in Pakistan was result of every tom, dick and harry poking their oar into politics. Ayub cleansed the system, he was simply reacting to ground and cultural realities based on situational awareness.

i cannot restrain myself from laughing because ayub understood the 'game' so much that he single handedly created monster like bhutto, single handedly broke pakistan into two pieces, single handedly inter twined pakistan's fate with interference of army generals and their corruption for the rest of its history and made pakistan what it is today

the indian hindus realised the essence of governance since its formation and strictly barred any president from taking governance in his own hands and restricted army from playing any role other than defending their borders.

there is no space for 'caste system' in true democratic systems today.

if the caste system is to be followed the Punjabi feudal lord land holders and the Punjabi military generals become the ruling elite and the bengalis who were majority as the 'shudras' of pakistan, and thats why the country broke.

this is ayub's curse which follows pakistan today
i cannot restrain myself from laughing because ayub understood the 'game' so much that he single handedly created monster like bhutto, single handedly broke pakistan into two pieces, single handedly inter twined pakistan's fate with interference of army generals and their corruption for the rest of its history and made pakistan what it is today

the indian hindus realised the essence of governance since its formation and strictly barred any president from taking governance in his own hands and restricted army from playing any role other than defending their borders.

there is no space for 'caste system' in true democratic systems today.

if the caste system is to be followed the Punjabi feudal lord land holders and the Punjabi military generals become the ruling elite and the bengalis who were majority as the 'shudras' of pakistan, and thats why the country broke.

this is ayub's curse which follows pakistan today

the so called Indian democracy is something we wish never comes to Pakistan.
Beside Bhutto wasn't created by Ayub, infact Bhutto did not even win the elections.
He just usurped it from Mujeeb.

I am not too old to have seen Ayub era, i was born much later.
But ask anyone from my parents and even grand parents generation and they will say Ayub era was the best. My grand father had a nostalagia for Ayub era, he was just a mohajir govt employee of state bank, so I will give a lot of weight to his opinion.

As mohajir I will always say, if Indian democracy was that great then partition should have never been needed or it could have failed. Further, millions who crossed the border from India into Karachi with still functional family ties to India can confirm that Indian democracy is just a sham.
the so called Indian democracy is something we wish never comes to Pakistan.
Beside Bhutto wasn't created by Ayub, infact Bhutto did not even win the elections.
He just usurped it from Mujeeb.

I am not too old to have seen Ayub era, i was born much later.
But ask anyone from my parents and even grand parents generation and they will say Ayub era was the best. My grand father had a nostalagia for Ayub era, he was just a mohajir govt employee of state bank, so I will give a lot of weight to his opinion.

do you know who convinced ayub to infiltrate pakistani troops in kashmir which started 1965 war? and do you know who ran entire election campaign for his mock elections?



I agree with this assessment. ZAB was a socialist.

Zardari also ruined HEC during his tenure.

Geo Bhutto.
I would consider this post from an delusional idiot..Who the hell progress forward by setting up entire national education system in Sindhi and Urdu medium?

I consider this post from a self hating moron who thinks learning in his language is an insult to education. Why do you think your education system is producing morons like you instead of scientists, its because you are learning science in a foreign language unlike Chinese, Japanese and Germans.
I consider this post from a self hating moron who thinks learning in his language is an insult to education. Why do you think your education system is producing morons like you instead of scientists, its because you are learning science in a foreign language unlike Chinese, Japanese and Germans.

Actually I have not benefited from learning anything in Urdu throughout my life or career. So in my view, Urdu is just a language as useless as Arabic or Hindi when it comes to modern education in 21st century...Heck learning Urdu will not get you even a call center job..!. Either this, or the entire world is fool...chasing after English, German, Russian, Swedish, Chinese and other languages...
Actually I have not benefited from learning anything in Urdu throughout my life or career. So in my view, Urdu is just a language as useless as Arabic or Hindi when it comes to modern education in 21st century...Heck learning Urdu will not get you even a call center job..!. Either this, or the entire world is fool...chasing after English, German, Russian, Swedish, Chinese and other languages...

how is the world fool when they are learning science in German, French, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Swedish, Turkish, Italian, Spanish.......this is majority world, those who developed by learning in their language....who is left as a fool, Urdu, Hindi, Bangali speakers who tried becoming Baboos by speaking few words of broken english.
who is left as a fool, Urdu, Hindi, Bangali speakers who tried becoming Baboos by speaking few words of broken english.

You can blabber all you want..I dont see any future for Urdu, Hindi and Bengali in science..going by your argument..we should all roll back to sansikrat and latin then..languages follow evolution and those clinging to past will be left behind..

Try to read a basic science paper in udru..half of it is incomprehensible and the rest half is using english vocabulary written in urdu..

ZAB biggest legacy - urdu and sindhi medium education only made us backwards..the world laughs at our curriculum now as it fails to shape any kind of useful thinking in students..

do you know who convinced ayub to infiltrate pakistani troops in kashmir which started 1965 war? and do you know who ran entire election campaign for his mock elections?


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I never gave the status of saint hood to Ayub..we are having a comparative discussion here so its really lesser of two evils to choose from..given a third and better choice..both would not have existed..from since its birth has been possessed by devilish politicians and generals..

Ayub created an oil garchy of industrialists and bankers - somewhat of useful to the state and earned us international status.

Bhutto created an oil garchy of fedual mafias..utterly useless to the state, ruined everything..made us into laughing stock..

Given the comparison, Ayub at-least was a useful idiot..even if he was a devil..! and we did not have east Pakistan split in Ayub era either..

Pakistan failed the very day objective resolution was passed and mullahs who opposed creation of Pakistan became the master of its destiny..!
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