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Zoljanah solid propellant space launcher

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Reply again deleted by the mod.:hitwall:

Meanwhile, Yavar kept reposting unchallenged everywhere again and again the following video of an alleged Iranian ICBM, and since 2015 without facing the mods censorship!


https://archive.vn/gBj7O/641a7d7ffc78a7efe67153d4fd7cd6a80ebd3b5c.jpg ; https://archive.vn/gBj7O/f3ac32338d90f03f45b7a74400265a93c87dbe3a/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20150515102010/https://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=11734.0;attach=632282;image ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210223063748/https://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=11734.msg1319876 ; https://archive.vn/jJi9T
1. Yavar kept reposting everywhere again and again the following video of an alleged Iranian ICBM, and since 2015.

Here the definitive debunking:


https://archive.is/1HkTK/c93904e1fdb622327aa78d7c020f9d05f2ff8479.jpg ; https://archive.is/1HkTK/c1dd68c99e5e71ab6c402c8dbce333d1a0ba30af/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210223063628/https://i.imgur.com/jjcr1Jo.jpg
2. Google map image of Imam Khomeini SLC LC-2, 2014.

• Google map image shows that the column located on the right side of the movable assembly tower is not at all cylindrical as in ballistic missile but rectangular!
• There is no opening at the rear of the movable assembly tower, that is at the right side of the image: it can not be a missile! The entrance's opening is on the left side only.
• An alleged solid propellant ICBM of this size (~40 to 50 meter) would be too heavy for the launch pad. Imam Sadegh SLC was built with extra strong 2 meters reinforced concrete ground to handle this level of weight.
• The said missile is in fact part of the movable structure, and will move unlike a missile set in firing position, and over the flame bucket, not in the middle of the rail path!

Conclusion, 6 years and nobody to do the refutation! This is the level of this forum as of 2021...:cuckoo: Not surprised that Iran was supposed to launch its first astronaut into space 5 years ago... :omghaha::rofl::lol:




Conclusion, 6 years and nobody to do the refutation! This is the level of this forum as of 2021...:cuckoo: Not surprised that Iran was supposed to launch its first astronaut into space 5 years ago... :omghaha::rofl::lol:




North korea is a failed state, completely incapable of challenging US one meter out of it's border. NK has to develop the ICBM cause it's afraid without it US may wipe it any minute! that's while Iran is challenging US hegemony all over the middle east and now even at it's back door, we didn't need an ICBM for that.

Iran's official policy is that we wont build a nuclear bomb and so we wont need an ICBM, so any news of an Iranian ICBM is nothing more than yellow pages.

Yavar posted his video at the time when Imam khomeini space center still was under development, also he quoted Israeli intelligence.

But since you are such an smart arse, why didn't you debunk him during all of these years of trolling in Iranian section?

Perhaps after a few more decades, your scientists would notice the difference between a missile and a SLV, to not put fins on the last stage of their space rocket! lol

This is the result of blind copy from Iranian missiles:
Is Zoljanah SLV A North Korean Launcher First Disclosed In 2016?

Here the proof for the claim.


https://archive.vn/FYHl4/a7627c67af6e5677f0323dbb57a8b57a9d4fb3c3.jpg ; https://archive.vn/FYHl4/fd00fe96f2ffaa1166a9fc9e7cc7c65c4c087fc5/scr.png ;
https://web.archive.org/web/20210203071007/https://dprktoday.com/content/photo/2016/20160215-kp-01-8.jpg ; https://archive.vn/iqGX6 ; http://kancc.org/bbs/board.php?bo_table=news&wr_id=10801

1. Works exhibited at the National Drawing Festival (1). 庆祝“光明星”节全国素描庆典上展出的作品(1). 发表于: 16th February 2016


https://archive.vn/BRAfu/d7b58f77e1fc1865a26dbac32fefc31715906ff4.jpg ; https://archive.vn/BRAfu/a5cc32e882742792555ef0ee453db763e0ae476c/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210105084139/http://www.uriminzokkiri.com/contents/multi/photo/2017/07/multi_photo_2017-07-03_dn29931_image6.jpg ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210203064013/http://uriminzokkiri.com/index.php?ptype=cphoto&stype=0&mtype=view&no=4844 ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210203064605/https://live.staticflickr.com/4283/35647653096_88f677dbf5_c.jpg ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210203064602/https://www.flickr.com/photos/dprktoday/35647653096/in/photolist-Wj4xjy ; https://archive.is/0jLQw
2. Completion of Pyongyang Children's Traffic Park, 3rd July 2017. 평양시어린이교통공원 준공, 주체106(2017)년 7월 3일 《우리 민족끼리》
Conclusion, 6 years and nobody to do the refutation! This is the level of this forum as of 2021...:cuckoo: Not surprised that Iran was supposed to launch its first astronaut into space 5 years ago... :omghaha::rofl::lol:
I do respect your posts and find them informative (seen them in space forums too)..I understand if you clash with another member from time to time and you put your views which is great. Please do not vent your anger on one person in to a whole nation....Iran's Space program was decimated 7 years ago by our current president and no Iranian in this forum was happy about it...the disappointing delay (astronaut launch)had nothing to do with Technical capabilities of Iran and was a self induced political treason ....I personally appreciate the info you provide and thank you for it.
I do respect your posts and find them informative (seen them in space forums too)..I understand if you clash with another member from time to time and you put your views which is great. Please do not vent your anger on one person in to a whole nation....Iran's Space program was decimated 7 years ago by our current president and no Iranian in this forum was happy about it...the disappointing delay (astronaut launch)had nothing to do with Technical capabilities of Iran and was a self induced political treason ....I personally appreciate the info you provide and thank you for it.
He has serious inferiority complex, in almost every comment he implies that Iranian missiles or space program are actually north koreans! he is mostly a troll rather than anything else.
He has serious inferiority complex, in almost every comment he implies that Iranian missiles or space program are actually north koreans! he is mostly a troll rather than anything else.
He obviously has a bias towards his country so do we..it is only natural...but lets appeal to his "scientist" nature and use some of his information..he is knowledgeable in space and I am so curious that he knows so much about Iran's program..In english they call them "eccentric" people...not sure we have a word for that in farsi....make peace with him please.
He obviously has a bias towards his country so do we..it is only natural...but lets appeal to his "scientist" nature and use some of his information..he is knowledgeable in space and I am so curious that he knows so much about Iran's program..In english they call them "eccentric" people...not sure we have a word for that in farsi....make peace with him please.
He is a troll, this very thread is based on trolling, posting false information about Zoljanah even before unveiling and then linking it to North Korean missiles, I recommend all members to not participate in his troll festival threads.

And here is the extent of his scientific debate:
Is Zoljanah SLV A North Korean Launcher First Disclosed In 2016?

Here the proof for the claim.


https://archive.vn/FYHl4/a7627c67af6e5677f0323dbb57a8b57a9d4fb3c3.jpg ; https://archive.vn/FYHl4/fd00fe96f2ffaa1166a9fc9e7cc7c65c4c087fc5/scr.png ;
https://web.archive.org/web/20210203071007/https://dprktoday.com/content/photo/2016/20160215-kp-01-8.jpg ; https://archive.vn/iqGX6 ; http://kancc.org/bbs/board.php?bo_table=news&wr_id=10801

1. Works exhibited at the National Drawing Festival (1). 庆祝“光明星”节全国素描庆典上展出的作品(1). 发表于: 16th February 2016


https://archive.vn/BRAfu/d7b58f77e1fc1865a26dbac32fefc31715906ff4.jpg ; https://archive.vn/BRAfu/a5cc32e882742792555ef0ee453db763e0ae476c/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210105084139/http://www.uriminzokkiri.com/contents/multi/photo/2017/07/multi_photo_2017-07-03_dn29931_image6.jpg ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210203064013/http://uriminzokkiri.com/index.php?ptype=cphoto&stype=0&mtype=view&no=4844 ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210203064605/https://live.staticflickr.com/4283/35647653096_88f677dbf5_c.jpg ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210203064602/https://www.flickr.com/photos/dprktoday/35647653096/in/photolist-Wj4xjy ; https://archive.is/0jLQw
2. Completion of Pyongyang Children's Traffic Park, 3rd July 2017. 평양시어린이교통공원 준공, 주체106(2017)년 7월 3일 《우리 민족끼리》
Last edited:
He is a troll, this very thread is based on trolling, posting false information about Zoljanah even before unveiling and then linking it to North Korean missiles, I recommend all members to not participate in his troll festival threads.

And here is the extent of his scientific debate:

You call him a scientist? He shared this:


  • aIga3FC.png
    215.9 KB · Views: 45
He has serious inferiority complex, in almost every comment he implies that Iranian missiles or space program are actually north koreans! he is mostly a troll rather than anything else.
and no one should forget China and Russia gave North Korea all its modern weapons, whether its TELs, SLBMs, ICBM, Iskander clone...North Korea cant make any of those solely on its own...THAT IS A FACT. RUssia and CHina broke sanctions and used secret moves to get those weapons to NOrth Korea, obviously CHina+ Russia both greatly value an "effective" North Korean deterrent against SK, JP and US. One on ONe, North Korea is no match for Iran in science or military technology. what drone does North Korea have? North Korea is basically a Saddam with a nuke...tough on the outside, weak on the inside, and will crack if attacked...but they have that nuke, so they have good insurance.
Reply again deleted by the mod.:hitwall:

Meanwhile, Yavar kept reposting unchallenged everywhere again and again the following video of an alleged Iranian ICBM, and since 2015 without facing the mods censorship!


https://archive.vn/gBj7O/641a7d7ffc78a7efe67153d4fd7cd6a80ebd3b5c.jpg ; https://archive.vn/gBj7O/f3ac32338d90f03f45b7a74400265a93c87dbe3a/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20150515102010/https://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=11734.0;attach=632282;image ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210223063748/https://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=11734.msg1319876 ; https://archive.vn/jJi9T
1. Yavar kept reposting everywhere again and again the following video of an alleged Iranian ICBM, and since 2015.

Here the definitive debunking:


https://archive.is/1HkTK/c93904e1fdb622327aa78d7c020f9d05f2ff8479.jpg ; https://archive.is/1HkTK/c1dd68c99e5e71ab6c402c8dbce333d1a0ba30af/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210223063628/https://i.imgur.com/jjcr1Jo.jpg
2. Google map image of Imam Khomeini SLC LC-2, 2014.

• Google map image shows that the column located on the right side of the movable assembly tower is not at all cylindrical as in ballistic missile but rectangular!
• There is no opening at the rear of the movable assembly tower, that is at the right side of the image: it can not be a missile! The entrance's opening is on the left side only.
• An alleged solid propellant ICBM of this size (~40 to 50 meter) would be too heavy for the launch pad. Imam Sadegh SLC was built with extra strong 2 meters reinforced concrete ground to handle this level of weight.
• The said missile is in fact part of the movable structure, and will move unlike a missile set in firing position, and over the flame bucket, not in the middle of the rail path!

Conclusion, 6 years and nobody to do the refutation! This is the level of this forum as of 2021...:cuckoo: Not surprised that Iran was supposed to launch its first astronaut into space 5 years ago... :omghaha::rofl::lol:





Pretty sure multiple times I debunked that photo In the past saying it was a shadow casting on the gantry tower and not any missile.

It was propaganda by a local Israeli news channel.

So no you aren’t the first to “debunk” that photo and several people on here were skeptical of the Israeli claims.
He is a troll, this very thread is based on trolling, posting false information about Zoljanah even before unveiling and then linking it to North Korean missiles, I recommend all members to not participate in his troll festival threads.

And here is the extent of his scientific debate:

This reminds one of a thief crying "Stop the thief!

Demonstration of projection, as main tactics of professional trolls when cornered! :omghaha:

Pakistani readers, take note! :smart:

Perhaps after a few more decades, your scientists would notice the difference between a missile and a SLV, to not put fins on the last stage of their space rocket! lol

This is the result of blind copy from Iranian missiles:

Good for Soheil! :lol:

As of 15th November 2013 at 06:23 pm, he posted the following:


https://archive.vn/Sx40I/e0a4509067c78789c90b9d7a33242bf2f8de0754.jpg ; https://archive.vn/Sx40I/f9540be67c22bb8dfc675d283c4b080ca5e6e749/scr.png ;
https://web.archive.org/web/20210225002634/https://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?action=dlattach%3Btopic%3D11734.0%3Battach%3D556638%3Bimage ; https://web.archive.org/web/20151225060224/http://forum.nasaspaceflight.com/index.php?topic=11734.680 ; https://archive.vn/8uJft

1. Hybrid liquid-solid propellant SLV posted by Soheil in 2013.

In fact it is a hybrid propellant SLV, but based on a Sejil-2 missile, with a third stage made of the Safir-1 SLV.

This means all diameters are 1.25 meters.

Notice he put the fins only in the first stage! That rocket is not the Zoljanah!

Meanwhile, North Koreans are the real source of the Zoljanah:


https://archive.vn/FYHl4/a7627c67af6e5677f0323dbb57a8b57a9d4fb3c3.jpg ; https://archive.vn/FYHl4/fd00fe96f2ffaa1166a9fc9e7cc7c65c4c087fc5/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210203071007/https://dprktoday.com/content/photo/2016/20160215-kp-01-8.jpg ; https://archive.vn/iqGX6 ; http://kancc.org/bbs/board.php?bo_table=news&wr_id=10801
2. Works exhibited at the National Drawing Festival (1). 庆祝“光明星”节全国素描庆典上展出的作品(1). 发表于: 16th February 2016


https://archive.vn/BRAfu/d7b58f77e1fc1865a26dbac32fefc31715906ff4.jpg ; https://archive.vn/BRAfu/a5cc32e882742792555ef0ee453db763e0ae476c/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210105084139/http://www.uriminzokkiri.com/contents/multi/photo/2017/07/multi_photo_2017-07-03_dn29931_image6.jpg ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210203064013/http://uriminzokkiri.com/index.php?ptype=cphoto&stype=0&mtype=view&no=4844 ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210203064605/https://live.staticflickr.com/4283/35647653096_88f677dbf5_c.jpg ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210203064602/https://www.flickr.com/photos/dprktoday/35647653096/in/photolist-Wj4xjy ; https://archive.is/0jLQw
3. Completion of Pyongyang Children's Traffic Park, 3rd July 2017. 평양시어린이교통공원 준공, 주체106(2017)년 7월 3일 《우리 민족끼리》

• The 1st and 2nd stage are 1.5 meters in diameters, because larger than the 3rd stage.
• Fins are located on the 2nd stage, unlike Sejil-2
• Revealed earlier, as Iran didn't test 1.5 meter diameter solid motors at that time, unlike North Korea. (There was an old gigantic mosaic on a North Korean school's external wall, but the photo was not located on FLICKR nor Vkontacte after one hour of search..)
• Finally, the concept of fins put on the 2nd stage is also used (although presented as a joke...) in Japan, with the 2.5 meter diameter solid propellant Epsilon ICBM, suggesting the possibility of sending a warning to Moscow that a similar depressed trajectory ballistic missile could defeat in the near future Russia's missile defence!


https://archive.vn/ROTDJ/791b602e92466d555dc2937ab7169fd831d8d248.png ; https://archive.vn/ROTDJ/b1a90c6b693857af71d921a8f3dad39dec80c459/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210225091408/https://i.imgur.com/EVvxE5f.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210225091544/https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/68023515 ; https://archive.vn/DEQl0
4. Unveiled threat of the Japanese depressed trajectory Epsilon ICBM.

Conclusion, this is a WMD, as obviously both North Korea and Japan have only interest in defeating U.S and Russian missile defences, and having already sufficient civilian SLV capacity! What a farce, who would need solid propellant SLV anyway? :rofl:

The Italian solid propellant Alfa SLBM

Italy briefly flirted with the creation of an independent nuclear deterrent in the late 1960's. The Alfa project for an indigenous Italian submarine- and ship-launched ballistic missile was begun in 1971. Three Alfa test missiles with inert second stages were successfully launched in 1975-1976 from Salto di Quirra in Sardinia. The program was abandoned at this stage, when Italy and its neighbors ratified the nuclear proliferation treaty.

Status: Retired 1976. First Launch: 1973-02-01. Last Launch: 1976-04-06. Number: 6 . Payload: 1,000 kg (2,200 lb). Thrust: 250.00 kN (56,200 lbf). Gross mass: 8,000 kg (17,600 lb). Height: 6.50 m (21.30 ft). Diameter: 1.37 m (4.49 ft). Apogee: 300 km (180 mi).

The technological heritage of Alfa lived on in continuing Italian interest in light solid-propellant space launchers, including Advanced Scout and the current Vega project.


https://archive.vn/vqgAZ/dcc365d3e610240b8a2ac25b5f72890ce384bed3.jpg ; https://archive.vn/vqgAZ/a38fbd5ebdcd8dffad69ce0c46db39e76ad706af/scr.png ; https://web.archive.org/web/20210225093101/http://www.astronautix.com/graphics/a/alfacolr.jpg ; http://www.astronautix.com/a/alfa.html
5. The Italian solid propellant Alfa SLBM precursor of the Vega ICBM!





Last but certainly not least, this is an excellent figure highlighting the differences in flight profiles and trajectories of a variety of systems, from cruise missiles to ballistics to traditional LEO rocket launches.

Type 2: boost-glide hypersonic trajectory


https://archive.ph/HHOqN/9bec6dc54083923f3f2473219e6bd2ee932b4f5d.jpg ; https://archive.ph/HHOqN/34b7d1b8b36cd60fdd046814366291ab52ee9f9b/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20210501135108/https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eza-X3GVgAIxCK_?format=jpg&name=900x900 ; https://twitter.com/DrChrisCombs/status/1384503254730493954
1. Type 2: boost-glide hypersonic trajectory.




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