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Zarrar Pakistani Movie Trailer - 23rd March 2020 .

O Shahzade,

The Hole in the Soul!

Learn to see the Obvious!

Fristly, the production quality is great... Hollywoodsque!

Great to see our media production going to global standards.. this shall help gain a market share in other countries as well... and help the industry...and help the better/true image of OurLand, OurPeople.

Who is the director? Producer? Investors?

Now regarding your question of Flesh... well, it is just an extension of the process which started with ObamaAdmin ... John Kerry ... $5Bln ...direct investment to Create a new PakSociety ... and found the Always-Ready-to-Sell-Mom-For-Dollars-Crowd....including the LiberalMullahz!

( @blain2 @Horus you can map one to one of beneficiaries of this investment and their narrative building... while you are at it.. please, also, map the NGOz and the funding for Jurnoz/KhooniLiberals ... MeraJismMeriMarzi ...swingers and the increase in the net wealth in this period...)

From TeeVee Dramas to the movies... Victim...Victim...Victim... the opresser and the oppressed... as if there are only two types among 220mln Paks... 52% Victims of 48% oppressers

You need to understand the Value of Image in Conditioning... yes, touch and sound paly a vital part too... you can choose to visit a small piece I composed in the mental health corner which nobody tried to either refute or approve..

Stimulus and Response!

Anchors and Triggers!

Henceforth, it should become clear to you ... the Answer to your Why!

I don't care... as I have entered into Dialouge with Him. Not out of Apathy but out of something else.... perhaps, finally, understanding the meaning of Banda huon tera, tera mazdoor nahi ... or perhaps not...just hitting the wall?

We need to persue a logical, rational ... Dialectics... trying to SEE the Logical Progression of things...

Does the BraveNewWorld create Elevation of TheSoul or it Reduces the Shelf Life of the Flesh!!!???

I had in mind to compose a piece on the Extermists Fundamentalists of Liberalism ... which neither the Liberals or Conservative will like ... as it bares them Naked .... but I fear the tender feelings of the fragile will be hurt... hence, I chose not to prusue it... I thought I would ask YoungPak @Slav Defence to proof read it before bestowing it upon the PDF Audience....

For now it is going to be the C*ntz n C*ckz of Hollowness seeking gratification/satisfaction in the friction of flesh... killing The Love, food of the Soul, with each encounter... and as the Market-Value-Of-Flesh reduces, increases the bitterness.... or search for preservants to keep the Shelf-Life extended...

Killing of Love... Love as Rumi has described... or Love which Iqabal R.A. has perscribed ... will result in nothing other than extending the Depth of the Abyss... Hollowness Screaming it lungs out!!!

Who we are is clear... what nobody dares to percieve is What are We?

Hence, we shall keep on seeing, reading and writing... gropping in the Dark...searching for the dead black cats...with sightless vision.

The Idea of Pakistan is the Most Powerful Idea in the World... and the time is fast approaching ... dichotomies, dichotomies and more dichotomies....


The Straight Path

The Edifice we worship, OurCulture... has so much Beauty in it... and also, so much Darkness...

Can we take the Beautiful and drop the Darkness?

Copy/Pasting Westernism is DeadDonkey which will not make Khottaism go away rather...make it heavier... same as MullahMaffia will keep us away from Scientefic Attitude....

OurDeen can NOT be separated from Science... yet, MullahMaffia has created a vast BusinessEmpire turning Deen into Religion... with its varrying outlets..called Sectz!

It is OurChoice ... only Free can choose... Are we Free?

For now fortify yourself to watch more of Pindi Staduim FreeLove... Flesh with blood pumping...red, excited... free..

For myself... my dream is to see PakGirls/Women working in high end / cutting edge programming developing new Alogrithms for Artificial Intelligence, Material Engerineering, Genetic Engineering, Economics, AeroSpace Technologes... on and on...


Because it is Commanded so... Ilum ka hasil karan har Musliman murd aur aurat per farz hae!

Shahzade, do overlook if I neither criticise or endorse the Freedom of the Flesh ... for this not a War against me... it is War against Him!

We are just automatic muslims
...by birth.... I have wondered... how could it be?

For now My Dialouge with Him continues... rather begins.... and frankly, it is not my invention...rather perscription drug from Iqbal R.A... more like journey...

And for Islam or Islamic ...well, Islam exists and shall keep on existing in an Individual..and even without an Individual Islam has existed and shall keep on existing... it doesn't require us... an Obvious thing that nobody bothers about..

Insan Khasaray mein hae... HumanCondition is suffering... is it because of HumanBlueprint?

Time for Wali Allah in jeans and T-shirt holding PhD is almost here...

A bemused Observer is a bemused Observer.... watching the War!

Who is going to win?

In OurSociety everyone is oppressed, everyone is victim... what pains me is what The Heart of Darkness has done to our children.

Since the KhooniLiberals said nothing in protest for the PakKashmiris or PakKashmirisWome/Girls... for me they are nothing but impotent/frigid C*ntz n C*ckz of Hollowness wearing the Skin of Humans...concealing decayed Flesh!

Love is Dead!

Long live Love!


@Signalian @WebMaster @Horus @blain2 @masterchief_mirza @N.Siddiqui @Verve @Reddington @SIPRA @Mentee @MastanKhan @HRK @Socra @Dubious @RescueRanger @BHarwana @Valar. @Indus Pakistan @Hakikat ve Hikmet @Hakim Dawary
This was a relief...

A screw in my head, pains me when i see our society heading towards the wrong, Now they have waged a war against Allah, Who am I to care for them now...
Allah has his own ways of taking care of such people, CoVid-19 is one example...
well, it is just an extension of the process which started with ObamaAdmin ... John Kerry ... $5Bln ...direct investment to Create a new PakSociety

Remember Musharraf and his purposed "Enlightened Modernization" theory of Islam and urge of certain segment of society to portray the "Soft Image".
Why are our people hell bent on officially introducing vulgarity and the f*cking kisses and hugs and nudity

@Mangus Ortus Novem @SIPRA @Blacklight

Kanjars they are, chumma chatti they shall


Remember Musharraf and his purposed "Enlightened Modernization" theory of Islam and urge of certain segment of society to portray the "Soft Image".

No sir this is not what he meant us to indulge in - - - - - - - the guy was simply asking for the society as individuals to mind their own business
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