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Zardaris interview blocked on Geo News; Bilawal and desi liberals furious

Maybe AAZ was going to reveal something about the "elected" one..

That is not the real question. Under the law, he is under physical remand, given by a competent court, and cannot give interviews, while relieved temporarily on a production order, for the sole purpose of participating in the proceedings of the National Assembly. He in fact misused the relief.
Has he been convicted in a court of law by due process for such allegations?
Not good for US to throw around their "due process" shenanigans when what they did was attack Iraq based on hand waving a tube of talcum powder in the UN.
We can do whatever we like with him then.

Of course. Why bother with due process and such useless things?

Not good for US to throw around their "due process" shenanigans when what they did was attack Iraq based on hand waving a tube of talcum powder in the UN.

Excellent whataboutery, but totally off-topic. :D
Of course. Why bother with due process and such useless things?

Excellent whataboutery, but totally off-topic. :D
Since you seem so adamant about proving Zardari's innocence; I thought I might put into perspective what hogwash due process standards the US has for itself.
Since you seem so adamant about proving Zardari's innocence; I thought I might put into perspective what hogwash due process standards the US has for itself.

Please do not confuse my support for proper due process with support for Zardari. In my personal view he is a criminal, but he remains entitled to due process in a court of law.
Please do not confuse my support for proper due process with support for Zardari. In my personal view he is a criminal, but he remains entitled to due process in a court of law.

Why you call Imran Khan selected prime minister without any proof
Please do not confuse my support for proper due process with support for Zardari. In my personal view he is a criminal, but he remains entitled to due process in a court of law.
He'll get his due process when he humbles down. Till then, up the danda goes.
Danda to induce humility never works outside of due process.
Newsflash! It does. They'll get their due process in time. They'll have to forfeit their claim to everything they own in this country and the stash they're hoarding in foreign countries. Till then; up the danda goes!
Newsflash! It does. They'll get their due process in time. They'll have to forfeit their claim to everything they own in this country and the stash they're hoarding in foreign countries. Till then; up the danda goes!

Sure, please go ahead. I am content to watch what outcomes are actually achieved.

Since when it became part of journalism and freedom of press to conduct interview of criminals, and air it in prime time? Do we need accountability of corrupt journalists as well?
Non criminals and crooks in the world get such VIP treatment.

You have it backwards Sir. The prosecution has to prove guilt.

Has he been found guilty in a court of law by due process? There are only allegations against him so far, nothing proven.
They always see aquital due to " nazaria e zarorat". That is killing Pakistan.
Maybe related to Abraz group. CEO used to finance Handsome's expenses. Now he is in big trouble.

Isn’t it weird that election commission did not investigate the source of Pti election campaign when there was a ruckus abt it last year.....

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