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Zakir Naik rejects Two Nation Thoery

Then why dont you discuss those problems in India for some solution rather than supporting Zakir Naik whom majority of Indian Hinuds curse for his lectures and suddenly you found a new love for him because he spoke something about Two nation theory.

Thats the main point. You call him one-sided and when it comes to your propaganda you loved him so i see no weight in what he is saying.

Besides honestly when some people come up with Unrealistic ideas of Confideration between BD and Pakistan , i tell them the same thing that we are now two separate countries no need for wishful thinking.

Similalry Pakistan is a reality no matter how many arguments you bring for denouncing Pakistan you can not.

Lady for me i dont know who this guy is anyway..and i dont love him for saying he rejected two nations theary..it happened and Pakistan is an Independent country just like India..there is no changing about it..Our forefathers choose to have different countries in the name of religion and some guy rejected it after 60 years does not change anything..
Now tell me how many of us really advocating India and Pakistan to be one??apart from one militant group who majority of Indians have no link with where did you see Indians discussing Akand Bharat..I see more people talking about Uniting Afghanistan and Bangladesh with Pakistan ..so should i say Pakistan is having wet dream about Akand Pakistan??
I am not denouncing Pakistan ,I am pointing out that most of us Indians dont want Pakistan as a part of out country..it will bring more problems than well being in both our countries
Then why dont you discuss those problems in India for some solution rather than supporting Zakir Naik whom majority of Indian Hinuds curse for his lectures and suddenly you found a new love for him because he spoke something about Two nation theory.

Thats the main point. You call him one-sided and when it comes to your propaganda you loved him so i see no weight in what he is saying.

Besides honestly when some people come up with Unrealistic ideas of Confideration between BD and Pakistan , i tell them the same thing that we are now two separate countries no need for wishful thinking.

Similalry Pakistan is a reality no matter how many arguments you bring for denouncing Pakistan you can not.

As always factually incorrect, the thread was started by a pakistani and the first 9 posts are by pakistanis too. An indian only jumped in when you insecure lot could not stop bashing indian hindus and muslims alike :)

And not a hindu has supported zakir too, we've mainly tried to defend against the gutter attacks on the muslims (and hindus) of india by your lot.

Let me tell you clearly, wo don't want pakistan back, pls keep it, stop pushing it down our throats, we don't want it :lol::lol::lol:
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What is this?

Or this?

In fact, India committed herself to support Palestine against Israel so much that it hurt India, but the support continued. It was only when it was clear that the Palestine leadership was itself incompetent to achieve their goals, that India made any overtures to Israel.

Don't imagine History - it is all there for all to see. For good measure, see this.

Lol ...so what ??? u will find Pakistani and Indian official pictures too shaking hands and smiling at each other .... Lol ... this doesn't prove anything ......they have pictures of hand shakes ..and they say they r committed to help them ...but where is that commitment ???? how many planes did India send to Palestine against Israel?????l ... Pakistan has 4-0 record against Israel ..... so how many planes did India send .???..if India is so God send why didn't government stood against those who are responsible for Gujrat tragedy ??? the highest record in the world for sectoral violence is in India .....check the records ... Aids is a prominent thing there ...poverty is way way up ..... SHah Rukh can't even say he support Pakistani cricketers without his life being threatened....

India : when didn't even give us our share of money from Central bank of India after partition and still like some kind of brutal King tries to crush ppl of Kashmir...is a solid prove of their hypocrisy
Lol ...so what ??? u will find Pakistani and Indian official pictures too shaking hands and smiling at each other .... Lol ... this doesn't prove anything ......they have pictures of hand shakes ..and they say they r committed to help them ...but where is that commitment ???? how many planes did India send to Palestine against Israel?????l ... Pakistan has 4-0 record against Israel ..... so how many planes did India send .???..if India is so God send why didn't government stood against those who are responsible for Gujrat tragedy ??? the highest record in the world for sectoral violence is in India .....check the records ... Aids is a prominent thing there ...poverty is way way up ..... SHah Rukh can't even say he support Pakistani cricketers without his life being threatened....

India : when didn't even give us our share of money from Central bank of India after partition and still like some kind of brutal King tries to crush ppl of Kashmir...is a solid prove of their hypocrisy

Bhadaas nikal gayi? Good. When you guys are calm, its good for the entire region. There should be free internet access in Faridkot too, so that all can just express ther anger through words ;)
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Pakistan was gladly buying weapons from Israel during the Afghan war through American money and the Israelis were using that money to kill Palestinians. Hence, Pakistani money was used to kill innocent Palestinians.
Ruled by Hindus - as if some Hindu Maharaja is Delhi is twirling his moustache with glee plotting against all Muslims. The # of subcontinental Muslims in India would have been close to 600 million - that is double the American population - as opposed to some 900 million Hindus - how is 40-45% of a population a minority?

Guess what, Muslims mostly vote in a pattern and it was quit possible with 45% that India being ruled by Muslims. We already had a Muslim president (Most respected by all) and who knows a Muslim PM remember Rahul Gandhi actually has Muslim blood and is completely acceptable to India.
Guess what, Muslims mostly vote in a pattern and it was quit possible with 45% that India being ruled by Muslims. We already had a Muslim president (Most respected by all) and who knows a Muslim PM remember Rahul Gandhi actually has Muslim blood and is completely acceptable to India.

Yea and Zulfikar Bhutto's mother was Hindu. As was Jinnah's grandfather.
Pakistan was gladly buying weapons from Israel during the Afghan war through American money and the Israelis were using that money to kill Palestinians. Hence, Pakistani money was used to kill innocent Palestinians.

actually Zionist are ruling the world in every field u have KFC and other outlets in India ??? u have Foreign media channels in India ??? u have Unilever products in India ???? ...... Lol indirectly every country in the world is involve in killing Palestine ppl not Pakistan ....bec Ur Zionst r ruling every sector in the world including UN and medicines ...u do have medicines in India ??? Multi Pharmaceuticals ???

However on the battle ground ...u have to choose sides and Pakistan send its pilots to defend Palestine ppl....so where were Kind hearted wonderful Indians ??????? how many planes of Israel they destroyed ??
actually Zionist are ruling the world in every field u have KFC and other outlets in India ??? u have Foreign media channels in India ??? u have Unilever products in India ???? ...... Lol indirectly every country in the world is involve in killing Palestine ppl not Pakistan ....bec Ur Zionst r ruling every sector in the world including UN and medicines ...u do have medicines in India ??? Multi Pharmaceuticals ???

However on the battle ground ...u have to choose sides and Pakistan send its pilots to defend Palestine ppl....so where were Kind hearted wonderful Indians ??????? how many planes of Israel they destroyed ??

Unilever is a Anglo-Dutch firm and most Indian medicines are made by Indian pharma companies. And I am talking specifically about Pakistan buying Israeli weapons and Israel selling them - thereby making the State of Israel money - I am not talking about "Zionist entities". Pakistan destroyed Israeli planes? And what happened in the war? Was it the 6 day war or was it the Yom Kippur war? Did Pakistan help the Arabs win either of these? Or did they lose and come back?
oh well i partially agree with Zakir Naik here.......... you see he is saying it could have been more better if all the Muslims of the subcontinent were living as a one country

I know he is against the Two nation theory but what if all the Muslims of Subcontinent had the seperator country instead? It could have been far bigger country than this

No one stopped the other Muslims from not moving to Pakistan.

I do believe that geographically the land was divided incorrectly.
actually Zionist are ruling the world in every field u have KFC and other outlets in India ??? u have Foreign media channels in India ??? u have Unilever products in India ???? ...... Lol indirectly every country in the world is involve in killing Palestine ppl not Pakistan ....bec Ur Zionst r ruling every sector in the world including UN and medicines ...u do have medicines in India ??? Multi Pharmaceuticals ???

However on the battle ground ...u have to choose sides and Pakistan send its pilots to defend Palestine ppl....so where were Kind hearted wonderful Indians ??????? how many planes of Israel they destroyed ??
First time hearing about israel-palestine Air war (and Pakistan's Participation in favour of Palestine).....Perhapes my knowledge is poor.

I know few PAF pilot fought for some other gulf countries against Israel. But not sure that is from pure love to Palestines.
First time hearing about israel-palestine Air war (and Pakistan's Participation in favour of Palestine).....Perhapes my knowledge is poor.

I know few PAF pilot fought for some other gulf countries against Israel. But not sure that is from pure love to Palestines.

Forget helping the Palestinian cause - they ended up losing Golan Heights, the Gaza Strip, the West Bank including East Jerusalem and the Sinai Peninsula. So much for helping the Palestinians.

But then again - look at it from the Pakistani perspective and see it from the prism they use for the 1965 war with India - "We did not lose Lahore - so we won the war!"
If that was the case no Muslim in India would have ever reached the statute of SRK. His talent would have been thwarted long ago even before he came to bollywood!!!

I don't blame you but have you ever cared to think how a normal day in India is like?

Show me one single Indian muslim a popular figure who opening supports the Two nation theory and is still a popular figure in Indian Media and amongst Indians?

None of the so called liberal muslims in Indian Entertainment Industry or Politics or Government support or believe in the Two Nations Theory.

These liberal muslims like the khans of Bollywood don't know or care for the well being of the Muslim community, nor do they care or know about the historical treatment and economic suppression of Muslims under Hindu dominated Congress rule during the pre-partition era. Also they're powerless.

Indian Media magnifies them because they cave into the Hindu Nationalist cause and fervently support such things.

You're all forgetting that Mr. Antualy (Indian MP) was physically assaulted and forced out of the parliment when he raised some concern over the alleged involvement of security forces in Police Chief's death during Mumbai attacks. Freedom of Speech for Indian Muslims?

My arse.
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Show me one single Indian muslim a popular figure who opening supports the Two nation theory and is still a popular figure in Indian Media and amongst Indians?

None of the so called liberal muslims in Indian Entertainment Industry or Politics or Government support or believe in the Two Nations Theory.

These liberal muslims like the khans of Bollywood don't know or care for the well being of the Muslim community, nor do they care or know about the historical treatment and economic suppression of Muslims under Hindu dominated Congress rule during the pre-partition era.

Indian Media magnifies them because they cave into the Hindu Nationalist cause and fervently support such things.

Congress rule? Economic suppression of Muslims? in pre-partition India? You are saying the Viceroys and Secretary of State for India operating from London were Hindu Congressmen? LOL. Sure - the Hindu Congressmen jailed Tilak and Gandhi, hanged Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev, ordered shoot-at-sight orders on Subhash Chandra Bose, acceded to Jinnah's 14 points etc. Now where do you get your stash from - I too want it.
LOL...Antulay was physically assaulted? By whom?? Forced out of Parliament? When? He remained there - smiling as always.
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