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Unfortunately visitors with Pakistan passport has tight restrictions here like reporting to police once a week and inform the police before you left a place and going to visit another place..and probably your visit will be restricted to only some places too

So who makes these Polices if they love Muslims.
So who makes these Polices if they love Muslims.

Mate its because of the tensions between our countries..its not against Muslims its against Pakistan..I am sure that such restrictions are against Indians visiting Pakistan too..
No you Post didn't offended me but what i am trying to say is just look at the hate you People have against Muslims.Reflected in all Indian Discussions.

I can Point out so many Indian forums where hate against Muslims is at it's Peak.

mate ..............people might be hating pakistan..................that doesnt mean they hate muslims:cheers:
Mate its because of the tensions between our countries..its not against Muslims its against Pakistan..I am sure that such restrictions are against Indians visiting Pakistan too..

No it's not against Pakistan it's against Muslim a bet you a million times that if Pakistan was made up of Chinese or just non-Muslims there would have been no restrictions.

In fact it's just a sample of hatred against Muslims.
Every Time there is a blast or anything in India within minutes your People and Media without any evidence accuse Pakistan of it as if there are no Internal forces in India that could be responsible but People Enjoy Bashing Pakistan.

Just see on this forum every single anti-Pakistani thread is started by an Indian.Just what does it reflect hate against Pakistan.Hate Against Muslims.
What do you mean???

that gentleman mentioned that with pakistani passport you will have certain restriction while travelling in India............

you said why against muslims.............

your post seemed to point that restrictions on Pakistani passport holder is restriction to muslims..............

thats not true..............even if you are pakistani sikh and travelling to India................same restrictions are applied to you.

whereas If you are mislim from UAE or turkey or USA etc...............no such restrictions
No it's not against Pakistan it's against Muslim a bet you a million times that if Pakistan was made up of Chinese or just non-Muslims there would have been no restrictions.

In fact it's just a sample of hatred against Muslims.

Man i dont know whether to laugh or cry now..There are lots of people from Middle Eastern countries and other nationality comes to India and they dont have any restrictions ..There are plenty of muslims here in India too they too dont have any restriction to move any part of India ..tell me is there no restrictions to Indians visiting Pakistan??
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Man i dont know to laugh or cry now..There are lots of people from Middle Eastern countries and other nationality comes to India and they dont have any restrictions ..There are plenty of muslims here in India too they too dont have any restriction to move any part of India ..tell me is there no restrictions to Indians visiting Pakistan??

well as far I known.................restrictions are layed on sikh pilgrims visiting pakistan
that gentleman mentioned that with pakistani passport you will have certain restriction while travelling in India............

you said why against muslims.............

your post seemed to point that restrictions on Pakistani passport holder is restriction to muslims..............

thats not true..............even if you are pakistani sikh and travelling to India................same restrictions are applied to you.

whereas If you are mislim from UAE or turkey or USA etc...............no such restrictions

So it seem you seem to separate Pakistani Muslims from the rest of the Muslim world but don't forget Pakistan is a very important force in Muslim world we might not be Powerful economically but we do Posses more influence in Muslim world then our Due share.As Pakistan is overwhelmingly Muslim so it Simple Logic that hate against Pakistan is hate against Muslim.

You People haven't accepted Partition with your heart and still dream of Akhand Bharat.

And Pakistan is 97% Muslim so a Pakistani Sikh or Hindu would be negligible in front of Indian Policy Makers.
^ Allah (s.w.t) will send those to hell who murdered, raped, and looted innocent Muslims who were trying to escape to Pakistan.
I dont care if you are happy with india, dont force india down to us because we will never want to be part of it. We rather die than live under a population of over 1.2 billion (80% hindus). As I said a billion times we dont want to be indians or share our land and resources with 900 million hindus, what do you not understand about that.
I always wonder while talking about partition you felt sorry about murdered muslims alone. Millions of non-muslims died and uprooted from their land too. As a good Muslim you should feel sorry for all of them. When proposing a seperate country , the founders of Islamic state did not think of possible outcome. Either they did not have the vision or they did not bother about so many people who were about to be sacrificed during partition.

Anyway what is done is done. Now hardly anyone in India wants to reunited with Pakistan ( except a few akhanbharatwala). And about sharing of resources just study a bit about natural resources of India and Pakistan. Your chest thumping is indicating your poor schooling.
see post 173..............you are giving answer yourself..................hate is against pakistan not against muslims.

you know there is a theorem in Math

if A=B and B=C then C=A


Pakistan=Made up of Muslims ,Pakistan=hate by Indians so it clearly shows Muslims=Hate by Indians.

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