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Zakir Naik rejects Two Nation Thoery

While I have not gone through this entire thread, all I would like to say is that while I respect Zaik Nakir's views, the point is that what is done is done. There is no turning back.

One point to take forward. Maulana Abul Kalaam Azaad was against the division of India into separate countries. However upon Pakistan's creation, he did not stop anyone from his own immediate family from leaving for Pakistan. One of his family members left for Pakistan and served in the Pakistan Army. He recounted a personal story where the Maulana sahib himself had told him "ab Pakistan bun giya hai tau jao aur uss per mehnat karro".

So the point I am trying to make is that what could have, should have happened is a thing of the past. I too have very many thoughts about how certain things should have happened but what is in the past is in the past.

I am happy for Pakistan, I am grateful for Pakistan and I pray for her well-being. :pakistan:

Well summarized!!! Just want to add my own two points, To prevent these questions from popping up again and again,

#1: Pakistan needs to improve its reputation and shut people up and to some extent prove to its own people, it can shut terrorism completely and also be a economic power house.

#2: Stop trying to be responsible for the Indian Muslims! Remember, most of them did not choose to be part of an Islamic state, for whatever reason, that ends it there!!! They are not Pakistani!!! and will never be. The responsibility of being a model Islamic country would also mean look after you own Muslims first, before you voice the Islamic Brotherhood sentiment on other Muslims.
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Minorities are treated and viewed still negatively in the mother of all secular states, the UK, then how can petty failed states assure them of their rights. The argument is itself is futile and unprovable.

If that was the case no Muslim in India would have ever reached the statute of SRK. His talent would have been thwarted long ago even before he came to bollywood!!! The Hindu majority state of India would never have embraced a Muslim president or made him the most loved president in our current times. As I have mentioned before please do come and visit India, for a hindu dominated society, we all wake up with "Alla hu Akbar" (sorry if I didn't get that correct) chants and similar Hindi ones from a temples every morning.

Day to day life involves for an Indian involves interaction with minorities that you cannot even think of sitting in a population that is 97% one faith!!

I don't blame you but have you ever cared to think how a normal day in India is like?
I don't blame you but have you ever cared to think how a normal day in India is like?
I would love to see how it is; half of my family is still in India. One day, InshaAllah, I'll visit India, but not now. I still have a Pakistani passport, not a good thing to have while visiting India; I'll come on another passport so chances of mine getting back home safely are better.
oh this guy again i heard that he doesn't tell the correct meaning of the verses in koran or other books but meh i don't care about relegion
remember history of Makkah and Medina ... Makkah was idol worshipping city ... Muslims due to their wrong acts had to leave their property and migrate to Medina ...1947 migration of ppl has always fascinated me with its similarity of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) majirs sacrifices ... I think Allah has great plans for Muslims through Pakistan . If we had been In India then no muslim country would have a strong army like Pakistan has today neither do any Muslim country would have nuclear power:pakistan:
I was just wondering what would happen to Zakir nayak if he would have Supported the Two Nation Theory ?:undecided:

Not much Different from Jaswant Singh or Shah rukh Khan who Got Sacked for Favoring Pakistan .

Jaswant Singh and SRK would also categorically deny TWT. Looks like you haven't even read Jaswant Singh's book.

Infact, it is the extremists Hindutva elements like VHP BD e.t.c. that support the TWT. Almost everyone else would reject it.

And as I said earlier, rejecting TWT does not mean that Pakistan should cease to exist. TWT is a theory and concept. Denying or rejecting it will not end up breaking Pakistan which is a reality.

Infact TWT was never a core concept for the basis of Pakistan until the Zia era in the 80s. So there is no need to give importance to this TWT. Pakistan will still exist without it, but all the baggage and implications associated with it will not be there.
birth of Pakistan was necessary ... today's' time proves it bec we scare Israel the Most .... Lol ... Pakistan is Allah's hidden secret ... MASHALLah ... and Allah Knows the best ...
remember history of Makkah and Medina ... Makkah was idol worshipping city ... Muslims due to their wrong acts had to leave their property and migrate to Medina ...1947 migration of ppl has always fascinated me with its similarity of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) majirs sacrifices ... I think Allah has great plans for Muslims through Pakistan . If we had been In India then no muslim country would have a strong army like Pakistan has today neither do any Muslim country would have nuclear power:pakistan:

You do know that unlike in Mecca during the prophet's time. Muslims have freedom to practice and preach their religion in India. Moreover, India is one of the few countries in the world where Muslims can found their own personal laws related to marriage, inheritance e.t.c.

And btw, the head nuke scietist in India was a muslim too ---Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.
You do know that unlike in Mecca during the prophet's time. Muslims have freedom to practice and preach their religion in India. Moreover, India is one of the few countries in the world where Muslims can found their own personal laws related to marriage, inheritance e.t.c.

And btw, the head nuke scietist in India was a muslim too ---Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.

yah but i wonder if India lend a hand to Palestine ppl against Israel
yah but i wonder if India lend a hand to Palestine ppl against Israel

What is this?

Or this?

In fact, India committed herself to support Palestine against Israel so much that it hurt India, but the support continued. It was only when it was clear that the Palestine leadership was itself incompetent to achieve their goals, that India made any overtures to Israel.

Don't imagine History - it is all there for all to see. For good measure, see this.
yah but i wonder if India lend a hand to Palestine ppl against Israel

What does have to do with anything.

In any case, please do research up on India's support to the Palestinian people. Maybe you want to ask how much has GoP supported the Palestinian people in Grants in Aid e.t.c.

Indians over the long run have provided more aid and grants to the Palestinians. Just last month US $10M was forwarded to the UN agency responsible for Palestine.

India recognised Israel after the PLO also recognized it post Oslo accords. More importantly, Pakistan was getting weapon systems from US and China, while India relied only on USSR and after its collapse, Israel was the first country to provide weapon systems without too much of a hassle.

And its Iran that Israle talks about all the time now Pakistan.

Infact, during the 80s, Israel sent Soviet arms (sent to the Palestinians )that they captured to Pakistan and Zia accepted them!
Mr Ejaz you didn't expressed the reasons that Mumbai Muslim hate Pakistani's.

I will tell you because they knew that now their life and Property has been endangered and now they are exposed to Hindu Attacks.

Dude.....Muslims are such an integral part of our life ( I hate the word minority, as they are not). They are as much protector of our freedom and constitution as a Sikh has traditionally been. They are Judges, Civil Servants, Army, Navy, AirForce, RAW, IB, MEDIA, Our Teachers, Musicians, Bollywood, Scientist, Politicians, Historians, Musicians, Diplomats............AND IN GOOD NUMBERS. Muslim PM is matter of time as its your talent and merit which would now matter in India.

Pakistan had to deal with lot of Muslim Diplomats, including Foreign Secretary and Cabinet Secretary etc in the past........and with every such positive development in INDIA, THE IDEA OF INDIA , becomes stronger and the idea of pakistan becomew weaker.....

Pakistan future danger doesn't lie in India being Military Strong but an India where suddenly they find that they are dealing with only Muslim (PM, ARMY CHIEF, PRESIDENT etc etc) person.........which dude is the next reality.......and with a progressive and powerful India and Indin Muslim ruling INDIA, the idea of Pakistan wilL:coffee: .......KAAPUT.
I would love to see how it is; half of my family is still in India. One day, InshaAllah, I'll visit India, but not now. I still have a Pakistani passport, not a good thing to have while visiting India; I'll come on another passport so chances of mine getting back home safely are better.

You are most welcome to India Qsaark..Unfortunately visitors with Pakistan passport has tight restrictions here like reporting to police once a week and inform the police before you left a place and going to visit another place..and probably your visit will be restricted to only some places too..But you dont have to worry we are not hostile as you think,i mean the common people..you will feel just like home :)
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