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Zaid Hamid vs SAFMA court hearing 1

Pakistan Nationalists support Zaid Hamid.

Only the enemies of Pakistan (indians) hate Zaid Hamid.

Hate is a very strong words, pity is more like it.

---------- Post added at 04:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:08 PM ----------

Zaid hamid ne toh sabki hilaake rakh diya (pun intended)

---------- Post added at 04:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:10 PM ----------

Lets talk sense if we may. No one can force you to love some one.. you agree or disagree??? Its a fairy tale to imagine you could change people under pressure. If you could, no criminal would do crime after staying 8 years in the jail straight. Muslims and Hindus of India refused to accept British Rule and they were under tremendous pressure and life threats. They apparently surrendered and survived years after years and from generation to generation but they never converted into British Lovers. Infact the following generation only came out more patriotic to India and more British rule hating.. what was pressure and life threats able to change in them? Now religion is inside your heart, mind and soul.. how can you even think it was changeable under pressure????

This is height of living in fantacy world. If you cherry pick and mention few cases which are reported in the news then I would say "People in India kill their children (daughters in particular) soon after they are born" and I would say it for whole India. Would that be justified??

Jizya is Islamic.. people who live under Islamic Law (the Sharia) and are not Muslims have to pay a certain tax BUT this is not at the cost of their living. AND a correction --- No one converted to Islam fearing poverty. Recall how Hazrat Umar (R) the first Islamic Caliph of the Islamic Empire had fixed stipends for the poor and their children used to get this support the moment they were born. There was no discrimination in who was getting this stipend.. neither any non-Muslim had a second class citizen status. Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH has given verdict in the favour of a non-Muslim going against Muslim. Even Hazrat Ali lost his case against a non-Muslim who had stolen something that belonged to him. There are numerous and I repeat, numerous examples which prove how safe, secure and respected non-Muslims were and they were allowed to practice their religions freely. This is the time I cherish and this is the time I want to come again.

Blatant lies,all of them. Usual propoganda,self fulfilling self justifying hypothesis.
Allahu Akbar! Our tigers roared and shook the power corridors in Delhi. The entire sessions court was out to witness the jalal and jamal of fuqara of Rasul Allah (sm), MashAllah. First hearing has been done. Next date is 21st March InshAllah. SAFMA should hear the battle cries loud and clear. We will fight you with all the power we have, on media and in court. Pakistan is an Imanat of Rasul Allah (sm). We will defend it against your *****.

Pictures and videos of this epic battle will be uploaded soon InshAllah. Barak Allah to all of you who were there physically and to those who were with us in dua and prayers and love. Today, it was proven beyond doubt that Pakistan's youth would accept death but not a compromise on the honor and dignity of Pak Sarzameen and Ummat e Raaul (sm). Mubarak once again ! The battle has begun...

delhi isnt afraid as long as we have sunny jatt with dhayee kilo ka hath..lol

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his supporters do not seem to number more than 50-100

Last time I saw, on a short notice of 10 days, through fb, 7000 people came to attend his lecture in islamabad, in 2010. That too just near the parliament ;) As I always say, you will find support for him in every College and University of Pakistan. Of course, you can't compare that with the support that Imran Khan enjoys, because two are totally different figures. I am telling you the ground realities, his support is in Millions. I can bet on that!

^I'm sure the minorities will be thrilled to hear that

good to sea that owr so called potential foe's are making this clown there idol ...good now in a conflict situation nothing's better than an over zelous & over confident adverseary....hope owr freinds :cheesy: remain that way?????:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
This is interesting. The 'No Secularism' is striken off. So, double negative become positive? So, the message of the banner would be 'Yes to secularism'?

It's not C++ my friend! haha

---------- Post added at 05:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:34 AM ----------

This creature Zaid Hamid should be in circus...should play the character of Buffoon....he will get a fat pay package

Done talking? now STFU false flagger!
Blatant lies,all of them. Usual propoganda,self fulfilling self justifying hypothesis.

Would you care to defend them one by one and address them point by point? I hope you will counter arguments with logic this time.
This is interesting. The 'No Secularism' is striken off. So, double negative become positive? So, the message of the banner would be 'Yes to secularism'?

Secularism sounds good to my ears. We have spent too much time trying to impose religion and look where its gotten us.
zaid hamid is neither a patriot nor a pious Musalmaan. He is most likely a paid mouth piece of the establishment. If you are an average Pankistani, he is doing more harm than good to you by inculcating false pride in youth and trying to show security establishment in a good light.
my own suspicion is that he is on payroll of someone/some institution which itself is on the payroll of CIA.

Zaid Hamid raises questions where the other media in Pakistan is silent. This is why he is known as a defender of Pakistan.

I believe in Secular laws but I am also a Nationalist and believe he rightly raises some points. Particularly things like this which no one else wants to raise:
Analyzing the Mumbai Attacks: Should we just believe India?
In Memory Of Samjhauta Express

I mean who else is talking about the Samjhauta Express where innocent Pakistanis died and new reports are proving it was local Indians involved (Colonel Purohit, Bhagvan, Sadhvi Pragya). Nonetheless LeT was blamed. Who else is talking about the Mumbai Attacks which had so many disparities with the initial accounts of the attack. Leaves a man confused. I don't know if I should follow the mainstream and believe the stuff being drilled into my head or follow my heart which says somethings wrong.

By the way I see a lot of attention from Indians on Zaid Hamid. I believe about half of the attention that is given to Zaid Hamid is actually from Indians when even the Pakistani media ignores him. It perplexes me why Indians show so much interest in someone they don't agree with. When you give someone a lot of attention you make him famous. I have seen small people become powerful as I watched because they did or said something controversial. You are making Zaid Hamid a celebrity. He's ignored by the Pakistani media.
zaid hamid (the *cough* lion)

osama = no proof that he was there at abottabad (even after al quaeda issued a statement that hez dead)
kasab = not a pakistani...bjp terrorist....indian intelligence CALLED HIM UP AND INFORMED HIM...

samjhauta express = done by india

pakistan is in information war (with no information about war)

we shud tell saudi arabia india cannot be its friend (does india ever interfere in pak china or pak saudi ties??)

every problem in pakistan is work of CIA RAW MOSSAD

Aafia siddiqi was neuroscientist

india does lot of propaganda

and now latest...no secularism...wow
Jihadi Ahmaq is too stupid to be true, but his is still a hero of millions of intelligent Pakistanis....lol
I like the way Zaid Hamid Looks into Camera.
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