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Zaid Hamid vs SAFMA court hearing 1

As a Pakistani, i have to say that Zaid Hamid in general is nobody...
He talks big time with 'chest thumping' to make Pakistanis feel innocent and always right.
Somebody should ban this guy, because we need to realize our mistakes personally and learn from them :hitwall:
Last time I saw, on a short notice of 10 days, through fb, 7000 people came to attend his lecture in islamabad, in 2010. That too just near the parliament ;) As I always say, you will find support for him in every College and University of Pakistan. Of course, you can't compare that with the support that Imran Khan enjoys, because two are totally different figures. I am telling you the ground realities, his support is in Millions. I can bet on that!

I really won't be surprised even if that were true.

Desperation makes people do the weirdest and stupidest things in the world.

It is not the Pakistanis, who have not had a hero since Jinnah. It's their desperation to have another hero.
this commentary needed only at war time not everywhere he should save it till we engaged in full scale war
I am a pakistani and muslim (alhamdulilah a practical muslim), and i support peace between two countries....supporters of zaid hamid are usually those jumat islami guys or family members of pak army or emotional teenagers...tell me how many of you , who are blind followers of ZH, actually live in pakistan?...solving problems of common pakistanis should be our priority not shaking corridor of delhi with mouth...
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