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Zaid Hamid versus Marvi Sirmed on Najam Sethi's show

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if we belive in two nation theory so why you people have prolemb with this ?
Anyway india & pakistan are two independent nations.why are we quarreling about two nation theory formulated about 70 years ago why are we stuck in the past.Move on guys....dont criticize the conscience of our founding fathers.
Exactly where did he get owned? Lol this pathetic lady doesn't have any manners
You sometimes loose your manners when you are debating with`a absolute moron....

she kept interrupting Zaid Hamid whenever it was his turn to refute her BS claims while on the other hand he kept silent whenever it was her turn to speak,

Please dont turn Zaid Hamid into an angel that he is not...the man is as loud as it gets especially if the other person gives in...he tried to do that at the very opening of the show...mohotarma just returned the favor...

is that what you call getting owned?

Yes that is exactly what getting owned means..in worldwide dictionary....Zaid Hamid did not remain silent by choice...he remained silent and resorted to reciting verses because he did not have any counter points...

Speaking over someone when its their turn to speak? wow. She can't debate for sh!t,

Ohhh yes ...Debate she can.....and nicely too for that matter...like she said....you can only debate with a view point; you really cant do a gentleman debate with a person filled with Hate and Supidity like Zaid Hamid....In your words ...If she would have done a gentleman kind of debate with a buzzer given to each candidate then Zaid Hamid would have brow beaten her death....People like him deserves this kind of Debate..

and she has the audacity to speak against the foundation of Pakistan and its existence as a whole, traitors like her need to be sent to india for good.

I dont know about founding fathers and i did not understand that part of debate..so will not comment....however Zaid's comment on her attire were extremely distateful....and she handed the lollypop to him...he ate his words when she countered Kashmir with balochistan (which in all respects should be the Nations utmost pre-rogative, stop putting your nose in other's matters)...he again went blank when she talked about Afghan jihad....No sir - she was excellent in her debate....Zaid for sure got owned in the debate......

and ohh please she's your problem..deal with it ...you already have enough mumtaz qadri's in your country incited by people like Zaid Hamid to take care of your problem....anyways she wont ;ast long enough judging by people's reaction on this forum...we are still solving the problem that you guys gave to us in Kashmir, dont want this headache..
Why don't you carve out an another country for your minorities?

I think by deciding to stay in Pakistan in 1947 they have already shown their allegiance to Pakistan directly and to two nation theory on which Pakistan is established indirectly. They had the choice to reject Pakistan and two nation theory by moving to Bharat like many others, which they didn't. End of story??

Don't you think you came up with a stupid question to negate two nation theory. I think Pakistani minorities already made their choice way back in 1947 and we who support two nation theory respect their choice and decision.
I think by deciding to stay in Pakistan in 1947 they have already shown their allegiance to Pakistan directly and to two nation theory on which Pakistan is established indirectly. They had the choice to reject Pakistan and two nation theory by moving to Bharat like many others, which they didn't. End of story??

Don't you think you came up with a stupid question to negate two nation theory. I think Pakistani minorities already made their choice way back in 1947 and we who support two nation theory respect their choice and decision.

pakistan's minorities have been let down by their own government, and their own people. they were deceived in 1947. they were promised a secular state, instead were given an islamic republic.
pakistan's minorities have been let down by their own government, and their own people. they were deceived in 1947. they were promised a secular state, instead were given an islamic republic.

But they knew that on which theory Pakistan is going be established. Didn't they?
People like Zaid Hamid are only as intelligent as their opposition is ignorant. He can only show off his so called 'knowledge' in front of naive college kids or in the company of militant mullahs who share his extremist ideologies and conspiracy theories. Give him a well educated, well read person like this woman to debate with and his reputation will be shred to pieces as it was in this case. He even resorted to showing the picture of Bal Thackrey and both the woman and the anchor took offence to it. Only a childish person would resort to that. In the end he took offence at the way she dressed....what a moron.

---------- Post added at 11:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:08 AM ----------

But they knew that on which theory Pakistan is going be established. Didn't they?

I heard from many sources that Pakistan was established as a home for Indian Muslims not as a Islamic state.
The lal topi walla lunatic Zaid Hamid is a funny guy; 1 has to admit!!!
However he did shut up that ungrateful lady …… :bounce:

I take some of my words back.
I didn’t bother to watch the whole interview before I commented because I have seen him babbling on like an uncontrollable Frankenstein many times before.
Then I did watch the full interview and he didnt shut her up but both were barking aloud unsurprisingly.
When I again saw it not only is he delusional but also a very dangerous individual.

We don’t need extremists like him , pak was created for all and to deny equal rights for minorities is a civil crime which should be punishable by automatic jail sentence or complete ban.
The dangerous part is that he fought with militants against soviets and claims to have been wounded by shrapnel.

I wonder if there is shrapnel in his brain that’s turning him in to Michael Jackson???
Btw is the woman Pakistani or Indian hindu???? ( Please correct me if I’m wrong)

Nevertheless I can understand why some Pakistanis like him , being son of a path col who also fought against the Russians many may consider him a hero for pak.
Anyways no offence to ZH lovers, he basically repeats what most of us already know I just don’t rate him highly that’s all.

wht do you find funny in ZH ?

You mean you never seen a clown before?????
Good one by that lady.
She showed that red topi monkey the real face of him. The lal topi was so pathetic that he was enchanting Koranic verses against her so that some mullah can bully her for Blashphemy. If you can not defend yourself, start enchanting Koranic slogans; What a coward.
you need to be very careful before discussing this topic....... she is a liar and denying the basic formula or agenda on which we came into being............. that sir zaid hamid is absolutley right .........
Nobody has a problem with what you believe. You are free to call the day, night and vice-versa.

The problem arises when you want others (us) to believe what you want to believe.

Muslims are different than Hindus in every aspect so what is there so confusing for you for which we should want you to believe this?

2. You Hindus in India are also even different than each others in terms of your own faith so how come you bharatis are still dreaming of terming Muslims and Hindus the same ?

3. Two Nation theory of was created by Hindu extremists much before 47 and it led to creation of Pakistan.

So Marvi auntie should look within and ask her ancestors for explaination
pakistan's minorities have been let down by their own government, and their own people. they were deceived in 1947. they were promised a secular state, instead were given an islamic republic.
hahaha..... pakistan's minorities were never let down as it always happens in hindustan...... how can u say a secular pakistan was promised when the slogan is pakistan resolution meant that a muslim country...............and basic formula was to unite all the muslim majority areas to form a new muslim state in subcontinent
hahaha..... pakistan's minorities were never let down as it always happens in hindustan...... how can u say a secular pakistan was promised when the slogan is pakistan resolution meant that a muslim country...............and basic formula was to unite all the muslim majority areas to form a new muslim state in subcontinent

Good point.
By the way, Iqbal's letter to Times, as referred to by Ms Sirmed is this one:


The text is:

Sir,— Writing in your issue of October 3 last, Dr. E. Thompson has torn the following passage from its context in my presidential address to the All-India Moslem League of last December, in order to serve as evidence of “Pan-Islamic plotting”:

I would like to see the Punjab, North-West Frontier Province, Sind, and Baluchistan amalgamated into a single State. Self-government within the British Empire or without the British Empire, the formation of a consolidated North-West Indian Moslem State appears to me to be the final destiny of the *******, at least of North-West India.​

May I tell Dr. Thompson that in this passage I do not put forward a “demand” for a Moslem state outside the British Empire, but only a guess at the possible outcome in the dim future of the mighty forces now shaping the destiny of the Indian sub-continent. No Indian Moslem with any pretence to sanity contemplates a Moslem state or series of States in North-West India outside the British commonwealth of Nations as a plan of practical politics.

Although I would oppose the creation of another cockpit of communal strife in the Central Punjab, as suggested by some enthusiasts, I am all for a redistribution of India into provinces with effective majorities of one community or another on lines advocated both by the Nehru and the Simon Reports. Indeed, my suggestion regarding Moslem provinces merely carries forward this idea. A series of contented and well-organized Moslem provinces on the North-West Frontier of India would be the bulwark of India and of the British Empire against the hungry generations of the Asiatic highlands.

Yours faithfully,
Muhammed Iqbal
St. James’s court, S.W.1, Oct. 10.


Sorry if it was already posted.
who are you to tell us what is better or not for us ?
why you indians have problem in this ?

Well, it just boggles my mind when your ancestors left half of your muslim brothers in India and ran away to create a country called Pakistan. If they thought Hindus and muslims cannot coexist, what was their plan for the muslims left behind? And those muslims left behind don't seem to be suffering any worse then the muslims in your country and if anything doing better in many areas. Doesn't it make you question that theory?
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