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Zaid Hamid versus Marvi Sirmed on Najam Sethi's show

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America pays her............

Good job zaid hamid
Back to my Indian state, I have seen some Muslim Womens with Burqa wearing Bindi.

In Bangladesh many muslim women wear Bindi/Tilak. In Indonesia and Malaysia Muslims bore Hindu/sakskrit sounding names.
Those that do think so are idiotic..
they belong in the same class that considers Shalwar kameez or turban an "Islamic" dress.. no such thing.

Saree can be allowed for a muslim women only if it covers all her body parts , but if you by saree meant something that after wearing left your belly naked , like most of designs now a days than it can't be allowed.

Anything that covers a women each and everybody part and can't make any body part prominent can be allowed , but anything may it be shalwar kameez which exposes any body part can't be allowed .
Najam Sethi never rejected 2-nation theory, he said that Muslims wanted political and
economic protection and this was the aim of Jinnah. This was reinforced by the extremist
behavior of right wing people in Congress at the time.

Anyways, the idea was the historical heroes, food, clothing, holidays, values, traditions and religion
of Muslims are different from Hindus.
Thus indeed they were a separate nation, no matter how much
some one denies it, the reality can't change.

This mentality of dividing the people on the basis of religion and culture etc.. is precisely the reason, why you people could not even remain united with your Muslim albeit culturally different countrymen in the East.

"United we Stand..divide you fell"
The basis of our existence is the ‘Ideology of Pakistan’. Therefore, each one of us must endeavour to pass it on to our future generations. Gen Kayani
""It is extremely difficult to appreciate why our Hindu friends fail
to understand the real nature of Islam and Hinduism. They are not
religions in the strict sense of the word, but are, in fact, different and
distinct social orders. It is a dream that the Hindus and Muslims can
ever evolve a common nationality, and this misconception of one
Indian nation has gone far beyond the limits, and is the cause of most
of our troubles, and will lead India to destruction, if we fail to revise
our notions in time. The Hindus and the Muslims belong to two
different religious philosophies, social customs, and literature. They
neither intermarry, nor interdine together, and indeed they belong to
two different civilizations which are based mainly on conflicting ideas
and conceptions. Their aspects on life and of life are different. It is
quite clear that Hindus and Musalmans derive their inspiration from
different sources of history. They have different epics, their heroes
are different, and they have different episodes. Very often the hero of
one is a foe of the other, and likewise, their victories and defeats
To yoke together two such nations under a single State, one
as a numerical minority and the other as a majority, must lead to
growing discontent and the final destruction of any fabric that may be
so built up for the government of such a State."
(pp. 56) -Presidential address to Muslim League by Quid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah (1940)
Good one by that lady.
She showed that red topi monkey the real face of him. The lal topi was so pathetic that he was enchanting Koranic verses against her so that some mullah can bully her for Blashphemy. If you can not defend yourself, start enchanting Koranic slogans; What a coward.

If you don't know the meanings of those Verses...........than better shut your mouth.
sabas behan.. lal topi wale ka muh kala kar diya :yahoo:
If you don't know the meanings of those Verses...........than better shut your mouth.

You can not shut our mouth don't even try to do. Do your bullying to your own minorities.

Its ethically stupid and offencive using a different language or uttering something which others do not understand.

Its would be my fault if i start talking to an Australian in Punjabi when he doesn't know squat about it. Specially when we both are working some where for a cause or are up to some debate for some good reasons. Its highly offencive cursing someone or doing symbolic ridicule of him with some own religious nonsense.
If you don't know the meanings of those Verses...........than better shut your mouth.

problem is not abt the verses,he was using them to sidestep her assault,he should have handled it head on rather.He failed there bro.
Jo "sabas behan" ne apni izzar rulvaa li woh nazar nahi aye ap bhai ko? hahaha.. she was ridiculous from start till end.. and there are only few people like her who like to negate two nations theory.. surely it is the line Indians like to carry but who cares.
lmao she lost the plot totally..Although I don't subscribe to Zaid Hamid's Views but he clearly ripped her a new one.

Maybe we watched different videos , but i totally think ZH got owned in this video really bad...the man was fumbling with words in the end and resorted to reciting verses and bravado dialogues when he had no counter points....I thought she was pretty good in the debate and ZH came out extremely weak...why do you think she was totally lost.....
She is a patriotic character for sure.. but her patriotism is for India.
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