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Zaid Hamid Sentenced to 8 years in Jail and 1200 Lashes

I am Barelvi and I think the Barelvi sect has been more "folk" Islam with belief adopted from local pagans. Qawwali music, year round Milad-u-Nabi, Nyaz, etc and other customs have been modified from paganism.

No brother! The Ulema Ikram are very knowledgeable and please ask them about any ''folkloric'' practices you've encountered. The Hanafi school has the least strict ruling on Music - Qawwali, but there are conditions. There is evidence for Milad un Nabi as'salaamthu was'salaam. Customs modified from pagans cannot be Islamic. Instead of going through all of your points, please talk to a QUALIFIED Mufti.
I think this is a necessary evil to remind the rest of us how lucky we are. Currently, only 4 nations have such levels of autocracy where you are jailed indefinitely for criticizing 'holier than thou' leadership. Two of them are Communist regimes and the other two claim to follow 'Shariah Laws' but @TankMan will disagree:

  • North Korea
  • China
  • Iran
  • Saudi Arabia

And sometimes they get arrested for their political past, as it happened with our Zaid Hamid.

I don't particularly care for ZH and his views but I think, it is travesty of justice the way Saudia is treating him. They would not dare do this to a US or UK citizen. I also oppose death penalty and corporal punishment. I

I would not put Iran or even China on that list. Iran is far more progressive than the media would have us believe - possibly the most progressive Muslim country in the Muslim world along with Turkey.
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And sometimes they get arrested for their political past, as it happened with our Zaid Hamid.

I don't particularly care for ZH and his views but I think, it is travesty of justice the way Saudia is treating him. They would not dare do this to a US or UK citizen. I also oppose death penalty and corporal punishment. I

I would not put Iran or even China on that list. Iran is far more progressive than the media would have us believe - possibly the most progressive Muslim country in the Muslim world along with Turkey.

Interesting how the claimed travesty of justice is being highlighted only now, not when SA executes Pakistani nationals without internationally recognized due process, for drug related crimes particularly. Selective outrage does not mean much.
zaid hamid like most nutjobs believed in sharia so it is fair that he punished using sharia dictated lashes or whatever.

Sharia Law is the Quran, Sunnah (as'salaathu was'salaam) and ijmah sahaba radi'Allahu anhum! It would be nice for you to research before making a fool of yourself. According to the video in OP, he's being punished for blaspheme of the Royals''. Criticising the House of Al Saud is not blaspheme. Then again who said, ''Saudia Arabia'' follows sharia!
No brother! The Ulema Ikram are very knowledgeable and please ask them about any ''folkloric'' practices you've encountered. The Hanafi school has the least strict ruling on Music - Qawwali, but there are conditions. There is evidence for Milad un Nabi as'salaamthu was'salaam. Customs modified from pagans cannot be Islamic. Instead of going through all of your points, please talk to a QUALIFIED Mufti.
Oh puleezee there is no evidence for milad u nabbi.
And dont know what madrassah u went to ,u were taught some weird stuff
These are the same members who would abuse and insult other's faiths and sects and call it the freedom of speech but when you reply them in a similar tone,all of a sudden all the blame is put on you and then ironically you are the one called sectarian and unfortunately they are readily tolerated by PDF administration here..Expecting rationality from these Brainwashed sectarian oriented people is worthless and obviously waste of time...
Yes i know and a particular mod wont allow a word against fanatic shia ideology but wahabism will be easily criticized. Its such a dire need that ppl know that how toxic both extreme shia and wahabi ideologies are. And also media totally avoids covering shia extremism but some of us who have seen weird stuff coming from shias and followed varied news sources specialy news abt shia iraqi and irani govs role in the initial formation of isis know.

Who said there isn't? Are you asking, or telling me?
Wont argue with u ,u have some very weird beliefs.
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Yes i know and a particular mod wont allow a word against fanatic shia ideology but wahabism will be widely talked abt. Its such a dire need that ppl know that how toxic both extreme ideologies are. And also media totally avoids covering shia extremism but some of us who have seen weird stuff from shias and followed varied news sources specialy news abt shia iraqi and irani govs role in the initial formation of isis know.

Wont argue with u ,u have some very weird beliefs.

Bahan ji, this is ghibat wa bhuthan!:astagh:
Man, the Saudis are really having a nightmare recently - every move they make is wrong!

ZH is a big mouth and an imbecile tbh, but he is a friend of KSA - Saudis have shot themselves in the foot again with this.

Surely it would have made sense to reason with him and send him on his merry way. They just made a total enemy of him.

Hopefully when he returns he will unleash tirade on TV.
After he returns TV channels will pay him heavy for TRPs

In 2007 he had his own tv show where he delivered hours and hours of material. I found it to be a proud moment, first time I saw a Pakistani introspect in such extreme detail. Gives me hope for the future.

If you look past his India bashing and Islamic theological crap he his an incredibly detailed analyst and one of the best orators in South Asia. No question of a doubt. I am just very thankful he was born a Pakistani.

If he is imprisoned in Saudi then this is big nail in the coffin for freedom of speech and dignity of Pakistan not being able to safeguard the people who work in their media regardless of their bias. Huge slap on the face.
no interest whatsoever in research of quran or sharia; that is what would be foolish as you have proved. anyway may be I should simplify for those skull damaged - go camel whip each other all you want ! who cares

btw, quran and sharia are not one and the same but I have no interest in arguing on this numbskull topic

If you have no interest in finding out then don't post on things that expose your ignorance.

Sharia means law. But shortened and given meaning is Ash'arital-Islamia = The Islamic Law. It is from Quran, Sunnah, Ijma and Qiyas of Ulema ikram.

Again Sir, you're over your head by making foolish statements.
So is there really any authenticity to this news? Or its one of those "I wish" news?

Outspoken people usually get harsher punishments, should be careful what they say.
Really..... this news made me so happy.....I wish to see the video while zzh being flogged
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