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Zaid Hamid Sentenced to 8 years in Jail and 1200 Lashes

Interesting how the claimed travesty of justice is being highlighted only now, not when SA executes Pakistani nationals without internationally recognized due process, for drug related crimes particularly. Selective outrage does not mean much.

I certainly did not agree with lot of his views but I support his right to free speach. I resent his arbitrary arrest and Pakistan government needs to make the Saudi's know that we take dim view of their treatment of our people.

Whilst yes without a doubt we should make big song and dance about every Pak national who gets short shrift of Saudi justice but we have to accept that ZH would get lot of attention because he is well known.

As regards selective outrage I would choose the "mother lode" that being the case of the American Muslim recieving a opened can of coke. That had our people contorting and agonizing but entirely overlook the 1,000 massacre of the Shia Hazara in Quetta.

So a opened can of coke caused more furore then 1,000 murdered Pakistani's in Quetta? Their crime apparently was they got murdered by Pakistani's. Had they been murdered by American's there would have been mass demonstrations.
I certainly did not agree with lot of his views but I support his right to free speach. I resent his arbitrary arrest and Pakistan government needs to make the Saudi's know that we take dim view of their treatment of our people.

Whilst yes without a doubt we should make big song and dance about every Pak national who gets short shrift of Saudi justice but we have to accept that ZH would get lot of attention because he is well known.

As regards selective outrage I would choose the "mother lode" that being the case of the American Muslim recieving a opened can of coke. That had our people contorting and agonizing but entirely overlook the 1,000 massacre of the Shia Hazara in Quetta.

So a opened can of coke caused more furore then 1,000 murdered Pakistani's in Quetta? Their crime apparently was they got murdered by Pakistani's. Had they been murdered by American's there would have been mass demonstrations.

I am waiting for the formal charges to be known first. May be it is something other than a freedom of speech issue? Nobody knows, for now.
I am waiting for the formal charges to be know first. May be it is something other than a freedom of speech issue? Nobody knows, for now.

As a fellow Pakistani I genuinly feel bad for him, I really do. I never quite understood his gibberish but I never doubted his patriotism. I felt he wasted his talent as he was a natural born comediane. I hope he gets back to his family at the earliest and learns his lesson. Stay away from House of Saud ...
As a fellow Pakistani I genuinly feel bad for him, I really do. I never quite understood his gibberish but I never doubted his patriotism. I felt he wasted his talent as he was a natural born comediane. I hope he gets back to his family at the earliest and learns his lesson. Stay away from House of Saud ...

Fair enough. I can say I do not mind him being in this predicament. :D
If you have no interest in finding out then don't post on things that expose your ignorance.

Sharia means law. But shortened and given meaning is Ash'arital-Islamia = The Islamic Law. It is from Quran, Sunnah, Ijma and Qiyas of Ulema ikram.

Again Sir, you're over your head by making foolish statements.

why do you persist arguing the impossible. In your own blather you are proving these two are not one and the same. Stuff it man...This sort of derivative misstatements (law->shoretened->'given meaning...bla bla) nonsense is the same pseudo logic used by islamics to wriggle out circular logic and islamists to entice kids to radicalism. Don't elevate things like this higher than they deserve.

The only thing that matters is the law of the land. Act within it or go to jail
why do you persist arguing the impossible. In your own blather you are proving these two are not one and the same. Stuff it man...This sort of derivative misstatements (law->shoretened->'given meaning...bla bla) nonsense is the same pseudo logic used by islamics to wriggle out circular logic and islamists to entice kids to radicalism. Don't elevate things like this higher than they deserve.

The only thing that matters is the law of the land. Act within it or go to jail

I'm not bothering with you as you're misleading people. I'm clarifying for those who don't know.

The word Sharia linguistically means 'Law'. However, Islamically it means 'Islamic Law'. In the same way Salah linguistically means to suppllicate. However, Islamically it means to do namaz.

Sharia = Quran

All other matters mentioned below are an explanation of the rulings.

(Sunah is the explanation (tafseer) to the Quran; Ijmah Sahaba (collective opinion of the companions of the Nabi as'salaathu was'salaam) of Hadith; Qiyas (analogy) for example ''drugs'', ''smoking'' was not done in the past times, so Ulama Ikram decide on the ruling for modern times).

I trust the viewers can follow the logic of the explanation. If you can't let me know and I'll try harder!

As for the poster; I do follow law of the land. Pakistan implements old English Law, NOT Sharia. Go to Jail for what?
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''Defense Analyst'' means nothing. It is a self-proclaimed title.

At least we didn't have Submarine Swamy the twitter Hindutvawadi as a minister and party president, and I won't even mention Modi Ji. Look at yourself before giving sarcastic salams to others, lest you be labelled a hypocrite.

So you endorse lashes and jailing for people who say things that go against your views? And then you're surprised when people use the term ''Liberal Fascist'' :D

Swamy has a PhD in economics from Harvard University and was Asst Professor in economics at Harvard for almost a decade. Modi-ji is the Prime Minister of India, a country of 1.3 billion people. So you comparing them to someone such as Zaid Hamid who I am sure cannot add 2 and 2 reflect badly on your title of Tink Tank. Come up with a better comparison next time.
This is called karma...He was an advocate of an Arab religion..he was spitting venom against the land and religion of his ancestors just because that Arab religion is against paganism...see the result?I strongly believe in karma.
But if this is true and if pak doesn't get him back,it shows its impotency..no country can just arrest a person like that..he was on a visit to that country and suddenly Arab police come and arrest him..unless he was found with any evidence that should be punishable ,Saudi or any country can't arrest foreigners like that...it shows their arrogance and how cheaply they view pak..can they do the same to a Chinese,Indian,US or some Europe citizen?

Buddy every religion originated some where Islam originated in Arabia (yet only 30% muslims r arabs 70% are non arabs), Christianity in middle east (most christians today are white and rarely u would see a middle eastern coptic christian), judaism again in middle east (80%jews are european ashkanazis very few are middle eastern jews ) , Bhuddism is India yet most bhuddists are in South east Asia (China, other countries) and rarely will u ever see an Indian Bhuddist, your attitude reflects a blinkered approach, learn to respect humanity and kindly try to shun away this bigoted mindset, Regards
Swamy has a PhD in economics from Harvard University and was Asst Professor in economics at Harvard for almost a decade. Modi-ji is the Prime Minister of India, a country of 1.3 billion people.
Yet this PhD from Harvard has a mindset akin to that of uneducated Mullahs, which led Harvard University itself to condemn him as "reprehensible".
So you comparing them to someone such as Zaid Hamid who I am sure cannot add 2 and 2 reflect badly on your title of Tink Tank. Come up with a better comparison next time.
Your being unable to spell the word ''Think'' reflects badly on your title as a 'Senior Member'.

I don't need to come up with a better comparison.

Zaid Hamid speaks of the Muslim Ummah becoming a united superpower and Swamy speaks of a ''Hindu Rashtra'' superpower.

Zaid Hamid speaks of RAW conspiracies while Swamy blames the ISI for everything from the movie ''PK'' to his toilet getting clogged.
Dubai, ISI have funded movie PK: Subramanian Swamy

Look at this joker. What better comparison do I need?

You're right actually, it's no comparison. Zaid Hamid is a nobody compared to the following Swamy has. Swamy has actually held major positions within Indian politics. Reflects the mindset predominant in India.

But of course you won't condemn this guy, because he feeds you what fits your preconceived ideas. Zaid Hamid is the devil himself for making such claims, but Swamy is the voice of pure truth when he spreads conspiracy theories. Zaid Hamid is an evil Jihadi when he talks about a Muslim Ummah but Swamy is an angel when he says that only Hindus should be allowed to vote. Hypocrisy at its finest.
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Yet this PhD from Harvard has a mindset akin to that of uneducated Mullahs, which led Harvard University itself to condemn him as "reprehensible".

Your being unable to spell the word ''Think'' reflects badly on your title as a 'Senior Member'.

I don't need to come up with a better comparison.

Zaid Hamid speaks of the Muslim Ummah becoming a united superpower and Swamy speaks of a ''Hindu Rashtra'' superpower.

Zaid Hamid speaks of RAW conspiracies while Swamy blames the ISI for everything from the movie ''PK'' to his toilet getting clogged.
Dubai, ISI have funded movie PK: Subramanian Swamy

Look at this joker. What better comparison do I need?

You're right actually, it's no comparison. Zaid Hamid is a nobody compared to the following Swamy has. Swamy has actually held major positions within Indian politics. Reflects the mindset predominant in India.

But of course you won't condemn this guy, because he feeds you what fits your preconceived ideas. Zaid Hamid is the devil himself for making such claims, but Swamy is the voice of pure truth when he spreads conspiracy theories. Zaid Hamid is an evil Jihadi when he talks about a Muslim Ummah but Swamy is an angel when he says that only Hindus should be allowed to vote. Hypocrisy at its finest.

When people stop 'thinking' they start 'tinking'. Swamy never speaks of a Hindu Rashtra. He is nationalist. His daughter married a Muslim.

Swamy has his own views, you may agree or not agree, but his intelligence can never be questioned.
Swamy never speaks of a Hindu Rashtra.
He does.

His statement, “Declare India a Hindu Rashtra in which non-Hindus can vote only if they proudly acknowledge that their ancestors were Hindus” Is what resulted in Harvard condemning his views as ''reprehensible''
Harvard drops Indian MP Subramanian Swamy's courses - BBC News

You are trying to defend the indefensible by lying about his statements, statements he proudly stands by.
He does.

His statement, “Declare India a Hindu Rashtra in which non-Hindus can vote only if they proudly acknowledge that their ancestors were Hindus” Is what resulted in Harvard condemning his views as ''reprehensible''
Harvard drops Indian MP Subramanian Swamy's courses - BBC News

You are trying to defend the indefensible by lying about his statements, statements he proudly stands by.

There is nothing to defend here. His ideas about India has nothing to do with Hindu supremacy. He is nationalist. And his ideas about Islam is do with Ummah concept that give importance to brotherhood over nationalism.
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