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Zaid Hamid Sentenced to 8 years in Jail and 1200 Lashes

Zaid Hamid. He is a Pakistani citizen. His views are irrelevant. He is our boy.

He is just as much a Pakistani citizen as all the other Pakistanis beheaded, lashed and jailed by Saudi Arabia, no more and no less.
Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid has always been on the edge. He was bewitched by heretic Yusuf Kazzab and he may have possibly committed blasphemy himself. Zaid has wild imagination sounded conspiracy theorist but also presented legitimate strategic analysis. Saudi Arabia has their own laws and he will be prosecuted. Indians seems very happy about it.
no problem as long as you let us lesser Sunnis in peace and dont turn us in to pieces

there is no problem with a wahabi as long as he or she keeps his fatwas and takfiri fatwas to him/ herself and dont put it into words or action

Amen to that
ZH's ranting dont bother me but it is really sick of the KSA goons to nab him while he was visitng the place with his family just because he criticised the KSA's role in the middle east.
what do they think they are? bigger and better than Muhammad PUH and his Caliphs? who would face people demanding explanations.
I think we all have a problem of filtering free speech. I have lived in the UAE for a bit and as a result have become sympathetic towards them but even I will be labelled a traitor when I call for equal rights and freedom of speech, something the arab monarchies have learned to curb. I think it would be wise for us to research what that has done to some people, like that Baloch guy and Iyad El Baghdadi who have been pushed out of the country for doing the same. Thats in the UAE. Also the first game to ever be produced about the UAE, something great, was banned in the UAE. Its called spec ops the line.

I think the first thing our monarchies need to learn is that criticism does not weaken, but has the capability to strengthen. Until we realize that by pointing out wrongs and evils in our society we can help build a better society, a free society we will eternally remain trapped in the same mindset. The mindset we are talking is also existent in Pakistan. I mean we too have been ruled by dictators, we too have had such problems. Youtube ban, Rimsha Masih, Malala labelled a traitor.
no problem as long as you let us lesser Sunnis in peace and dont turn us in to pieces

there is no problem with a wahabi as long as he or she keeps his fatwas and takfiri fatwas to him/ herself and dont put it into words or action

Amen to that
ZH's ranting dont bother me but it is really sick of the KSA goons to nab him while he was visitng the place with his family just because he criticised the KSA's role in the middle east.
what do they think they are? bigger and better than Muhammad PUH and his Caliphs? who would face people demanding explanations.

Irfan bhai first they granted him visa.......... When he arrived they arrested him! Shoo maskhara?
This hypocrisy never happened before as far as I know. They had their arse hurt when we refused them sending our army.
As I said before his trolling aside, if Pakistan has some self-respect left government should intervene and get him back otherwise they will spare nay one who is against royal faggots. Look at the state of our 'proud' Pakistanis (even in this thread) who are happy for his arrest. For Raymond Davis - we sprayed only shyt on our faces. Spineless just like our government!
That's Abd al-Wahhab, founder of your religious sect:

Why are you lying and posting misinformation here?

1) Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab al-Tamimi was born in 1703 and died at the age of 89 years in 1792. Before the photography was invented.

History of photography - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The man on that photo has nothing to do with Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab al-Tamimi. There are no known photos of him.

Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2) There is nothing called "Wahhabism" and nobody calls himself that in KSA and those who do it outside of KSA are mistaken.

3) What is now KSA is the cradle of Islam and where Sunni Islam, Shia Islam and Sufism originated. My legacy as a Hijazi and that of 70% of all Saudi Arabians (people NOT from Najd) is Sunni Islam, Shia Islam and Sufism. People of Najd probably are of a similar opinion as they are part of Arabia.

4) To this day in KSA you can find all major Sunni Muslim madahib (Shafi'i, Maliki, Hanbali, Hanafi) and Shia Muslim madahib (Zaydi, Ismaili & Twelver) and Sufism indigenously in KSA as the only Muslim country out there depending on the historical region and province of KSA.

5) People in KSA openly criticize the leaders in the media, on the internet and IN PERSON (during daily majlis meetings all across KSA).

Majlis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

6) I have critized certain policies in KSA openly here on PDF for months (if not years), the rulers and so has every Saudi Arabian user on PDF. None of us have ever been detained or questioned. You have no clue about the criticism that is labelled at officials in KSA on Twitter, Facebook etc. Saudi Arabians happen to be one of the most active people on social media and unlike China, Iran, North Korea there is free access to those media.


7) Your presence during Hajj and Umrah is a matter between you and Allah (swt) if you are a Muslim but rest ASSURED that millions upon millions of Muslims all over the planet are eager to take your place should you be lucky to have such an opportunity.

8) I have no clue who this Zaid Hamid is but rest assured that he was not solely arrested due to what certain media elements have reported. There is certainly more to this story than meets the eye in any case he must be shameless to think that he after apparently insulting KSA heavily can visit like nothing happened.

9) You, me nor anybody else on PDF have any clue about why he is apparently arrested and what the verdict will be if there will even be any.

10) You have still a lot to learn about the Arab world and KSA and quick visits on Wikipedia won't make you an expert.

11) Blaming all of your country's problems and miseries on KSA won't make them disappear and the cold hard truth is that KSA has little to do with those problems just like the problems of KSA have little to do with outsiders. That's the case with 99% of all countries.

12) KSA like all other developing countries has its ills (some big some smaller) but the government and people are working to change that. Yet there are also a lot of positives and the usual ignorant writing of a few users here and their demonization only shows the level of those persons and their lack of knowledge and obsession.

13) PDF still has a challenge when it comes to constructive dialogue. You might wonder why so many respected senior Arab users have left (not only form KSA) as well while you are at it. Users who have never been anti-Pakistan.

14) Have a nice day.
Very informative! Good post. :)

I forgot another absolutely crucial detail.

A few influential House of Saud family members (they number no more than 100 people, even certain grandsons of King Saud and their descendants have been stripped off any influence completely, some have went to exile etc.) and their policies (for good and bad) have NOTHING to do with the 25 million Saudi Arabians as we have never elected them nor do we frankly have much of a say in what they are doing.

So if you want to demonize them then fair enough you are free to do so (many locals dislike them too) but stop insulting ordinary Saudi Arabians.

The truth is that some users here and some media outlets are trying desperately to demonize Saudi Arabians as people but nothing could be further from the truth among the vast majority of people.

When you even have Hindu Indian, Westerners etc. who have lived or live in KSA and mostly only have positives to tell about the people and country (despite obviously not agreeing with all politics or laws) here on PDF you know that this "demonization campaign" as I call it has little sense.

Lastly no, I am not a so-called "Wahhabi" and I don't know a single such person. I am a Muslim that follows the Shafi'i maddhab and I have no problem with any sect like the vast majority of all Saudi Arabians. If that was not the case 20% of the non-Sunni Muslims and 70% of all Saudi Arabians (non-Hanbalis which you and some others call "Wahhabis") would long ago have been forcibly converted to "Hanbalism"/"Wahhabism" as you call but that's not the case.

What should change though is a bigger diversity in terms of the clergy and the sects followed by them as the "official clergy" and Najdi-based clergy indeed promotes the Hanbali fiqh openly and most of the KSA laws are interpreted using this madhhab unless stated otherwise. Shia's for instance have their own laws.

P.S.: I know that probably nobody will read my 2 posts because they are too long but if people bothered reading them their horizon might brighten a bit just like mine has when I have discussed certain issues on PDF, elsewhere or in real life where I did not know everything about topic x or y.
When you even have Hindu Indian, Westerners etc. who have lived or live in KSA and mostly only have positives to tell about the people and country (despite obviously not agreeing with all politics or laws) you know that this "demonization campaign" as I call it has little sense.

We criticize certain policies since we feel close to Saudi Arabia.
Yes. I am not a Wahhabi. But I have been targeted by the Qadianis. What if I also post pictures of Qadiani leaders then I might get banned, But its OK for others to post picture of Wahhabi leader ?
The person abd al wahab is unnecessarily maligned individual.what ppl call extreme wahabism etc he is never the one who brought that. There was a time when ppl were deviating from correct islamic practices he spoke against that and revived the teachings. He never even called it wahabsism or naything as such,. These were the titles associated with him much later. Whenever i come on these forums i honestly find ppl so stupid and idiotic that they dont study history and believe in hearsay and propagate it. Anyways, current extreme wahabism has nothing to with this guy. He is just highly maligned for pointing out to ppl several incorrect practices which mainly include stuff like grave worship that in current times we see as mizar parasti and so called sufism .
The person abd al wahab is unnecessarily maligned individual.what ppl call extreme wahabism He is just highly maligned for pointing out to ppl several incorrect practices which mainly include stuff like grave worship that in current times we see as mizar parasti and so called sufism .

I am Barelvi and I think the Barelvi sect has been more "folk" Islam with belief adopted from local pagans. Qawwali music, year round Milad-u-Nabi, Nyaz, etc and other customs have been modified from paganism.
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