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Zaid Hamid made silent? By who?

The US -- India policy was actually debated, and polished up in the late seventies based upon assessments and scenarios presented by various think tanks. Geopolitical landscape kept changing in this part of the world since then, various US governments came and went but policy objectives remained intact and when the time came -- they started working on that policy.

We have one of the best intelligence agencies but a trash policy. We have the tools but do not know where to and how to use them for long term results.:pakistan:

The theory of dynamics can not be applied to our beloved Pakistan. We need to apply the theory of statics. How can we expect people to adjust the key policies to the contemporary geo-political dynamics when majority of the population is virtually illiterate or ill educated ? When we go to a tea stall to have a cup of tea , we hear people discussing on going back to the 7th century socio-political configuration. The staffs of the Government, PA or ISI or the policy makers represent these common people other than from Mars or Venus.
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