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Zaid Hamid made silent? By who?


Jul 21, 2009
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Hello my countrymen,

Has anybody realized that Zaid Hamid is silent/barred from public appearance since 23rd March 2010 after he presented the Takmeel-e-Pakistan resolution. He went for it in-spite of the fact that Government didn't allow him and since then he is not appearing anywhere on TV/Internet/Interviews at all.

In the last two weekly programs, he had hit the government where it hurts the most. He said this government doesn't have illegibility, capacity or caliber to deliver and this government must be replaced by care-taker setup composed of technocrats. That was the first direct attack on the present setup which I believe is taken seriously and Government has realized what Zaid can do to them. I don't know if this is government who has forcefully stopped him from any public appearance of is he silent on purpoose... but Zaid is not visible to public since then.

Has anybody some singight what is actually happening? Zaid had to quote a verse of Allama Iqbal ke

Ishq ko faryad lazim thi so woh ho chuki...
Ab zara dil tham ke is faryad ki taseer dekh

Is Zaid waiting for what Iqbal awaited? Is Government stopping him? What is logic behind this silence? Americans were very worried about his rapidly growing popularity in Pakistan.. have they b!tched with this nation yet again? If somebody has insights on this aspect, please share that.
No, don't be paranoid. After the killing of that Cleric in Karachi, he sort of backed away from the limelight. Thats what I think it is and Hamid is only famous to a select amount of people anyway.
people like zaid hamid, imran khan, MQM and others should join hand to rebel against the present setup of rule in this country, the right voices must reach to the public and deeply, the middle educated class of pakistanis should rise and change the setup, PPP govt has become disgrace to the nation, look how these drunken bast.ards are ruling the country, the overseas pakistanis should support this movement too.
No, don't be paranoid. After the killing of that Cleric in Karachi, he sort of backed away from the limelight. Thats what I think it is and Hamid is only famous to a select amount of people anyway.

You are talking about few months back. The case was not only taken back by the applicants but Zaid kept appearing with the same zeal for almost 2 months afterworlds. That isn't the turning point after which he is silent. He has been appearing publically and even on media as before. He was public until 23rd March but not seen on TV afterwards. I have checked his Facebook community and he is putting articles there as before.. but mainstream media is probably not allowed to highlight him anymore.
You are talking about few months back. The case was not only taken back by the applicants but Zaid kept appearing with the same zeal for almost 2 months afterworlds. That isn't the turning point after which he is silent. He has been appearing publically and even on media as before. He was public until 23rd March but not seen on TV afterwards. I have checked his Facebook community and he is putting articles there as before.. but mainstream media is probably not allowed to highlight him anymore.

you mean media is not allowing him to appear??? going against the govt and criticising them is not good as it is the chor party govt, can go to any extent to protect their "izzat" in media
if he is there on Face book. may be some one should ask him the reason for his absence from Media, But i don't think Government can held him back from passing derogatory remarks on Government as he has been doing this for a long time, but it was obvious he had a higher power backing him which kind of made him untouchable, so if he is off the scene there could be several reasons for that but killing of that Mullah sahab from Khi seems to be the most likely reason for him keeping a low profile.
He got what he deserved , this is what we do to people who dare to speak don't we ?
Hello my countrymen,

Has anybody realized that Zaid Hamid is silent/barred from public appearance since 23rd March 2010 after he presented the Takmeel-e-Pakistan resolution. He went for it in-spite of the fact that Government didn't allow him and since then he is not appearing anywhere on TV/Internet/Interviews at all.

If the government did not allow him, then it was probably illegal for him to present the resolution. Furthermore, there is a difference between him not appearing (which may be voluntarily done by him) and him being barred (officially by the government, in which case, it would be public knowledge).

In the last two weekly programs, he had hit the government where it hurts the most. He said this government doesn't have illegibility, capacity or caliber to deliver and this government must be replaced by care-taker setup composed of technocrats. That was the first direct attack on the present setup which I believe is taken seriously and Government has realized what Zaid can do to them. I don't know if this is government who has forcefully stopped him from any public appearance of is he silent on purpoose... but Zaid is not visible to public since then.

There may be a number of reasons why he has finally shut up.

First of all, he routinely abuses his democratic freedoms. By inciting his followers to become violent (in this case, uprooting the preset government), he can be held accountable for hate mongering, encouraging unlawful behaviour etc. Although I don't think they would bar him for something like this.

Furthermore, just recently, there was an FIR against him for the murder of a leader of the Khatm-e-Naboowat (finality of prophethood) organisation (sorry, i do not remember its name). That may be one reason why he is not speaking publicly.

The third reason could be the fact that he has recently experienced severe backlash from two universities where students disrupted his talks and demanded answers for his alleged involvement with Yussuf Ali (Kazzab).

Is Zaid waiting for what Iqbal awaited? Is Government stopping him? What is logic behind this silence? Americans were very worried about his rapidly growing popularity in Pakistan.. have they b!tched with this nation yet again? If somebody has insights on this aspect, please share that.

A lot of Pakistanis were also worried about his fast growing popularity amongst our youth who seem very inviting of the idea of invading India.

Overall, I think it is good riddance.
I think Zaid Hamid was a breath of fresh air , he eductaed alot of people with history and historic accuracies

We lack people with credible understanding of past deals and discussing political issues with in context of great goals of a nation

I think he should be allowed to be full time analyst

We need this OPENNESS , and DEBATE of real issues in our society which wakes up our core and makes us think instead of being mindless numb zombiles doing what ever gov points us to do.

The most important element in his debates is Hard Fact he does not mumbles he just talks about facts how things are

Sure he gets carried away a times but at least he gets 96% accuracies out in public.

If it was up to our gov and establishmen we would not even know nothing

Our history books specially the chapters in Pakistan Studies
start with Mohammad Bin Qasim ... and with in flip of 2 pages it becomes and so Pakistan was formed

Is 2 Page history is how our nation was formed??

No one debates , death of democratic gov
There are no chapters on Liaqat Ali Assasination
No critical debate on Why exactly why did Afgan war happened
There is no recall of 1971 in any text books 0%
There is no chapter on how Fatima Ali Jinna , the most popular women in Pakistan
never got to be the first women Leader of Muslim Nation?
There is no chapter on Bhutto's landmark speeches in UN which should be part of
leadership course and nationalism
There is absolutely no detail on sacrifices of our soliders in war other then the recipient of Nishan-E- Haidar , and even those details are few and limited

Our Education books are written in such fashion , that they resemble a mental patient who has case of lost memory , he gets flashes of about exactly 2 min , he only remembers only 1-2 lines and does not recalls 3-4 years worth of memory and basd on these 1-2 lines flash backs he is expected to develop understanding of what is Pakistan studies

There are no chapters that talk about Nationalization era of our Industry our Proud period when we went out to create our own industry

There is NO mention of loss to our economy in current war on terror

The only Shiat we find in Pakistan studies books is

We are a 74% agricultural society , we make cotton (Kapas) and thsi and that .. we import it out ... we import this and export that ..

Gov has 5 year projects , and after these 5 year we will be developed nation :what:

Every freakin kid .... in DEBATES starts off with the same plagerized
poetic opening lines ..for Qaid E Azam

There is no debate on Ali Jinah his life , or his sacrifices as a man

Infact there is even no mention of how CIVIL gov is run

We have chapters (Mockery really) of what constitution is as you read its been changed 100 times ....

There is no mention of how Pakistan actually keeps functioning as nation

The Pakistan Studies is made into nothing more then a time pass that people memorize just for sake of getting the same old 75% mark which , we are told no one can get more then 70 in Pakistan studies , and when students ask we are told that is how the marks are allocated. Even if you write 100 pages in exams ...

Perhaps they fail to tell you that the reason Bachu you will not get 100/100 in Pakistan studies is becasue the Teacher who is marking knows the truth and he knows that what garbage we teach kids about our history is flase, rubish and lies.

In fact I clearly remember , 1 odd day one of our last days in school our Pakisan Studies teacher , spoke to our graduating class and he
said that day today I will teach you something that of course will not be in books , but this is something you have to learn and read more about and yeah he opened up on alot of REAL issues on our history
I feel that 1 day with that teacher we learned so much that we did not lean whole year and even the grades we got were irrelevant we all got our graduations but that 1 day with our Pak studies teacher stays with me now.

So I say we need more of Zaid Hamid becasue our books are censored and we don't have a culture of research /development

We lack in basic research capabilities in not just in science but in all phases of life .. we lack libraries and books that allow people to think critically

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may be he didn't get his last pay,so just showing his dissatisfaction by being silent.
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