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Zaid Hamid in Situation Room With Ayla Malik

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Common sense, if trucks loaded with american and indian wepons are comming from afghanistan than US army is definately hand in glove with indians. If certain number of trucks are captured than we should also assume many trucks have been unloaded into Pakistan as well.
I think terrorist armies are placed in all major cities and in december they will come out in streets and will start indiscriminate shooting of civilians.
At the northern front US is planning to send new reserve army on Balauchistan borders, instead of the usual pointed safe heaven areas, along FATA.
Indian regulars will be invading from SAWAT and US army in Balauchistan and TTP elements will keep pak army busy in FATA.
US drones will start indiscriminate bombing along Balauchistan border and our govt. will also send troops so there will be a great mess down in Balauchistan, NWFP and SAWAT.
US troops doing covert raids and using drones, Pak army resisting, TTP with complicity of traitors and RAW implants will leash hell in major cities, indian regulars will destroy villages of SAWAT and will carry out mass murders of men.
BLA leader Brahmdagh bugti will come to Pakistan with indian special forces in deep Balauchistan and will start similar terrorism on key installations.
Govt. of Pakistan has been advised by india to close all cantonments in Balauchistan so it will be a walk in park for Brahmdagh bugti to conquer deep Balauchistan.
At this stage indian army cheif will try to test his theory of limited war and that could be the turning point... either end of india or end of Pakistan.
Zardari will fly away in December for foreign visit and will never come back. or will be air lifted by US in January.
This is my analysis from the current affairs and news.
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It is also common sense if USA is spreading terrorism in Pakistan then break all relations with that country or least move then out. What is not common sense is that a country believes that another country is openly doing terrorism in their country but does nothing.

So if they are doing nothing will means either of the two.
1) They are saying something but they know the truth is not what they are saying.
2) They are not patriot, mind you in this case the blame cannot rest with just one person but entire government, PA and ISI. The reason is that if government knows it, PA and ISI knows it, and when PA can do a coup for one person then they can do it for country as well.
It is also common sense if USA is spreading terrorism in Pakistan then break all relations with that country or least move then out.
Where shall we leave?
its our compulsion to stay tackel foreign invasion!
If US wish to go home and send UN troops it will be welcome.

What is not common sense is that a country believes that another country is openly doing terrorism in their country but does nothing.
We have two choices to play RAW game directly or play RAW game via CIA.

So if they are doing nothing will means either of the two.
1) They are saying something but they know the truth is not what they are saying.
2) They are not patriot, mind you in this case the blame cannot rest with just one person but entire government, PA and ISI. The reason is that if government knows it, PA and ISI knows it, and when PA can do a coup for one person then they can do it for country as well.
Two words: 'Regime change' engineering and excution was completed with Musharraf's forced resignition.
Now the govt. is not working for Pakistan they are working for US interests.
Hussain Haqqani is one example, heading for guiness record in issuing tourist visas.
I forgot the Balck water's part..... in whole kiosk... senario.
They will have three prime tasks.
1- Kill as many army officers in and around Islamabad making sure pak army stand no chance to win multi directional assulat.
2- Kill all the their local agents, so they shall not be interogated by any time by any media or state security agencies. this will include various ministers working for them, various police and security officials working for them.
3- Secure nuclear sites.... recce has been completed they have plan and know the locations. i think Zardari have disclosed all to them and they have chalked out plan to counter our nuclear command and control.
This is why Zardari don't need the control any more.

I'm more worried about influx of indian trucks from wahga..... if Sharif have sense he should stop this.
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The Battle For Pakistan – by Stephen Brown

In his speech at West Point last week, President Obama indicated that no amount of extra troops would offset the Afghan Taliban’s ability to retreat and regroup in their Pakistani cross-border sanctuaries. Before his young audience, the president then went on to the equally important subject of al-Qaeda [1]. Referring to the terrorist organization’s presence in Pakistan’s rugged tribal areas, the American Commander-in-Chief told the military cadets “we cannot tolerate a safe haven for terrorists whose location is known and whose intentions are clear.”

On Monday, the New York Times reported what the United States intends to do about those terrorist safe havens. While the American surge in Afghanistan involves building a security environment that will allow American and NATO forces to disengage in 18 months, leaving behind an Afghan government the Taliban cannot overthrow, America’s strategy in Pakistan calls for the defeat and elimination of al Qaeda.

To this end, the Times reports that already a month before the West Point speech General James R. Jones, Obama’s national security advisor, delivered the Pakistanis “a blunt message,” telling them to become more aggressive in going after the Taliban and al Qaeda or the Americans would do it themselves.

“I think they read our intentions accurately,” a senior administration official told The Times.

America’s NATO allies also share her frustration concerning Pakistan’s continuing inability to deal with the Taliban/al Qaeda menace based on its territory. Almost all the terrorist plots directed against their countries, and against others around the world, have their roots in Pakistan’s tribal areas. Showing this frustration, British Prime Gordon Brown recently accused the Pakistani government of not doing enough to capture Osama bin Laden and Ayman al Zawahiri, telling the Pakistanis to “take out” the al Qaeda leaders.

“We have got to ask ourselves why, eight years after September 11, nobody has been able to spot or detain or get close to Osama bin Laden,” said Brown.

Showing his seriousness about going after al Qaeda in Pakistan, even before his appearance at West Point, Obama approved an expansion of drone attacks [2]. It is reported drones will now, for the first time, fly over the southern part of Pakistan’s Balochistan province. [3] This area contains Quetta, the provincial capital, where Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Omar is believed to be hiding with other leading Afghan Taliban and al Qaeda members.

Drones have been a very effective weapon against al Qaeda and the Taliban. Many valuable mid-level and senior commanders have been lost to the Hellfire missile [4], affecting the terrorist organizations’ level of operations. In the 50 drone strikes so far this year in Pakistan’s tribal areas, it is estimated about 400 enemy operatives have been killed.

Another unilateral action the administration is considering if the Pakistanis fail to measure up to expectations is a resumption of American Special Forces raids into Pakistan. These were halted after a covert cross border operation in 2008 became publicised, causing a backlash in Pakistani public opinion.

These new measures signal a new direction in the war that will most likely see the conflict shift substantially in the coming months from Afghanistan to Pakistan. Observers see this as the war’s next phase, since it makes no sense, they say, to pull out of Afghanistan, leaving al Qaeda undefeated. The objective of the 2001 Afghanistan invasion, after all, was to take away Osama bin Laden’s strategic base in the region, a mission that will only be accomplished when his Pakistani sanctuaries are eliminated.

Accordingly, American and NATO forces want the Pakistanis to launch offensives against the Taliban in North Waziristan [5], principally against the Haqqani network [6] that organizes attacks against allied soldiers in Afghanistan, and against the Taliban groups around Quetta. The Western forces are dissatisfied that Pakistan has not done so already. The Pakistani government, however, is reluctant to act, since it knows such military actions would unleash even more terrorist bombings than the country is currently experiencing.

Since October, about 400 people have died in terrorist attacks in Pakistan, for which the Pakistani Taliban has mostly taken credit. Spectacular bombings of mosques, markets and government buildings, designed to scare the civilian population, show the government’s weakness and pressure the authorities to call off its military offensive in Waziristan, have become almost a common occurrence. Three such bloody attacks took place last Monday and Tuesday alone.

It also does not help Pakistan’s image as a base for world terrorism when, in response to Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s accusation, Pakistani Prime Minister Youssef Gilani [7] denied that Osama bin Laden is even in his country.

“I doubt the information which you are giving is correct because I don’t think Osama bin Laden is in Pakistan,” said Gilani.

But one analyst believes it is only by putting such military pressure, as the Americans and NATO countries are advocating, on the Taliban that it will finally “divorce” itself from al Qaeda. In turn, this will make it much easier for both the American and Pakistani forces to destroy Osama bin Laden and his organization. If Pakistan refuses, however, to go along with this strategy, then one can expect some of the 30,000 American troops involved in the surge to be put to use not only in Afghanistan, but also against al Qaeda forces inside Pakistan, Pakistani sovereignty be damned.
President Obama said in his West Point speech the United States “must deny al Qaeda a safe haven.” To the president’s credit, it appears he firmly intends to carry out this resolution since he knows withdrawing from Afghanistan without having done so would constitute defeat.
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Where shall we leave?
its our compulsion to stay tackel foreign invasion!
If US wish to go home and send UN troops it will be welcome.

We have two choices to play RAW game directly or play RAW game via CIA.

Two words: 'Regime change' engineering and excution was completed with Musharraf's forced resignition.
Now the govt. is not working for Pakistan they are working for US interests.
Hussain Haqqani is one example, heading for guiness record in issuing tourist visas.

I am speechless, I have hardly seen people play both sides of game and in this forum it is 10 a day.

"chit bhi meri pat bhi meri anta mere bap ka".
Head and Tail both is mine since the coin belongs to my father.
Sink the country to save the Chair, right Mr. Prime Minister?
By Makhdoom Babar

Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani, while speaking on the floor of the National Assembly on Wednesday, made two startling announcements. He announced that he has ordered immediate end to the military operation that was launched to clear the Baluchistan province of all the militant and terrorist groups and to ensure the writ of the government. The Prime Minister also stated that he had further ordered that the troops of Pakistan Army be abruptly withdrawn from Baluchistan province. The Prime minister did not stop here but, running and extra mile, he announced that he had ordered to withdraw all the cases that were registered against all the militant Baluch leaders, including Brahamdagh Bugti, a certified terrorist and mastermind behind the suicide attacks in Pakistan and killing and targeting of Chinese engineers in different parts of the country, particularly in Baluchistan province and is very well known for operating as the prime operative of Indian intelligence agency RAW while being based at Indian Consulates in Afghanistan. The Prime Minister’s decision will also give a clean chit and operational freedom to a number of militants and separatists and terrorists, belonging to Baluchistan based terror organizations like BLA, BSO etc. These decisions that the Prime Minister announced on the floor of the House, were apparently in continuation of Islamabad’s efforts to address the grievances of the people of Baluchistan and in addition to the already announced package of the federal government for Baluchistan.
It remains a fact here that the Gilani government is suffering from a great turmoil. If, on one side, it has failed to address the sugar crisis, the flour crisis, the power crisis etc, then on the other side, it is under immense pressure in handling the constantly deteriorating law and order situation and terrorism in the country. Furthermore, the prevailing political scenario after the expiry of NRO has also pushed the Gilani government towards a dark corner and thus, the Premier has started making decisions that could help him save his Chair at the Prime Minister’s Secretariat. After receiving certain signals regarding jeopardy to his government, the Prime Minister had already postponed the downsizing or re-shuffling of his cabinet, despite the fact that a number of his cabinet members were standing out exposed for highest levels of corruption and other wrongdoings. To strengthen his chair, he had already reached out to the opposition leaders and extended them a variety of friendly gestures.
The Daily Mail has no objections of Prime minister’s being friendly with opposition leaders or his efforts to strengthen his government’s position through political manoeuvres. However, The Daily Mail has very strong reservations over decisions that are taken in isolation and that bring abrupt end to military operations and that eliminate cases against absconding terrorists and militants and allow them to operate freely once again.
The Daily Mail argues that how can the Prime Minister bring an abrupt end to a military operation in any part of the country without consulting the military leadership? How can such operations be suddenly aborted without asking the operators as to how much gains have then made and how much more time they need to complete the operation? The Daily Mail questions that how come the Prime minister would proudly be announcing the orders of withdrawal of troops of Pakistan Army from one province of Pakistan? Were the troops operating in Baluchistan of Afghanistan Army or that of the Indian Army? Why such orders have been given as a friendly gesture to Baluch leaders? Why Pakistani army should not be allowed to stay in one very own province of Pakistan? Is it an indication that the Gilani government has given a green signal to the separatist Baluch leaders by pulling out Pakistan Army from there?
The Daily Mail questions that how dare the Prime Minister announces eliminating cases against all the absconding Baluch militant leaders while on the other hand his government is fighting a huge war against the militants? The Daily Mail pleads that who allows the prime Minister that he should evaporate all the cases and charges against the terrorists and separatists like Brahamdagh Bugti who is across the world known for his anti-Pakistan adventures and for exporting terrorism to Pakistan from Afghanistan with the connivance of his brothers in Indian intelligence agency RAW and Afghan Intelligence. The Daily Mail insists that pardoning of terrorists and separatists like Brahamdagh Bugti and allowing them to operate freely in the country would do nothing but destroy and sink the country. The Baluch leaders that are patronizing terrorist organizations like Baluchistan Liberation Army are by no means friends of Pakistan or even the citizens of Pakistan. Removing criminal charges against them is by no means a political gesture or a gift to the people of Baluchistan. The Daily Mail very strongly believes that such decisions have no farsightedness but are being taken just with the spirit of Sink the country but Save the Chair, if you have to. Please refrain from such steps Mr. Prime Minister, please revisit your decisions or history would never forgive you.
I am speechless, I have hardly seen people play both sides of game and in this forum it is 10 a day.

"chit bhi meri pat bhi meri anta mere bap ka".
Head and Tail both is mine since the coin belongs to my father.

Than keep quite...... and don't visit a forum which you can't stand.
Batman, which december are you talking about? 'Indiscriminate shootings of civilians'? THIS December or next december???
Than keep quite...... and don't visit a forum which you can't stand.

I can very well stand this forum. It appears that you are resorting to insults when you cannot counter with arguments.
Zaid Hamid is Pakistan's version of Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh
The closing statement from dr. Zaheer was inspirational. Unfortunately for pak, people like ZH will steal the show. 
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