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Zaid Hamid busted!

The Afghanis them selves are to be blamed as well--

Yes, without a doubt. By mentioning the wrong doings of others in Afghanistan doesnt mean we should wash our own hands clean as we have no role in our own destruction.
90% of the blame for the troubles in Afghanistn goes to the Afghans themselves. Afghans have to accept this reality and move on.
90% of the blame for the troubles in Afghanistn goes to the Afghans themselves. Afghans have to accept this reality and move on.

I think you are trying to wash foreigners hands clean as if they dont have a role in our bad day. if we divide the remaining 10% of the blame on many foreign countries, that will mean that all of these countries are nothing but angels with regards to afghans situations. When i say we also to be blamed i mean our scum bag political parties and so called leaders, but not our public. we were poor country, we didnt have money, we didnt have weapons, amunitions etc, but despite all the problems our lives were OK. These foreigners gave weapons and money to their slaves to destroy afghanistan. foreigners are the main culprits in this show, they are directly responsible for what we have today.
I think you are trying to wash foreigners hands clean as if they dont have a role in our bad day. if we divide the remaining 10% of the blame on many foreign countries, that will mean that all of these countries are nothing but angels with regards to afghans situations. When i say we also to be blamed i mean our scum bag political parties and so called leaders, but not our public. we were poor country, we didnt have money, we didnt have weapons, amunitions etc, but despite all the problems our lives were OK. These foreigners gave weapons and money to their slaves to destroy afghanistan. foreigners are the main culprits in this show, they are directly responsible for what we have today.

If aghanistanis could shift Islam from their hearts to their brain i think many problems will be solved. That also goes for Pakistanis.
Guys can we get back to real discussion! Its about the pathological lair zaid hamid.
about zaid hamid i dont know,he IS very confusing at times...but he has quoted references like shah nimatullah and his predictions about the future of pakistan and the fall of delhi in chronological order.
Zaid Hamid is the true patriot of Pakistan. I love his speech.
about zaid hamid i dont know,he IS very confusing at times...but he has quoted references like shah nimatullah and his predictions about the future of pakistan and the fall of delhi in chronological order.
Shah Nimatullah? great. a ismaili... Zaid Hamid had links with yousf kazzab and other non islamic sects. Now it is also confirmed that he also admires ismailis.
Fall of delhi? Thats exactly what this scum bag CIA agent Zaid Hamid wants pakistanis to think and have them live in denial and confusion. Does Zaid hamid also talks about what Prophet Mohammed PBUH says about Muslims? Does Zaid Hamid talks about Illuminatis Freemasons and Jinnah's links with Freemasons and the fact that Freemasonary was operational until 1970 and today it is probably underground.

This idiot is about to be exposed really badly.
Thats exactly what this scum bag CIA agent Zaid Hamid wants pakistanis to think and have them live in denial and confusion. Does Zaid hamid also talks about what Prophet Mohammed PBUH says about Muslims? Does Zaid Hamid talks about Illuminatis Freemasons and Jinnah's links with Freemasons and the fact that Freemasonary was operational until 1970 and today it is probably underground.

This idiot is about to be exposed really badly.
jinnah's links with freemasons?pakistan as a freemasonic zionist conspiracy?
i mean im out of words seriously!!!!!
well quaid e azam did accept pir jamat ali shah as his mentor and also allama iqbal as his mentor about freemasons im not sure.
on the whole im not too sure about freemasonry i mean is it really there?i saw this one documentry the arrivals it talks about world being taken over by unseen forces of evil,i mean depressing stuff seriously!
Taliban didn't destroy opium ?? -- Check out UNODC drug reports for 2007

ISAF actually restored the production and farming.

As for tools - Taleban initially got US assistance but they went their separate ways.

actual tool is Al-Qaeda (google T.i.m O.s.m.a.n) -- US trained -- US assistance -- They also magically pop-up in countries that US wants to worsen relations with.

Taliban didn't need opium for money, they had other possible sources (I may not agree with many of them though).

As for treatment for prisoners, well, yeah i got facts wrong. The person who was released unconditionally happened to be a journalist (i'll find out the name eventuslly) and turned Muslim.
An illiterate person should not be left wandering this dangerous world!
But who are illiterate Soviets or the Talibans. Look here being nonMuslim dont make you illiterate & also being Muslim don't make you literate or a Fatwa publishing escort
Shah Nimatullah? great. a ismaili...

Prove it.

Zaid Hamid had links with yousf kazzab and other non islamic sects.

That Yusuf issue has been clarified a thousand times, if you are still blind, watch this, YouTube - Zaid Hamid's Clarification - Accepted by Ulema Ulema e Ahl e Sunnat have accepted his clarification months ago.

Now it is also confirmed that he also admires ismailis.

How so?

Fall of delhi? Thats exactly what this scum bag CIA agent Zaid Hamid wants pakistanis to think and have them live in denial and confusion.

Zaid Hamid talks about conquest of India on the basis of Hadith of Ghazwa e Hind.

It is mentiond in Sahih Sunan Nisai, hadith 3173:

(3173 سنن النسائي)
أخبرنا أحمد بن عثمان بن حكيم قال حدثنا زكريا بن عدي قال حدثنا عبيد الله بن عمرو عن زيد بن أبي أنيسة عن سيار ح قال وأنبأنا هشيم عن سيار عن جبر بن عبيدة وقال عبيد الله عن جبير عن أبي هريرة قال وعدنا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم غزوة الهند فإن أدركتها أنفق فيها نفسي ومالي فإن أقتل كنت من أفضل الشهداء وإن أرجع فأنا أبو هريرة المحرر .

"A group of you will conquer India, Allah will open for them [India] until they come with its kings chained - Allah having forgiven their sins - when they return back [from India], they will find Ibn Maryam in Syria." [Na'im b. Hammad in al-Fitan reports from Abu Hurairah]

Thawban reported that the messenger of Allah (saw) said: "Two groups of my ummah Allah has protected from the Hellfire: a group that will conquer India and a group that will be with 'Isa ibnu Maryam." [Ahmad and An-Nisa'i]

In relation to the hadith on the kings being chained and Isa (as)
Abu Hurayra said to this: 'The Messenger (saw) promised us the conquest of India. If I was to come across that I will spend my soul and my wealth. If I am killed then I am among the best of martyrs, and if I return then I am Abu Hurayra the freed' [Ahmad, An-Nisa'i, Al-Hakim]

Does Zaid hamid also talks about what Prophet Mohammed PBUH says about Muslims?


Does Zaid Hamid talks about Illuminatis Freemasons

YES, watch Brasstacks' Economic Terrorism series.

and Jinnah's links with Freemasons

Shut up!

This idiot is about to be exposed really badly.

lol okay, carry on with your exposition stuff, I remember Alm e Majlis e Tahaffaz e Khatm e Nabuwwat Mullahs were on fire last year, they also talked like you, guess what? Their cyber exposition was itself exposed by Brasstacks team lol I still remember how stiff resistance Mullahs gave to ZH but see now they are QUITE like mice :P

You can carry on your senseless stuff but believe me this will not effect ANYONE or anything. Those who support him will keep supporting and those who oppse him will keep opposing.
Zaid Hamid talks about conquest of India on the basis of Hadith of Ghazwa e Hind

It sounds just as dumb to us as Akhand Bharat to you guys. Dont listen to idiots like this guy man.
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