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Featured Zaheer Ahmad Babar appointed new Chief of Pakistan Air Force

its been years that a Airchief has flown an F-16 themselves on 23rs March, they ride on the back seat of a dual seater
Last time was in 2008
One thing that nobody has asked so far is, as the new ACM is mirage guy, will he still lead the flypast on 23rd in an F-16? Has he ever flown an F-16?
A number of air chiefs have sat in the back seat of the F-16 during fly pasts whether they have been rated on the Viper or not. Very few have sat in the front.
...like he takes a bath with radar-absorbant paint, has an RCS of <1 mm, walks using nap-of-the-earth tactics.....
What I meant was that he didn't just stuck to his job, gave it more than a 100% (not that others don't) and did not get on the wrong side of anyone.

I'm not hinting at anyone in particular - but maybe he wasn't the 'sucking up to higher up' type either.
What I meant was that he didn't just stuck to his job, gave it more than a 100% (not that others don't) and did not get on the wrong side of anyone.

I'm not hinting at anyone in particular - but maybe he wasn't the 'sucking up to higher up' type either.
aray mazaq tha bhai, mazaq tha...
Shooting down Indian jets and crossing the border and doing multiple airstrikes the next day would damage our international reputation. 27 Feb 2019 is special because it marked the day the international community took us seriously, saw through Indian propaganda and understood our position as a victim of unprovoked aggression (while also realising that we had the full capability to respond and escalate.)
I would disagree respectfully. The fact remains these IAF fighters intruded into our air space and dropped some bombs with the intention of causing death to civilians. It would have been a very legitimate excuse to take them down. The international media exercise and narrative build up could still have been manipulated so we appear to be victims. However, if that was a fault it could have been costly if the bombs had hit the seminary.
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Already seen a pic or two posted by @Windjammer on the Block-52 flying over ISB for the Parade.

Just wondering, shouldn't it be time the new ACM flew in the JF-17B (Dual-seater)?

Its operational and has been flying with atleast 2 Squadrons, so why hesitation?
Might be unrelated question but do we have any practice of extension in Air force chief ? Like any previous chief got extension ? ...
Good luck and congratulation to new Air chief ..
Dear, very strict procedures are already in place to avoid such an event....there is a standard buffer zone of X kms on both sides of the border which no airforce jet is supposed to EVEN APPROACH....thats how both sides avoid such shoot downs.

Problem is the standard buffer zone was crossed that night and no response was shown from our side which only showed the limitations in our doctrine. Many people say that the Indian violation was only for a few kilometres but from what I've heard from people having knowledge of things that was not the case. What was the CAP doing when the buffer zone was crossed and why weren't any missiles fired especially when the clearance was always there from the government.

27 February was nothing more than a small tactical victory and honestly speaking we shouldn't be over celebrating it like this keeping in mind the failures of 26th February.
Problem is the standard buffer zone was crossed that night and no response was shown from our side which only showed the limitations in our doctrine. Many people say that the Indian violation was only for a few kilometres but from what I've heard from people having knowledge of things that was not the case. What was the CAP doing when the buffer zone was crossed and why weren't any missiles fired especially when the clearance was always there from the government.

27 February was nothing more than a small tactical victory and honestly speaking we shouldn't be over celebrating it like this keeping in mind the failures of 26th February.
CAPs were doing their job as directed. And an actual violation of a few kms would have actually yielded another story.

If 27th Feb never happened, country's morale would have been an all-time lower than its current point of no return. The bullying would have continued.....
If 27th Feb never happened, country's morale would have been an all-time lower than its current point of no return. The bullying would have continued.....

I'm not saying it shouldn't have happened, my point is a response should have been given on the night of 26th especially when the buffer zone was crossed and the clearance was already there. We have been clapping our hands ever since then but no one has ever thought of the failures of 26th February. Every time we over celebrate a small achievement,we are basically brushing our failure under the carpet.
27 February was nothing more than a small tactical victory and honestly speaking we shouldn't be over celebrating it like this keeping in mind the failures of 26th February.
Remember, if the Indians actually caused some damage, then we would've shot down all 9 jets locked and destroyed every one of the six ground targets including the one their COAS was in. I hope PAF has learned their lesson from 26th Feb and will be prepared to repel such incursions in the future though, especially considering Indians have long range SOWs which they could use to strike deep into our relatively narrow territory.
I'm not saying it shouldn't have happened, my point is a response should have been given on the night of 26th especially when the buffer zone was crossed and the clearance was already there. We have been clapping our hand ever since then but no one has ever thought of the failures of 26th February. Every time we over celebrate a small achievement,we are basically brushing our failure under the carpet.
A causality without cause. Should have, would have responses. Outside AHQ, I guess most will never know. I do agree in a way with the point you made.
CAPs were doing their job as directed. And an actual violation of a few kms would have actually yielded another story.

If 27th Feb never happened, country's morale would have been an all-time lower than its current point of no return. The bullying would have continued.....

I remember everyone in my office on that day was asking for ACM's resignation. Morale was extremely low until the next morning.
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