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Your views about Invasions of India

Sure. They make us cautious. We learn lessons from history.

And we pay back what we can, when we can, in our own way.

Such as making white people servants in the Indian superpower video.
Then i dont understand the hinduvata philosophy and their bigotry for Indian Muslims their own race who often bash them for adopting the religion of inavders

and when has that affected foreign policy? Inner hardlinism is something every state sees, including yours.
Islamic Invasions of india brought superior civilization, culture, and values to the land. They were a good thing, in the hindsight.

British colonialism was exploitative and disastrous. Unlike Muslim rules, Brits never saw india as "their" home. They just saw it as a girl to be r@ped brutally. While Islamic leaders saw india as their home..their only home. And did alot for its progress.

I believe both Islamic and British invasions have been beneficial for India. Brought new ideas, food, culture, trade, arts, technology, better administration, better infrastructure and a long list of other things.

The ugly thing about invasions is the death of innocent masses. That's the cost to be paid to reap the benefits later on.
very little impact on current policies. Current day govt of Iran for instance has nothing in common with Persians of yore. Our interests are dicated basis natural gas requirements there. Same with Afghanistan etc.

Was referring more to the Brits and their ilk. Especially their offspring, the Yanks.
Sure. They make us cautious. We learn lessons from history.

And we pay back what we can, when we can, in our own way.

can you click reply and say about Robin Lawly. asshole has keept me on ignore.
To Hindus, the one positive invasion is the Aryan invasion as it brought caste system and enrich Hinduism and Vedic tradition to India. So I believe their favorite invasion is the Aryan invasion. After that, the British as they created India, gifted Indians English and created democracy. There would be no Indian nation today without the British.
So you are giving credit to British for Indians speaking good English and wearing patloon tie :D
can you click reply and say about Robin Lawly. asshole has keept me on ignore.

I'm ignoring the azzhole.
I believe both Islamic and British invasions have been beneficial for India. Brought new ideas, food, culture, trade, arts, technology, better administration, better infrastructure and a long list of other things.

The ugly thing about invasions is the death of innocent masses. That's the cost to be paid to reap the benefits later on.

most Islamic rulers except those that came later were @ssholes. Opium addicted Jehangir and spendthrift Shah Jehan weren't great additios or administrators. Fine art was flourishing here long before invaders came in.
Sure. They make us cautious. We learn lessons from history.

And we pay back what we can, when we can, in our own way.
rebuilding Afghanistan is the pay back :)

I believe both Islamic and British invasions have been beneficial for India. Brought new ideas, food, culture, trade, arts, technology, better administration, better infrastructure and a long list of other things.

The ugly thing about invasions is the death of innocent masses. That's the cost to be paid to reap the benefits later on.
Ahmad shah abadali and sher shah suri was not that bad i guess
Is it true that portuguese destroyedmany temples?..Your historians dont have good view of nader shah and taimur .what was their race?
Dude personally I am least bothered for what happened hundreds of years ago but its not about our historians its about facts, and the fact is both nader shah(Turco Persian) and timur(Turco mongol) were barbarians driven by their animalistic bloodlust. what Pakistanis think about them? as far as I know they were instrumental in paralyzing Islamic dynasties tughlaks and the Mughals. I know for a fact that most Pakistanis think they are the successors of the sultanate and the mughals so u guys must be hating them right? or its all fair and lovely when muslims killing muslims?

And yes the Portuguese committed countless atrocities in goa and northern sri lanka.
So you are giving credit to British for Indians speaking good English and wearing patloon tie :D

Indians adore the British more than the Brits require of them. Servants mentality will never change.
most Islamic rulers except those that came later were @ssholes. Opium addicted Jehangir and spendthrift Shah Jehan weren't great additios or administrators. Fine art was flourishing here long before invaders came in.

Nowadays India's ancient past is glorified with animations and CGI graphics, carefully crafted revisionist history books and the absurd right-wing rhetoric on Vedic science.

But the reality is far form it. The invaders must have been shocked by the people and their culture when they arrived. A fragment of the original local culture still exists in certain parts of India, this should give you an idea:

Cannibal monks:

Incredible images show life of India's cannibal Aghori tribe | Daily Mail Online

Nowadays India's ancient past is glorified with animations and CGI graphics, carefully crafted revisionist history books and the absurd right-wing rhetoric on Vedic science.

But the reality is far form it. The invaders must have been shocked by the people and their culture when they arrived. A fragment of the original local culture still exists in certain parts of India, this should give you an idea:

Cannibal monks:

Incredible images show life of India's cannibal Aghori tribe | Daily Mail Online

Nowadays no one needs CGI to show what Islam is being associated with by their self professed standard bearers. Tell me if you superior cuture was shown by 7 days massacres by Timur, is it different today?

Islamic State leader Baghdadi 'raped Kayla Mueller' - BBC News
Dude personally I am least bothered for what happened hundreds of years ago but its not about our historians its about facts, and the fact is both nader shah(Turco Persian) and timur(Turco mongol) were barbarians driven by their animalistic bloodlust. what Pakistanis think about them? as far as I know they were instrumental in paralyzing Islamic dynasties tughlaks and the Mughals. I know for a fact that most Pakistanis think they are the successors of the sultanate and the mughals so u guys must be hating them right? or its all fair and lovely when muslims killing muslims?

And yes the Portuguese committed countless atrocities in goa and northern sri lanka.
Dude you are like me if you dont care what happened century ago and live in reality of present world. I started this topic for two reasons

Most Indians of dharmic faiths have friendly relationship with countries or people where these invaders came from but they keep hate and bigotry for their own race because they are following the religion Islam. Its like you are brother of actual criminals and taking his revenge from your own race because they share same religion and are in minority in your country so thats bit twisted logic which i could not comprehend but at the same time i wanted to know the opinion of Indiand about them whether they paint everyone with same brush.
Nowadays no one needs CGI to show what Islam is being associated with by their self professed standard bearers. Tell me if you superior cuture was shown by 7 days massacres by Timur, is it different today?

Islamic State leader Baghdadi 'raped Kayla Mueller' - BBC News

Bud, we don't glorify Timur. Timur does not represent our civilization. He glorified Genghis Khan, the man who destroyed the Islamic golden age. Timur only used Islamic for political gains.

I'm no fan of the crazy mofos called ISIS. Ask Wahabbi-Salafi forumers to defend them. ;p
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