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Your views about Invasions of India

You have forgotten all key parts of Indian history-
all commissions came after much political protests by Indian leaders and when they came (like simon commisio) they were a joke. Their idea of administration was lord over a bunch of maharajas.
Oh bhi meri post ka answer karoo. Why you are posting irrelevant stuffs. If you consider all inavsion as evil who bring nothing but destruction for great incredible Indian civilisation then make me understand your good relationship with Arab ,persians central aisan and afghan
answer my questions then in OP

History is 'as is'. As of 1947 the Indian constitution and foundation of the Indian state the principles of secular existence without regard to past has been agreed upon. Having said that I'm in no mood for specious and stupid arguments like 'superior culture' etc. came in through the invasions.
Islamic Invasions of india brought superior civilization, culture, and values to the land. They were a good thing, in the hindsight.

British colonialism was exploitative and disastrous. Unlike Muslim rules, Brits never saw india as "their" home. They just saw it as a girl to be r@ped brutally. While Islamic leaders saw india as their home..their only home. And did alot for its progress.

Both evil but British at least built some infrastructure while Islamic hordes where completely barbaric destroyed universities like Nalanda and countless temples.. what positive you see in that? we wont forget it and as the power divide grows jst buckle up and watch us regain our area of influence
Oh bhi meri post ka answer karoo. Why you are posting irrelevant stuffs. If you consider all inavsion as evil who bring nothing but destruction for great incredible Indian civilisation then make me understand your good relationship with Arab ,persians central aisan and afghan

Anything good from other civilizations could have diffused through trade the way it does for almost all civlizations. You don't need murderous invaders for that.
Anything good from other civilizations could have diffused through trade the way it does for almost all civlizations. You don't need murderous invaders for that.
again no to the point answer but ahein bahein shahein |:D
abbey tera queston kya hai? I've answered it as far as I know.
Do Indians( especially those belong to dharmic faith) views all invaders or invasions in negative light? If that's the case then why they dont keep any enmity towards the countries where these invaders came from. I am referring to Invaders with Persian, arab, turks, Afghan, Mughals, British, Portuguese origin etc


But you keep this enmity for some peopel of your own race who are Muslim now and you blame them for crimes of these invaders belong to others races ..Thats what surprise me that India/Indians enjoying political alliances and relationship with those coutures who invaded India in past whther iran/persia or afghan and blaming your own race because they share same religion with them
History of invasion of India is complex and there might be different opinions of any positive or negative impact of all these invasions of India in past. It was certainly not as hinduvata interpret that Indians were all one people and suddenly all Islamic invaders came and destroyed everything. Some of these invasion brought new ideas and substantially enriched Indian culture and had its impact on art, architecture,language, music, dresses, food etc.

Do Indians( especially those belong to dharmic faith) views all invaders or invasions in negative light? If that's the case then why they dont keep any enmity towards the countries where these invaders came from. I am referring to Invaders with Persian, arab, turks, Afghan, Mughals, British, Portuguese origin etc . what do you think which race of invaders were more cruel toward India or Indians?

The job of invaders is to invade. Your job is to repel.

If you are weak, you get invaded, occupied. Once you are strong again, you drive them out. Keep what you want of what they left behind, discard the rest.

It is impossible to keep long grudges, even if the memories do not die.

I hear a plaintive "why us" in your OP. Masked under the "why not them."

Well, you were not the invader. With you sir, it is personal.

Besides the fact that you are still around.
The job of invaders is to invade. Your job is to repel.

If you are weak, you get invaded, occupied. Once you are strong again, you drive them out. Keep what you want of what they left behind, discard the rest.

It is impossible to keep long grudges, even if the memories do not die.

I hear a plaintive "why us" in your OP.

Well, you were not the invader. With you sir, it is personal.
Did those invaders changed your views or policies towards country or race of their origin?
Do Indians( especially those belong to dharmic faith) views all invaders or invasions in negative light? If that's the case then why they dont keep any enmity towards the countries where these invaders came from. I am referring to Invaders with Persian, arab, turks, Afghan, Mughals, British, Portuguese origin etc


no, history is 'as is' so today no great enmity to the people whose ancestors did stuff 100s of years ago.

Do those invaders changed your views or policies towards country or race of their origin?

Our policies are based on realpolitick of current time, not basis what happened before.

To Hindus, the one positive invasion is the Aryan invasion as it brought caste system and enrich Hinduism and Vedic tradition to India. So I believe their favorite invasion is the Aryan invasion. After that, the British as they created India, gifted Indians English and created democracy. There would be no Indian nation today without the British.

ch*iya aa jata hai every time there is a thread on India.
History of invasion of India is complex and there might be different opinions of any positive or negative impact of all these invasions of India in past. It was certainly not as hinduvata interpret that Indians were all one people and suddenly all Islamic invaders came and destroyed everything. Some of these invasion brought new ideas and substantially enriched Indian culture and had its impact on art, architecture,language, music, dresses, food etc.

Do Indians( especially those belong to dharmic faith) views all invaders or invasions in negative light? If that's the case then why they dont keep any enmity towards the countries where these invaders came from. I am referring to Invaders with Persian, arab, turks, Afghan, Mughals, British, Portuguese origin etc . what do you think which race of invaders were more cruel toward India or Indians?

To Hindus, the one positive invasion is the Aryan invasion as it brought caste system and enrich Hinduism and Vedic tradition to India. So I believe their favorite invasion is the Aryan invasion. After that, the British as they created India, gifted Indians English and created democracy. There would be no Indian nation today without the British.
no, history is 'as is' so today no great enmity to the people whose ancestors did stuff 100s of years ago.
Then i dont understand the hinduvata philosophy and their bigotry for Indian Muslims their own race who often bash them for adopting the religion of inavders
I do not agree with you.

Between the two, if one would have to critically dissect from which of the two the Indian civilization actually gained something, it was the British and not the Muslim.

I agree, The British created India. That is a big contribution.
Sure. They make us cautious. We learn lessons from history.

And we pay back what we can, when we can, in our own way.

very little impact on current policies. Current day govt of Iran for instance has nothing in common with Persians of yore. Our interests are dicated basis natural gas requirements there. Same with Afghanistan etc.
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