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Your school years

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my exams are now over so here are my school years
1) I joined OPF Boys College at the age of 4 in Pre Nursery
2) Did my Pre Nursery to A Levels in OPF boys College
3) studied 14 years of my life in an all boys school i.e OPF Boys college, made many friends, had shughal mela, dared my principal to expel me
4) now i am in Uni, so i am 19 now and i have only changed two institutions...........
To me School is the biggest waste of time, 10 to 11 years of physical & mental punishment for what ?
Reading, writing or adding & multiplying..
But at the same time was tremendous fun aswell from an English medium in Rawalpindi to a Danda Sota or ( Khoti ) school in Gujrat. The last two years were really amazing.
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