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your favorite picture of Quaid-e-azam

I love them all but I am really sad that this man worked so hard for us and what have we done to our beloved land. We need to get our acts right and start making positive changes. Let's stop the blame game and first change ourselves INSHALLAH we will see success soon.
I love them all but I am really sad that this man worked so hard for us and what have we done to our beloved land. We need to get our acts right and start making positive changes. Let's stop the blame game and first change ourselves INSHALLAH we will see success soon.

Not only him but freemasons as well.




A rose is a rose, from whatever angle you look at it. He was a gem of a person. The difference between Pakistan to be or not to be.
OP has a strong hatred for Quaid e Azam. He was insulting Quaid e Azam in another thread where he claimed he's a freemason.
Not only him but freemasons as well.

You are not a myth buster but creator.

Anee Besant was interested Freemasonary not for some secret plan to defeat your religion but to promote the equality of women , secularism and for humanitarian causes. That was why Jinnah admired her. I hope you would have problem with it.
mannn....he was damn sexy !! no wonder why the attitude lady Ratti(mariyam) fell for his charms !! no one could say no to him,
You are not a myth buster but creator.

Anee Besant was interested Freemasonary not for some secret plan to defeat your religion but to promote the equality of women , secularism and for humanitarian causes. That was why Jinnah admired her. I hope you would have problem with it.

Interested in Freemasonary? SHE WAS A FREEMASON! Co-Freemasonry is a form of Freemasonary where both Men and Women are admitted. I believe you dont know anything about freemasonary.. you probably did a quick wikipedia search and made a above ridiculous comment.
Witch Craft, Satanism, worship of many gods etc are just few example of rituals performed in freemasonary which are totally against ISLAM.
And just to let you know Islam (not the Islam that you watch in your Tele) has its own rights for women and we dont need annie besant to know the rights of women. Secular Jinnah said : You may belong to any religion or caste or creed that has nothing to do with the business of the State. This statement alone is against Islam.
goosebumps ........... It seems I m not big hearted, I still cant digest he seperated from his motherland. My point of view is from normal citizens angle, not hindu muslim. PICs of him with Gandhi, historic places in India have too much emotion one can handle.

I hate India alot, I m not blind patriot. But I will never go as far so that I wont be able to come back to mitti (soil) I was born.
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